Chapter 144: I Love You.

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:30:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai returned home, each went about their own business. He just walked to the study, not yet had time to open the computer, the cell phone on the top of the text message came a new message tone is “drip drip drip” issued.

Kishimoto Masayoshi took out his cell phone from his right pants pocket, and opened it to see that it was a text message from Natsui Makoto. It said, “Are you asleep?

With a smile on his face, Masayoshi Kishimoto replied with a typed reply with his left and right hands, “Sleeping.”

After he sent this text message, it was only then that he pressed the switch on the overhead light in the study and sat down on top of the computer chair, but did not reach out to press the start button on the computer.

A few moments later, the “drip drip drip” sound of a new short message came from Kishimoto Masayoshi’s cell phone again. As usual, he clicked on it to read it.

Natsui Makoto replied, “Since you’re asleep, who’s replying to my text message?”

She accompanied the end of the text with a pattern of a pig’s head.

Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned his back on top of his chair and replied cheerfully, “How should I know? Anyway, I’m not Masayoshi Kishimoto.”

Shortly after he sent this short message, his cell phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID he simply pressed the green answer button.

“Hello, I’m looking for Masayoshi Kishimoto.” Natsui Makoto held the cell phone in his right hand attached next to his right ear, pinched his nose with his left hand, and couldn’t help but say with a smirk on his face.

“I am. What can I do for you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

Natsui Makoto let go of her left hand that was pinching her nose and returned to her normal tone of voice that she normally used, saying with a chuckle, “Didn’t you say that you weren’t Kishimoto Masayoshi?”

Only then did Masayoshi Kishimoto hear that the voice coming from the other end of the phone turned out to be Makoto Natsui. He then laughed as well and said, “It’s so late, why aren’t you in bed? Tomorrow, you won’t be able to crawl up for work in the morning. If you’re late, that one black-hearted store manager of yours will deduct your money oh!”

“Not at all! Although tomorrow is Sunday, it belongs to my shift. Tomorrow, you don’t have to work overtime, right?” Natsui Makoto flopped down on the tatami mat, her two bare little feet tilted back and said.

“Overtime is impossible. It’s impossible to work overtime in this lifetime. Even if I work overtime, no one will pay me overtime.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed immodestly and said.

“Since you’re not working overtime, let’s go out for a walk tomorrow!” Natsui Makoto wanted to go out for a walk, look around, and stroll another street in the meantime.

“Is it a date, or did you miss me?” Masaru Kishimoto stood up and went to close the door to her study while also knowing that Rie Sakai was taking a shower inside the bathroom of her bedroom.

“Neither. Just so you’re clear, we’re just a normal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. I haven’t always promised to be your girlfriend.” Natsui Makoto said with a smiling mouth.

“Since that’s the case, then I won’t be available tomorrow.” Masaru Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Bummer. Tomorrow morning at ten o’clock, I’ll come over to where you live. By the way, what’s your exact address?” Natsui Makoto thought of letting him sleep in during the weekend, so she got up a little early to make the trip herself and said.

“It’s better if I come pick you up from your place! That way, you’ll have an extra hour of sleep.” Masayoshi Kishimoto wasn’t the least bit flustered, and dealt with the situation calmly.

“I haven’t come to the place you rented, it’s better if I do.” Natsui Makoto misunderstood his coping with herself as thoughtfulness, and her heart suddenly not only warmed up, but her entire being fell into the sweet bubble of pink love and was hard to extricate herself.

She was in love with Masayoshi Kishimoto, and it was her first love, so once she fell into it, it would be especially deep. She herself was willing to do anything for him Dao.

“What, afraid that I’ll see you in your plain face?” Kishimoto justice inside completely no tension produced out, have tension and relaxation of the shape like taijiquan in the four two pivot thousand jin technique said.

“Nonsense.” Natsui Makoto’s head along with his words began to think back to the other party indeed seems to have never seen his own face.

Although she did not wear heavy makeup, she had light makeup on her face. On the one hand, it was because the store manager had requested it, and it was a matter of professional necessity.

On the other hand, Tokyo was a fashionable and international metropolis, where even twelve year old girls had their own personal makeup kits, and even in some of the more densely trafficked subway stations, there were stores specializing in providing temporary rentals for women to do one’s own makeup or touch-ups.

After she took off her makeup, the appearance of a plain face and the appearance of drawing light makeup was to look pretty much the same. She wasn’t worried that the other party wouldn’t recognize her Dao.

“Girls who don’t face their boyfriends with a plain face, that all belongs to the category of engaging in artificially intentional specialized deception.” Masayoshi Kishimoto slightly walked around the study for a bit, then sat back down on top of the computer chair again and said.

“Who cheated you? You’re the one who’s going to give me a clear explanation. Even though I’m not pretty, I’m not ugly either.” Natsui Makoto confidently “hummed” out a heavy nasal sound and said.

“Then I’m afraid it’s you who feels good about yourself!” Masayoshi Kishimoto teased.

“Don’t bother talking to you. You really don’t want to catch up on your sleep over the weekend, and you don’t mind the hassle of running over to my side of the fence, so come on over! Anyway, I’m going to sleep until I wake up naturally.” Natsui Makoto said with a slight tilt of her head.

“How can it be troublesome? I want to come over to your side right now. Who made me so excited that I can’t sleep just thinking about tomorrow’s date with you? This feeling reminds me of when I was a kid, when I was organized to go on field trips inside the school.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a chuckle.

Natsui Makoto of course knew the feeling he was talking about, and had similarly had the same experience of being excited and unable to sleep all night for a field trip. She joyfully mouthed, “You’re definitely lying to me.”

“I swear, if there’s a single word in what I just said that is lying to you, let me just gain a hundred pounds of weight, and completely and utterly turn into an earthy, fat, plus stupid, frustrated jerk that no girl will like.”

As Masayoshi Kishimoto said that, the three fingers of his left hand stood up to vote. Even if Natsui Makoto couldn’t see it at all, it didn’t stop his two.

“Saying that as if you have a girl falling for you right now. Who is that person? Say it so I can hear it!” Natsui Makoto smiled sweetly.

“Listen carefully, that one girl’s name is, Natsui Makoto.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said very bluntly.

“When did I ever say I had a crush on you? Making a fool of yourself.” Natsui Makoto pursed her lips and said.

“That would be me falling for a girl named Natsui Makoto.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said cheerfully.

“Darn it, you fell in love with me without my permission. That’s not allowed.” Natsui Makoto unknowingly chatted with him about words that were not at all nutritious.

However, even if they were not nutritious words, they became especially nutritious to a young couple in love, and there would not be a single star that felt like nonsense, but only a feeling that they were saying sheer words of love.

“As you said earlier, I was the one who made a fool of myself. I just happened to be crushing on you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without changing his smile.

“You even confessed to me. This is not considered a crush, but an explicit love.” Natsui Makoto said with a slight giggle.

“Are you going to accept my true confession and officially date me? Or will you mercilessly reject me?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he knowingly asked what he already had an answer for.

“I don’t know.” Natsui Makoto said with a sickly tone.

“You know. You can tell me that I like you, I like you so much, I like you super much.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said with a positive direction to her.

“I hate you, I hate you so much, I super hate you.” Natsui Makoto joyfully and deliberately said the opposite.

“I like you, I like you so much, I’m super into it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed out loud and said.

“I forbid you to like me, I forbid you to like me so much, I forbid you to like me super.” Natsui Makoto said with a sweet smile on her lips.

“Then I’ll just be able to say, I love you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed out loud.

“I love you too.” Natsui Makoto didn’t just say the opposite, but also truly revealed her current true feelings and said.

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