Chapter 149: The Sakai Family

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:31:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The preparations for the concert were progressing steadily. It was scheduled for the three days of January 1, January 2, and January 3, 1999, beautifully called the New Year’s Concert.

Taking advantage of this winter vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Sakai took their second daughter and youngest son from their home in Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, and flew to Tokyo. Today was December 24th, Christmas Eve.

The purpose of their trip, besides attending Rie Sakai’s concert, was to have a nice vacation in Tokyo. As the eldest daughter of the Sakai family, Sakai Rie naturally had to go to Haneda International Airport to meet them.

“Why are you alone? Where’s Masayoshi?” Aiko Sakai had asked as she only saw her eldest daughter come to greet them alone.

“He had some things on his mind and couldn’t come. However, he had already arranged three rooms for you in a five-star hotel in Taito District.

At noon, he has also arranged for a high-class Japanese cuisine pavilion in Taitung District called Hi-Lo to receive you guys. At that time, he will definitely come.” Sakai Rie’s pair of big eyes that looked as beautiful as her own mother’s were looking over at her, having a say.

As soon as Sakai Mirei heard the word “joy”, she immediately remembered that the box of 16-count specialties she had eaten the last time she came to Tokyo had come from this high-class Japanese food pavilion.

She immediately showed her joy and said, “Mom, the food at Kiraku Japanese Restaurant is delicious. Really, I’m definitely not lying. It’s guaranteed that you’ll like it too.”

“Eat, eat, eat. All you know is eating. On top of that, what else do you know a. We flew all the way here as a family, even if we had something to do, we should have made arrangements in advance.

Besides, it’s the first day of winter vacation, so what can there be?” Aiko Sakai was upset that Masayoshi Kishimoto hadn’t come to greet them; after all, it was their first time in Tokyo. In her opinion, in all reason, he should have come to meet them.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’re really being too harsh on Masayoshi. Men! The busier he is, the better, the more capable he is. It doesn’t matter if he picks up the airplane or not. It’s the work that counts.

Didn’t Rie say that? Justice not only arranged for us to stay at a five-star hotel in Taito, but also prepared a Japanese restaurant to welcome us.

This all shows that Justice has a heart and has no intention of slighting our family at all.” Sakai Masao did not fail to feel that his wife was making a big deal out of it, saying.

“I also think dad is right. If Brother Justice really doesn’t think of our family as a matter, how could he be willing to spend so much money on hospitality?

Even our business class airfare was paid for by Brother Justice. According to mom’s character, she would never come to Tokyo if she had to pay for it herself.

Even if she were to come, she wouldn’t be willing to spend the money to take the Shinkansen, and would only take that kind of slow-as-hell ordinary train.” Sakai Mirei chimed in.

“You one and all belong to the category of those who are not in charge and don’t know how expensive it is.” Aiko Sakai counted off.

“Let’s not stand here. Will you all go to the hotel and stay there first, or will you go to where I’m staying first?” Rie Sakai reached out and took her mother’s suitcase, intentionally digressing.

“I’m not staying at a hotel, I’m staying at home. I’ll still sleep with my sister.” Sakai Meiling bluntly stated her position and said.

“Justice, really. Why waste that one wasted money? Everyone will be able to stay at his place even if they squeeze in.” Sakai Aiko didn’t hold onto the fact that Kishimoto Masayoshi didn’t come to pick up the airplane, saying.

Sakai Rie knew her mother well. If she didn’t arrange for a hotel stay in this way, she would definitely nitpick again. If she arranged it, she would have a different story to tell. I was afraid that I had inherited a large portion of my own personality from my own mother’s genes.

“Since Mei Ling doesn’t want to stay in a hotel and has to sleep with you, then return her to that one room in the hotel and save money.

Actually, I think Shota’s room can also be returned. He can totally sleep with Justice!” Aiko Sakai instructed her eldest daughter.

“I’m not going to sleep with Brother Justice, I want to sleep alone. I haven’t stayed in a five-star hotel yet!” Sakai Shota objected.

“Wasting your Brother Justice’s money.” Aiko Sakai accused her youngest son.

“If you guys spend it, it’s not wasted. If I spend it on the other hand, it’s a waste. You and dad get to stay inside a five-star hotel to enjoy it.

Meiling is running towards Tokyo every chance she gets. You guys don’t care. Her last study trip was paid for by Brother Justice. Don’t think I don’t know.

And the MP3. Why do Mei-Ling and my sister have it, but not me? She’s been living in Tokyo all her life, so she’s had a lot of good food, drink, and fun.

This time her concert was also paid for by Brother Justice.” Sakai Shouta said with a brain like a machine gun, dissatisfied.

“Mei Ling is also what you call her. You should call me second sister. It’s not like I came to Tokyo on vacation to have fun, I came to work for money.” Sakai Meiling was not happy that her little brother just called her that in public said.

“Who are you kidding with that? Do you really think I’m a child? If it weren’t for the good food and fun in Tokyo, would you be chanting for an early vacation every day?” Sakai Shota said bluntly.

“Do you believe me or not, I’ll beat you up?” Sakai Meiling’s right hand fist was on display, glaring angrily.

Sakai Shouta hurriedly ran behind his mom to hide from the demand for protection and said, “Mom, look! Mei-Ling, she’s going to bully me again.

At home, she’s always grabbing my stuff. When I don’t give it to her, she beats me up, not at all like a person who is a sister.”

“Who robbed you? Don’t accuse people wrongly.” Sakai Meiling flatly denied it.

“Both of you shut up. This is outside, not inside the home. I don’t care what you guys do at home. Now that it’s outside, both of you pay attention to your words and behavior.” Sakai Masao scolded in a low voice.

Sakai Rie was completely helpless. It wasn’t like she didn’t know that since having a little brother, her parents had given most of their love to Shota. Above the allocation of resources within the family, everything was prioritizing him.

She herself had learned the Western flute and had a talent for it, which was why she was given preferential treatment by her family. The Sakai family was an ordinary middle-class family, and it was impossible for them to have that much money to satisfy all three siblings.

In the beginning, her parents had let her stay at Masayoshi Kishimoto’s place due to such practical considerations. She and her little brother had split the resources provided by the family.

This naturally made Meiling, who was in the center, suffer. Before her little brother came to this world, Mei Ling’s memories also included a time when she was treated favorably by her parents.

Now that Mei Ling is no longer favored by her parents at home, she will inevitably feel a gap and imbalance in her heart, so she shifts the spearhead and goes toe-to-toe with her little brother.

Shouta was always being bullied by Meiling, so naturally, he had no respect for his second sister and was disgusted with her.

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