Chapter 134 – Promotion

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:30:19
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The company next door, which the employees of Hard Gold Capital teasingly called also-ran, eventually didn’t make it through and went bankrupt and closed down.

The very next day after the company next door was empty, Hard Gold Capital rented all of its original office space, resulting in an entire floor being theirs.

The business group and the administrative group were also upgraded to business class and administrative class. The leaders of the original groups were also rightfully promoted to become section leaders.

The positions of the company’s personnel have changed, and the corresponding income has also followed the changes. All promotions that do not aim at salary increase are just hooliganism.

Masayoshi Kishimoto is a generous boss, a conscientious investor and capitalist, and should give enough. He believes that only if the treatment is given enough, the subordinates will work hard for themselves and really treat the company as their home.

Masayoshi Kishimoto held the warrant in both hands, and the first person to present it was Kiyoshi Kobayashi. He handed that one promotion commendation award certificate was to Kobayashi Kiyoshi, who was standing across from himself.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi took it with both hands and bowed forty-five degrees toward the president. Immediately afterward, the applause from the audience resounded.

Masayoshi Kishimoto presented the second Certificate of Recognition for Promotion to Ota Hidetori, who also received it with both hands and bowed at 45 degrees to the president.

With the applause, she immediately felt an unprecedented honor and pride. Nowadays, she was truly considered a mid-level cadre.

Kishimoto justice waited until the public’s applause stops after, is not in a hurry not slow to the crowd for a speech: “Hard gold capital company can have today’s achievements, not only is my one person’s credit, but with the company up and down the ground you are inseparable.

How much you pay, how much you will get back. I will not bury anyone’s talent, nor will I fail to reward those who have made outstanding contributions.”

As soon as his words fell, he was immediately met with warm applause from the crowd. They weren’t that mechanical coping at all, but rather believed from the bottom of their hearts.

When the company was on the rise, it was easiest to gather people’s hearts, and the team was also good to lead. Whatever the president said, everyone believed it.

Even when he farts, it smells good. On the contrary, when the company is in the decline period, the people are most easily disorganized, and the team becomes bad to lead.

The current headquarters of Hard Gold Capital Corporation had undergone another expansion in terms of staff size, from eleven people in the past to twenty-eight people, which was a real transformation from a micro company to a small company in the beginning.

However, the amount of capitalization of this small company was much more than that of a medium-sized company, and was directly comparable to that of a large company.

Ever since the news that Masayoshi Kishimoto had made Kazuhiko Inoue, the branch chairman, Ryuya Fujiwara, earn a lot of money spread, causing the pachinko bosses in Tokyo’s twenty-third district to start coming in droves shortly after receiving the news.

Some of them came directly with large sums of cash, some came with cash checks from major banks, and some came with both cash and cash checks ……

For this reason, the money counting machines of Hard Gold Capital Finance were too busy and five of them were burned out, which shows how huge the amount of cash was.

Not only that, Taito District Sumitomo Bank Ueno’s branch manager also deliberately provide special door-to-door service, just Kishimoto Masayoshi a phone call notification, he led the bank side of the staff immediately door to pick up the money, and handle the relevant deposit business, can be said to be a good service to the home.

The annual incomes of the backbones of Hard Gold Capital Corporation, namely, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Hidetori Oda, Ryui Miyazaki, Katsuhei Yamaguchi, and Hidetaka Sato, are comparable to those of the corresponding employees of large companies.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s speech did not end there: “Today, we have new colleagues joining us. Today, we have new colleagues joining us. The past is already a thing of the past, and I hope that the old employees of Hard Gold Capital will not keep biting the dust.

Let’s carry on with the past, carry on with the past, and ride the boat towards the sunrise together. The future and future of our Hard Gold Capital Corporation is bright.”

Once again, he was applauded. Only, this time, the applause was a little less big than the previous one. After all, Hard Gold Capital Corporation had absorbed people from the company next door into it.

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto had said what he said was so that everyone would be in the same boat, regardless of their former enmity. He sidled up to his new secretary who was close by and said, “Mirai Yamada, come and say a few words to everyone on behalf of your new colleagues.”

Yamada Mirai took the initiative to take a step forward and said in a serious manner, “I know that there are people who do not welcome me, and even more so, do not recognize my abilities. However, none of this matters.

I will use my own strength to prove that I, Yamada Mirai, am not only a former employee of the company next door that closed down and went bankrupt, but also the current secretary of the president of Hard Gold Capital Corporation.

We, the newcomers to the company, will not lose out to your seniors in terms of working ability. I hope that you will not call yourselves seniors.

If any of the seniors don’t have the spirit of progress and are stuck in their ways, we juniors will surpass them.”

After she finished speaking, apart from receiving scattered applause from some of the newer employees, it was clear that her declaration of battle was being felt.

Masayoshi Kishimoto hadn’t been interested in Mirai Yamada’s looks and figure, but rather in her ability to surpass her, as well as in allowing Oda Ashitaka to be able to spare her time to fully and exclusively take care of the administrative division.

This speech of hers was obviously pulling hatred. However, Kishimoto Masayoshi nonetheless do not feel that she did not do anything wrong, but also feel that the company to produce a certain amount of competition within the company, conducive to maintaining vitality, also good to make Kato Rumiko as the head of the patriarch of the staff to completely wake up.

Masayoshi Kishimoto clapped his hands twice and said, “Everyone go back to work!”

As expected, the person who was most upset was Rumiko Kato. As soon as she returned to her workstation in the administration section, she blurted out indignantly, “What’s so arrogant about it?

Why don’t you think about how your company went bankrupt? If you really have backbone, you shouldn’t have submitted your resume to our company in the first place! Why don’t you act like you’re a coward?”

Ota Fei Toru sat down in his position as the head of the department and said, “Ota, you’re really talking a bit too much.”

“Chief, I’m just being honest! Could it be that you don’t think that her earlier remarks were arrogant?” Rumiko Kato looked over at the other party and said.

“It’s true that Secretary Yamada took her words a bit too far. However, as a veteran employee, it’s only right for you to take a good lead.

In case she really got it right, and some of you seniors are surpassed by your juniors, I’ll see each and every one of you put your faces there in the future.” Ota Feijiao’s right index finger was pointing at the man.

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