Chapter 121: Overtime

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:29:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When it was time for the end of the shift, Oda Feitsugu and Kato Rumiko walked out of the doors of Hard Gold Capital together. As soon as they walked to the elevator entrance to wait for the elevator, they encountered an employee from the next company who was also off-duty and waiting for the elevator there.

Rumiko Kato deliberately turned towards Oda Feitsugu and said with more than a playful smile, “Team Leader, I really want to work more overtime. However, there’s just no overtime. Is our company about to go bankrupt and close down?”

As soon as Oda Fei Toru heard her words he instantly realized where they were pointing. Turning sideways to come face-to-face with his subordinate, he said, “Even companies that work a lot of overtime don’t do as well as our company. Our company went bankrupt and closed down, how do I not know?”

“I’ve heard that in a short time, this floor will be the office area of our Hard Gold Capital Corporation.” Rumiko Kato said in a triumphantly extraordinary manner.

“Not only will this floor be our Hard Gold Capital Company’s office area? We’re also going to establish a second overseas office in San Francisco, USA.

Once this business expands, we’ll have to recruit a lot of people in again.” Oda Feitsugu and Kato Rumiko sang in unison, saying in tacit agreement.

“I’ve heard again that you’re in the group leader’s list of candidates to be interviewed for this recruitment. You’ll have to work hard again. You might even have to work overtime.” Rumiko Kato said the word “overtime” extra loud in a staccato manner.

“It’s a good thing to have overtime, it shows that our Hard Gold Capital Company is flourishing like the rising sun. If we don’t have overtime, or if we don’t even have the chance to work at all, then we must be very anxious in our hearts.” Oda Fei Tori vented his long pent-up dissatisfaction with the people of the company next door, saying.

“By the way, Team Leader, I’ve been in the company for a while now? What exactly does our company do? It’s not a loan shark under the banner and guise of an investment company, is it?” Rumiko Kato had been intentionally saying these words to the people in the company next door.

“Who says we’re loan sharks under the guise of an investment company? Nonsense. We’re clearly doing foreign trade under a banner and guise.” Ota Flycatcher sneered.

“Oh …… thanks to the group leader for pointing it out, it turns out that our company isn’t lending money to loan sharks under a banner and guise, but rather, it’s doing foreign trade business.” Kato Rumiko also followed suit and pointed up and said.

“Today, let’s go have a good meal to celebrate.” Ota Feijiao smiled and said.

“Celebrate what?” Ota Fei Tori feigned a look of ignorance, all but singing along with the other party.

“Just celebrating the fact that instead of going bankrupt and closing down, our company is getting better and better.” Ota Fei Tori poked through the last layer of windowpaper that was as thin as cicada wings.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Oda Fei Tori and Kato Rumiko walked straight in with their heads held high and their feet moving, but they did not see the personnel from the next company come in.

“If you don’t come in, I’m going to close the door.” Kato Rumiko rushed to the other people who were still standing outside the elevator and said with a meaningful smile.

After saying that, they remained indifferent. So, her right index finger went to tap the elevator’s door closing button, and she also said with a deliberate smile, “Close the door.”

As soon as the elevator door closed, not only did Ota Fei Toru and Kato Rumiko let out loud laughter, but also the other employees of Hard Gold Capital Corporation let out loud laughter as well.

Rumiko Kato laughed so hard that her face turned red and both sides of her ribs ached, bending her hands left and right to cover them as she laughed, “It’s just too out of breath.”

“Kato, you put on a good show just now!” Otaichan said as he gave her a thumbs up.

“Team leader, you performed even better. I was just doing my best to match your performance.” Rumiko Kato said as she gave two thumbs up towards her.

The elevator reached the first floor and the doors opened. Their group was coming out from it one after another.

“Come on, let’s really just go and celebrate properly.” Oda Feiqiao tentatively suggested.

“Okay, okay, let’s go celebrate the fact that the company next door is about to go bankrupt and close down.” Kato Rumiko first made a response saying.

The others followed suit and responded. For them, it wasn’t really because they were forced to do so, but because they genuinely wanted to have a big celebration as well.

After all, in the past, they had been subjected to more or less the same kind of cynicism from the people at the company next door. Hard Gold Capital was obviously a legitimate company, but on the other side, it had become an irregular company under the cloak of legitimacy, doing business as either a loan shark or something strange and unseemly.

While Rumiko Kato took the initiative to take one of the group leader’s arms and walk forward, she asked in a purposeful manner, “Is the number of personnel to be recruited next time going to be more than the last time we were recruited in?”

“In theory it is. The president has instructed us to stick to the principle of preferring the lack of talent over the abundance of talent. On top of that, the quality of the personnel will have to be strictly controlled, and the threshold will be raised significantly.” Oda Feiqi said truthfully.

“In that case, I was quite lucky to have gotten into our company in the first place.” Rumiko Kato already had a share of pride that she should have as a senior and said.

“Isn’t that so? According to me, it’s not just this recruitment that’s about to open, but as our company grows stronger, it’s getting harder and harder to get into our company.” Oda Fidgetti foretold.

“Do you think any of the people from the company next door will come to our company to seek employment?” Rumiko Kato said with interest.

“Who knows? It’s not guaranteed that someone will actually come.” Oda Feijao was a person from the past. The reason why he himself had sought employment at Hard Gold Capital Corporation in the first place was not because he was unemployed.

As a local outsider who went up to the capital to fight for a job, the biggest fear was unemployment, after all, every day personal expenses were incurred. Even if you don’t eat or drink for a day, there will still be a day’s rent.

She did not think too much at first, first find a job and live. Once a person reaches a difficult situation, they will not have the idea of picking and choosing, and will only lower their requirements again and again.

“In the beginning, I entered our company by mistake. Nowadays, our company is really, really good.” Rumiko Kato said with great emotion.

She paused here, and with a pleasing smile, she added, “Team Leader, when will I be able to become an official member of our company like you?”

“If you want to become an official member of the company, you still have to work harder. If you are surpassed by future juniors, it will not only be a disgrace, but also a sign of poor ability.” Oda Feitsugu said in a serious manner.

Kato Rumiko promised with conviction, “We’ll work harder again.”

“You guys also need to work harder. That’s how you’ll be able to become official members of our company one day sooner.” Oda Feitsugu looked at the others and said.

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