Chapter 146: The Supermarket

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:30:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At 6:45 pm, Masayoshi Kishimoto pushed a shopping cart inside the supermarket with both hands and accompanied Makoto Natsui as they began to stroll through the supermarket.

In his mind, apart from shopping, women loved to go to the supermarket the most. Even if they didn’t buy anything, they were able to shop for a long time.

Just as Masayoshi Kishimoto was about to reach for an item on the shelf, he was stopped by Makoto Natsui, “What’s your hurry?

In a quarter of an hour, it will be seven o’clock in the evening. This supermarket will be having a relevant discount. At that time, it won’t be too late to take it. Let’s take a stroll first and see.”

Justice Kishimoto’s heart immediately thought, “Is this as far as it goes? His face did not react to his true inner thoughts, and he quipped, “You really know how to live.”

“For people like us who go up to the capital to fight for a living, it would be an absolute no-no to not arrange our monthly living expenses rationally. Rent, utilities, and transportation costs ……,” Natsui Makoto said as she slowly walked forward and began to count on her fingers.

When she said “transportation costs”, she suddenly paused for a moment, looked sideways at him, and then said, “Transportation costs, your company will have reimbursement, right?”

“Don’t you get reimbursed at your part-time job?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a “hmm”.

“That’s rare. When have I ever heard of an hourly wage job that reimburses you for transportation expenses? You don’t have an hourly wage job, do you?” Natsui Makoto stared at him in surprise and said.

“In the past, I wasn’t in good health, so I wasn’t fit to go out and work for long periods of time. So, it’s really true that you’re right, I didn’t work an overpaid job.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not have a single star of panic, and casually made up a blind story to deal with the road.

Natsui Makoto really believed it. She took the initiative to reach out her right hand to squeeze one of his arms and said, “Your body should be much stronger than it was in the past.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but feel that this one girl in front of him belonged to the silly white sweet type. If he casually said something, she would really believe it.

Could it be that a girl in love would unconditionally believe everything her boyfriend said? Even if it is clear that they have watched their boyfriends making out with other girls, they will also lie to themselves that they must have been mistaken, just now that person just looks like their boyfriends some of the same.

“Exercise more if you’re not well. It will be hard at first, but as long as you keep it up day by day, your body will get better day by day.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto really couldn’t, since he had started to tell a lie, then he had to continue to tell the lie in order to be able to justify himself said.

Natsui Makoto nodded, completely recognizing this kind of statement. As soon as seven o’clock in the evening arrived, the loudspeaker speakers installed inside the supermarket started broadcasting a discount sale.

“Now, can we get our hands on the shopping carts?” Justice Kishimoto asked for advice.

“There’s no rush, we’ll get them after they’ve put the discounted labels on top of the items.” Natsui Makoto said experiencedly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto naturally thought of Rie Sakai. When she went to the supermarket, would she also wait until it was on sale before buying? In his own estimation, there was absolutely no possibility.

Under normal circumstances, he was back home by seven o’clock every night. By this time, Sakai Rie had already prepared the meal.

She never bought discounted items inside the supermarket. As for the theory, it was that the ingredients were discounted only if they were not fresh, and eating them would negatively affect her health.

“Tonight, what are we eating?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was so far not sure what kind of dao they were eating a tonight.

“Sukiyaki. I can tell you that I make the best sukiyaki.” Natsui Makoto had a confident smile on her face. She had planned everything herself a long time ago. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have patiently waited until the supermarket had a sale before buying it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s view of sukiyaki was a type of Japanese-style hot pot. Not to mention Japanese-style hot pot, even Chinese hot pot was just like that. In all fairness to himself, hot pot eaten over and over again, all feel pretty much the same pretty much.

Natsui Makoto saw the disbelief on his face and explained, “The sukiyaki I make is neither a Kanto flavor nor a Kansai flavor. It is an innovation that combines the strengths of both Kanto and Kansai flavors.”

Inside Masayoshi Kishimoto’s head, he immediately thought of the mandarin duck hot pot in which white and red flavors are combined in Chinese hot pot. In the end, what kind of innovation was this?

Makoto Natsui spoke eloquently about her own experience of making sukiyaki and how she practiced it, “I would take a piece of beef fat in my right hand and start spreading it on the surface of the pot, from top to bottom, from left to right, and from right to left, and then repeat the process of spreading it all over the surface of the pot.

Inside the grease-coated wok, thinly sliced pieces of beef are placed on top, and then spread over the entire surface of the wok. As soon as the beef comes into contact with the tallow, the sound of frying the beef is heard, and the aroma of the beef gradually spreads out.

After that, the beef is sprinkled with sugar, and soy sauce and wine are added to the beef once it seems to have been flavored. Finally, the ingredients that had been simmered in the sauce were sprinkled on top of the beef in even clockwise circles.

Next, the green onions, grilled tofu, konjac, mushrooms, and enoki mushrooms were placed on top in the same clockwise pattern. The calcium in the konjac will toughen the beef, so leave some distance between it and the beef.

Ideally, one-sixth of the beef, thirty-sixth of the green onions, one-fourth of the tofu, one-sixth of the konjac, thirty-sixth of the mushrooms, and one-twelfth of the enoki.

Waiting for that white misty gas with flavor to waft out from inside the pot was the only way to add some water and wine towards the pot. If you want to make the sukiyaki a little more colorful, you can also add some tarragon.

Cover the lid and wait patiently for three minutes so that the juices of the vegetables can fill the pot. During these three minutes, naturally, you don’t just sit there and do nothing.

At that time, you need to pick up an egg, and crack it against the edge of the small dish with a little force, and then use both hands to separate from that small gap, so that the egg white and yolk fell into the small dish together.

Setting aside the egg shell, he took the small bowl and saucer in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand and stirred it nine and a half times, stopping when the egg whites were brewed and not too gooey in texture.”

“I think you added one less thing to put inside the sukiyaki.” Masayoshi Kishimoto teased.

Natsui Makoto thought and thought seriously, and didn’t feel that she forgot to add one less thing saying, “No problem, I’ve added everything!”

“The only thing missing is pork. Cherry Mariko’s family eats sukiyaki which is both beef and pork. As a result, it was also spat out by her that only her own poor family had that kind of food.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed and said.

“Yes, I remember, there was indeed that scene. We can also emulate the kind of sukiyaki eating that Cherry Mariko’s family does tonight.” Natsui Makoto said happily.

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