Chapter 135: The Boss’s Wife

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:30:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Dressed in a kimono made of high-grade fabrics and with exquisite makeup, the owner of Kiraku High Cuisine Pavilion appeared at the front desk of Hard Gold Capital Corporation, carrying the restaurant’s special sixteen-colored pastries in her right hand.

Of course, she didn’t come to visit her client in person for no reason. In the recent past, many of the customers who came to eat at the restaurant were talking about Hard Gold Capital Corporation. Not only that, they were also talking about themselves as insiders.

The boss’s wife couldn’t help but listen to them, and thus remembered that night when Masayoshi Kishimoto had given her a business card. After some thought, she thought about coming to see for herself and visiting a client at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

After the boss lady was let in by the receptionist, her eyes were not idle. Although she didn’t look left or right, she had been secretly observing.

A company’s business situation is good or bad, can be completely from the staff’s positive attitude to work will be reflected above. If the company’s business condition was poor, the employees would show a lazy look.

What the boss’s wife saw at this time was the actual situation of Hard Gold Capital’s employees, who were so busy that they didn’t even have the time to drink a mouthful of water.

She saw that inside the glass-separated conference room, several money-counting machines were busy counting money simultaneously, and stacks of money were piled up on top of each other.

Before the boss’s wife reached the president’s office, she heard someone behind her clamor, “It will take a long time before my turn comes.

I didn’t come here to drink tea. If I really want to drink tea, there are plenty of places to do so. Could it be that what I brought is not money, but paper?”

The person who spoke appeared to be a bit impatient and agitated, and without drinking the tea, he directly stood up boldly and ordered the two people who followed him to pull open the six duffel bags in front of him one by one.

The boss’s wife stopped and looked back, seeing that each bag was filled with cash. She estimated inside her head that over a hundred million yen was definitely there.

Rumiko Kato placed the round tray in front of her with both hands and smiled, “Please be at ease. As you can see, none of us have been idle, we have been busy.

Not to mention that there has to be a first come, first served! You see, that one old gentleman brought ten million dollars, which is about a billion yen, and aren’t they all still sitting patiently waiting?”

The clamor of the person in a direction is to look over, really see an old gentleman with white hair is sitting calmly in the corner drinking tea. In front of the other party, placed lined up ten special money box containing money is located in the inner side against the wall.

The man who was clamoring immediately became all smiles on his face and took the initiative to walk over to greet him, ”Isn’t this the branch chairman of the East 7th district of Tokyo City, Brother Pachinko? My eyes were clumsy and I didn’t notice that it was you here.”

The old gentleman did not put down the teacup in his hand, hitching a glance at the other party for a moment, and said in a cloudy manner, “Who did I think was making noise here?

Turns out it’s Oda from the Edogawa district. It seems that your business is doing big business and making a lot of money, which is why you are talking so richly.”

The clamoring man approached his near side and smiled, “I wouldn’t dare to compare myself to you old man. You have thousands of machines in any of your pachinko parlors. Especially the Jiangdong District’s home base is a mega store with three thousand pachinko machines.”

After the boss’s wife realized what was going on, she retraced her steps forward and ran towards the president’s office without stopping again.

Inside her heart, she was filled with shock, but she also knew that the bosses who ran the pachinko parlors were all rich tycoons. The pachinko parlors they operated, or even entire buildings, that were generally private property, rather than renting other people’s places.

The boss’s wife stepped into the president’s office with a three-quarter smile on her face, and as soon as she saw Masayoshi Kishimoto, she grabbed the opportunity to speak, “President Kishimoto, you are truly young and promising.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s two-eyed attention was interrupted from the top of his desk computer screen. He turned his neck a bit and looked head-on at the person who had walked in.

He instantly recognized her as the owner of the Kiraku High Cuisine Pavilion, after all, there was always a time in the month when he had to go to her place for a meal or a drink.

“What brings you to my place?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

The boss’s wife walked to a sofa on the left side and sat down, placing the small gift she had brought on the glass coffee table in the center, her smile unchanged: “The winds of the north, south, east, and west.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s president’s office is no longer that small office in the past, but the next door to the bankruptcy and closure of the company’s president’s office is fully utilized.

His current office was not only large and elegant, but also had a long black leather sofa placed on the left and right rows of the mahogany desk.

In the middle of the two rows of long sofas, a large glass coffee table was placed to match them. A tall growing indoor green plant was also placed in the upper corner.

Behind him was a floor-to-ceiling window, and at the back of the long sofa was placed an open solid wood bookcase respectively. The books inside the bookcase are not financial investment books, but serious literary novels.

When one is not doing anything, one will also pull out a book from it to read, not at all the kind of books that will be used in the decoration, and then set off the taste of having a bookish atmosphere.

“I have seen those businessmen and you are really different. You are very elegant, quite the flavor of a Confucian businessman.” The boss’s wife looked at him sideways and complimented.

“You wouldn’t have come here specifically to kiss my ass! If it’s business, both of us have been working together happily, and I won’t change the business hospitality store. If there’s anything else, there’s no harm in saying so.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled a bit and said.

“I still have some free money in my hand, thinking that I can let it increase in value more often. However, there has been no good channel.” The boss’s wife opened up.

“If I remember correctly, I told you last time, our minimum threshold for investment here is 100 million yen.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a nonchalant manner.

“Aiya, where would a little woman like me keep 100 million yen of personal money? Can’t you give me less?” The boss’s wife suddenly showed her charming demeanor, her eyes flowing as she smiled at him.

As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto took a look at her, he realized that the other party was using a beauty trick on him. In all fairness, she was half-aged and still had her charm. If the other party was twenty years younger, she would have been a beauty in her youth.

“I have absolutely no interest in women older than me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was neither lacking in motherly love, nor did he approve of sibling love. He only liked women younger than himself Dao.

“Your words are not only blunt, but also seem to poke me directly in the heart like a sharp knife, it’s really too hurtful.” The boss’s wife said with her right palm pressed against her heart.

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