Chapter 131: A Little Life

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:30:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood in front of Makoto Natsui’s house and raised his hand to knock on the door. He thought to himself that if she wasn’t home, he’d have to go find a place nearby to sit down and have a drink alone.

A few moments later, the door to the room was opened by Natsui Makoto. She was both delighted and surprised to see him standing outside the door, confused as to why he had come to see her.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked in without a care in the world, stood in the entranceway and removed a pair of shoes from his feet, then stepped onto the tatami mat. After taking a few steps, he sat down on the floor with his legs crossed, and in the process, he put down the plastic bag containing his cell phone as well.

After closing the front door, Natsui Makoto first took off the red slippers on his feet at the entrance, then stepped back onto the tatami mat and sat down on his knees directly across from him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pushed the plastic bag containing the cell phone in front of her with his right hand and said, “It’s for you.”

Natsui Makoto took something out from inside the plastic bag to see that it was a cell phone, but was in no hurry to busy herself with opening the box. With a smile on her face, she asked knowingly, “Bought it especially for me?”

“You have a cell phone, then it will be convenient for us to be in contact above in the future.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” Natsui Makoto said with an undisguised sweet smile and happiness flowing from her expression.

Masayoshi Kishimoto made an exaggerated rubbing of his hands, squeezing his eyebrows and teasing, “What do you think?”

“I don’t know.” Natsui Makoto knew he was doing it on purpose just by looking at him feigning a lewd and horny look. If the two of them hadn’t formally established a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, she would certainly never have accepted it.

She was not the kind of girl who loved to take advantage of small gains, and would not accept gifts and favors from others for no reason. Since they were boyfriend and girlfriend, it was normal for boyfriends to send gifts to their girlfriends.

“You would not know? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know. Tonight, you’ll know.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled meaningfully while making a double entendre.

“Don’t bother.” Natsui Makoto didn’t directly indicate that she was leaving him for the night, nor did she verbally refuse. She showed a completely casual attitude and said.

“I haven’t had dinner yet.” There was absolutely no middle ground between Masaru Kishimoto and her, saying whatever came to mind and said.

“I haven’t eaten either. I was just about to make it when you came. Wait here, I’ll go see what else is inside the mini-fridge. If you’re hungry, I have some pastries here for you to eat first.” Natsui Makoto pointed to the box of pastries sitting on top of the small round table and said.

As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto took a look at that distinctive wooden box, he knew that it was from the Kiraku Premium Cuisine Pavilion that he had brought to her last time. He dropped his head and said, “Is that still edible?”

“How can it not be eaten? I just ate two today.” Natsui Makoto couldn’t afford to eat it at first. Later, he seriously thought that it wouldn’t do to leave it for a long time.

Instead of letting it go bad for nothing, it would really be better to eat it inside her stomach. So, she ate one in the morning before she left the house, and when she came home, she ate another one.

The one she ate in the morning before she left the house was to cheer herself up to work hard. The one she ate after coming home in the evening was taken as a reward for a hard day’s work.

“I’m still waiting to eat the rest of the stuff you made. It’s not going to be a dark dish that’s hard to swallow, is it?” Masayoshi Kishimoto teased her.

Natsui Makoto was confident in her cooking skills, after all, she had learned to take care of herself from a young age. When she was in middle school, she was already able to prepare her own lunch bento.

She had long since gotten up and walked towards her small refrigerator, opening the door while guffawing, “What I’m about to make isn’t dark cuisine, it’s hell cuisine. Do you dare to eat it?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto pressed his hands back on the tatami mat to support his leaning back body, and said with the frankness that if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell, “It doesn’t matter. It’s better to be a satiated ghost than a starving ghost.”

Natsui Makoto took out all the ingredients inside the small refrigerator, and began to actively prepare dinner for the two of them. One hadn’t expected him to come in the first place.

Her original plan was to cook an instant noodle to cope with the meal. It wasn’t that she was lazy, but she was very good at living. Everything she did was part of living a small life in a careful way.

Since she didn’t have a high income, she couldn’t open her sources of income, so she had to cut back on expenses. If she didn’t count the money in her hand to live, she would have borrowed money long ago.

Natsui Makoto live here is not a day, two days of things, and not have not witnessed the debtor to find the door to carry out a debt collection.

Even she could not figure out the debtor was forced to kneel down, asking the other side to grace the tragic situation, should be sympathetic, or feel that it deserved it?

Natsui Makoto walked out with the ingredients, heading towards the kitchen shared by everyone on this floor. Shortly after she left, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked towards the window.

He looked out, instead of the bustling view that a city should have, it gave off a sense of dilapidation, after all, it was an old neighborhood from several decades ago.

This living in a remote place, in addition to the rent is cheap, inevitably will not have a variety of amenities complete. Who let the poor people’s time is not worth it?

Kishimoto Masayoshi suddenly couldn’t help but compare Natsui Makoto and Sakai Rie in his heart. The former is living this life, indeed is really a bit miserable.

Natsui Makoto went and returned just as soon as she walked through the door before she had a chance to take off the red slippers on her feet, calmly saying, “Right now, someone else is using the stove. It will need to wait a little longer.”

“Just let me know if you’re short of money.” Justice Kishimoto turned back to her and said.

“Why are you being so kind to me?” Natsui Makoto asked, touched.

“I definitely have plans for you, you know.” Masayoshi Kishimoto, not liking this serious atmosphere, playfully replied.

“I’m talking to you very seriously.” Natsui Makoto didn’t believe that he was just scheming to snap with himself. If he really was that kind of man, the other would have revealed that kind of nature when he slept in the same room that night.

As it turned out, other than sleeping is honestly sleeping, the rest of the extra things he did was chatting, and he didn’t mooch off of himself from start to finish.

Masayoshi Kishimoto spread out his hands and held back from laughing, “Do I look like I’m not serious in this way?”

Natsui Makoto nodded. She was convinced that if he really wanted to do something to herself, he would have done it already. As long as he did it, she would just cooperate.

It was only that the top of her mouth couldn’t say it, and she was too embarrassed to say it out loud. No matter what, girls still need to be more reserved.

Otherwise, the boy will not take you as a thing. Or, just in his heart feel that you are a casual person.

You love me, each take what they need, we play, there is nothing to do, not the slightest will not be produced inside the responsible idea, there is even no way to talk about the sense of guilt and guilt.

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