Chapter 133: Pulling out the ears

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:30:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Kishimoto Justice ate his fill, put the dishes down, got up and walked to the side to lie down horizontally. He didn’t pick up anything, didn’t wash the dishes and so on, not just today, but at home he had developed the habit, after all, it was all contracted by Sakai Rie and responsible for it.

Nowadays, it was just a different place and a different woman, that’s all. He suddenly felt a bit sleepy and couldn’t help but yawn.

“You want to sleep when you’re full, are you a pig?” Natsui Makoto said offhandedly with a smile on her face.

“It’s not just pigs that are like this, but also humans. Physiological instincts of animals.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with reason.

“You’re the only one with a reason.” Natsui Makoto said without arguing with him, ready to collect and wash the dishes once she finished the last remaining food.

Justice Kishimoto’s two eyes looked around the interior and said, “You don’t even have a television set here, how do you spend your extra free time at night?”

“After a tiring day, when I come home I just want to lie down and sleep, where would I have extra free time? Even if it’s a shift, I just want to catch up on my sleep.” Natsui Makoto had a point.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she was telling the truth, so he stopped asking more questions. He did not fail to feel in his heart that Sakai Rie belonged to the category of those who had a good fortune and were born in a blessed place.

As for Natsui Makoto, she was a girl like a bitter cauliflower. If she didn’t meet a big opportunity in her life, she was destined to be a life of labor.

After all, in terms of looks, body and other external conditions, too ordinary. She has no family background. If you have to say that she has any strengths, that is the inner character above the tenderness and thoughtfulness.

People’s inner things, and can not be seen. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had been with her for a long time, he wouldn’t have discovered her inner strengths. People’s outwardly prominent strengths are most likely to attract people.

Not to mention that this is also Tokyo, which means that there is never a shortage of all kinds of beautiful women. Not only was there a collection of beautiful women from all over Japan, but there were also beautiful women from all over the world.

Masayoshi Kishimoto closed his eyes and lay flat on top of the tatami, taking a nap. By the time he opened his eyes again, Natsui Makoto had already gotten all cleaned up and was sitting on his knees looking at himself in fascination.

“Am I so handsome that you never tire of looking at me?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a knowing smile.

“You’re so humorous. As for whether or not you’re handsome, I don’t really see it. However, I do see that your cheeks are really really thick.” Natsui Makoto said as she was amused by him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat up unhurriedly, and suddenly felt his ears itch, and reflexively used his right index finger to drill his right ear hole.

“Itchy ears, don’t use your fingers to dig it out, it’s not hygienic. I have cotton swabs here.” Natsui Makoto said with concern as she got up to get something.

A few moments later, Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that she had found the cotton swabs and sat down on her knees once again, and also reached out to hand the small plastic round bucket containing the cotton swabs in front of him.

He didn’t reach out to take it, and simply turned on his side and lay nestled on top of his legs. He had kissed Natsui Makoto’s face that night in the Internet cafe’s double booth. Now, what is this look?

Natsui Makoto was only slightly stunned for a moment, and then she accepted it openly. She opened the plastic lid containing the cotton swabs in her hand and took one out of it and held it in her hand.

She lowered the plastic bucket to her side, lowered her head, gazed at her opponent’s ear with both eyes, and carefully fed it into Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right ear hole.

Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly felt the comfort brought to him by pulling out his ear. He couldn’t help but close both of his eyes, enjoying it while smiling, “I really want you to pull out my ears for the rest of my life.”

Natsui Makoto didn’t stop the movement of her hands, pursing her lips and smiling, “Dinner, I remembered to give you bubblegum, not honey.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not only trying to cheer her up, but he was sincere. As long as she was willing to accept it, she might as well take care of its clothing and food for the rest of her life.

“Have you decided yet, whether or not to accompany me on a trip to China Flower City?” Justice Kishimoto said in a salty manner.

“How can it be that easy to take a vacation? If I really ask the store manager for a leave of absence, nine times out of ten, I’ll get a response that I’m either not allowed to, or I don’t have to do it anymore.

Nowadays, it’s not like you don’t know how hard it is to find a job. Even hourly-paid jobs are hard to find.

As long as a person lives every day in this world, then consumption is bound to happen every day.” Natsui Makoto was well aware of life’s not-so-easy path.

Masayoshi Kishimoto liked a practical girl like her, completely unlike the ones out there who had to pretend to be fat even when they had swollen faces.

I am not unaware of the fact that many girls, even if they are heavily in debt, still dress up in a fashionable way before going out.

If you don’t bring a luxury bag, or wear a pair of international brand shoes. Or a world-famous outfit, you can’t leave the house without a luxury bag or a pair of international shoes.

Thus, here in Tokyo, a class of stores was born that specializes in renting all kinds of luxury bags, shoes, clothes and so on, in order to let the customers who need to hold up the front.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pondered for a moment and said, “Why don’t I take care of you? From now on, you won’t have to live as hard as you do now.”

“You’re just a social worker for a small company, and your monthly income isn’t much more than mine? And you’re still supporting me?” Natsui Makoto said with a dumbfounded laugh.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was suddenly tight-lipped and didn’t explain much. He felt that it might not really be appropriate for him to tell her the truth right then and there.

“I’m sorry, did my words hurt you?” Natsui Makoto saw that he was suddenly silent, it was only then that he immediately thought of the other party’s sensitive male ego and said.

“No.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied succinctly.

“I’m a person who neither has any ambitions, nor do I have the luxury of wealth and honor. Not to mention that rich and successful men can’t look at me, even the male formal members of a medium-sized company would at most want to have fun with me.

You have to be realistic, you can’t hold on to your fantasies for the rest of your life. So, I just want to find a man that I like him and he likes me.

Of course, I also know that love without bread, that can not last long. Love without bread doesn’t exist in this world.

My idea is simple, as long as you’re a full-fledged member of the society and have enough money to support your family and children, then I’ll spend the rest of my life pulling out your ears like I’m doing now.” Natsui Makoto said with a serious look and a small blush on her face.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she was saying this in a particularly truthful way and said, “Your wish has already been realized. I’m counting on you to take out my ears for the rest of my life.”

“You really must be an official company member?” Natsui Makoto didn’t expect such a surprise for herself and further confirmed.

“I’m the president who owns over 100 billion yen in assets, do you believe that?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

Natsui Makoto bristled, “Nasty. I’m talking to you seriously and you’re joking with me.”

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