Chapter 150: Family

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:31:07
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At lunchtime, Masayoshi Kishimoto appeared in a large private room at the Kiraku Cuisine Pavilion. He met the Sakai family of five.

Sakai Mirei was the most animated, “Brother Justice, what have you been up to this morning? My mom even complained that you didn’t come to Haneda International Airport to pick up the plane in person.”

“Justice, don’t listen to Meiling’s nonsense. I didn’t complain that you didn’t come to pick up the plane, after all, a man still has to prioritize his career.” Aiko Sakai gave her second daughter an angry look before her face changed and she changed her tone towards him with a smile on her face.

Masayoshi Kishimoto handed the contract that had been signed in the morning to the other party and said, “It’s not that I’m not coming to pick up the plane, but the seller requested that the contract be signed at ten o’clock this morning.”

“Brother Justice, what kind of contract is this?” Sakai Meiling asked with a curious glance.

“It’s a contract for the sale of a real estate property in Nishi-Mabu in the harbor district. I intend to demolish the one property I bought for reconstruction. In principle, it’s one floor underground and four floors above ground.

The main house has a set-use area of over 2,000 square meters. I don’t care if the structure is Japanese, European, or American.

I just don’t know what style Reihye likes. Then there’s the garden in front of and behind the big house, and it’s Rie’s call on how to go about styling it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said lightly.

The moment these words came out, Sakai Masao lifted his teacup and just took a sip of tea before he was directly choked. He hurriedly put the teacup down and couldn’t help but cough.

Sakai Aiko held the contract book inside her hand but did not bother to read it, looking at Kishimoto Masayoshi with a face full of confusion. This extremely surprised expression of hers was also similarly reacted on Sakai Rie’s face.

Sakai Riei’s entire body was as if she was petrified. She hadn’t even dreamed that it would be such a thing, and it was simply hard to believe that what her ears were hearing could be true.

“Brother Justice, you are just too handsome. From now on, I worship you. You are my idol.” Sakai Shouta rushed towards Kishimoto Justice is gave two thumbs up and was the first to break everything said.

Kishimoto Masayoshi raised his right index finger was pointing at the other party and smiled gently, “Don’t be obsessed brother.”

Sakai Rie came back to her senses and turned sideways to look at him sitting at the top of her head and said, “You’re not joking, are you?”

“The official contract for the sale and purchase of real estate is in your mom’s hands, could it be fake?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

Only then did Aiko Sakai look down at the contract she was holding in her hand. Just as Masayoshi Kishimoto had said, he had indeed bought a property in West Asabu in the harbor district.

This to be able to live in the harbor district’s West Asabu, it was not only non-rich or noble, but it also represented a class status. Even outsiders like them knew how high up West Sable was.

If there is still not clear about the name of this place, no one will not know the existence of Roppongi in the harbor area. Nishi-Azabu is part of the Azabu area, and is customarily called Nishi-Azabu because it is in the west.

Roppongi is to the east and Akasaka is to the north. The three places are just three or four kilometers away from Ginza in the western part of Chuo Ward. The location was so favorable that no ordinary rich person could buy such a large place for redevelopment.

Sakai Masao openly stood up, openly laughed up, the emotion above looks particularly excited, as if crazy like clapping said: “They all laugh at me Sakai Masao will not invest, simply not do investment that piece of material.

Now, how is it? I Sakai Masao is better at investing than any of them. They will only look at dead things, while I will look at living people.”

“My dear, don’t get too overjoyed.” Aiko Sakai understood the meaning of her husband’s words to mean that she had made this marriage with the Kishimoto family in the first place was the best way to invest.

“Dad, sit down and talk!” Rie Sakai’s face was a bit overwhelmed as she anxiously said.

Sakai Masao calmed his emotions a little, and Xu resumed his seat and said, “Justice, it’s still you who are the most capable. I, Sakai Masao, have nothing to worry about when I entrust my daughter to you.

Why don’t the two of you go get your marriage license this afternoon? As for the wedding, it’s possible to not be too busy. If you can’t wait for Rie to graduate from college, it can be held. I don’t ask for much, just one thing.

You can hold the wedding in your hometown, Kochi, so that everyone can see it. In the future, who would dare to say that I, Masao Sakai, can’t invest?”

“Dad, what’s wrong with you today? You haven’t been drinking, why are you even talking drunk.” Sakai Rie couldn’t help but start to glow hot and red on her face and said.

“What are you embarrassed about? This one room is filled with family. It is also God’s will that you are the woman who was appointed to be Justice’s wife.

Justice’s father exchanged vows with me when he was still alive. Our neighbors are all witnesses. To put it bluntly, you’ve long been a member of the Kishimoto family. For all these years, I’ve been raising you for the Kishimoto family.

The Sakai family is not exactly a rich and powerful family. In the beginning, the Kishimoto family was inferior to the Sakai family! Our families are related because Masayoshi’s father and I are the best of friends.

We both hope that our next generation will be able to continue this bond of kinship between the two families.” Sakai Masao said with great interest.

“Dad, what have you said!” Sakai Rie’s face was as red as if she was about to bleed from a pinch. She was so ashamed that she couldn’t stay any longer, so she took the initiative to stand up and walk out. She directly pulled open the door and walked out without looking back.

“Still embarrassed.” Sakai Masao laughed out loud.

“I’ll go out and take a look at her.” Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to stand up and said.

“I’ll go check on my sister as well.” Sakai Shota chimed in.

“What are you going for? Stay here honestly.” Sakai Aiko’s right index finger was pointing at her youngest son not to go as a light bulb, and her tone was slightly hardened as she said.

Sakai Shota didn’t dare to disobey his mother’s order, so he could only stay here honestly. He was only able to watch Masayoshi Kishimoto go out, and then watch as the door was pulled shut by the other party.

“Sister’s life is so good that she has all the glory and riches until she dies. Even if she dies, she’ll still be able to be buried in style.” Sakai Shota said with feeling.

“The words are not for you to say so. Sister is not quite willing to marry Brother Justice in her heart.” Sakai Meiling retorted.

“What are you talking about. If she doesn’t want such a good man in front of her, who else does she want?” Aiko Sakai chided.

Sakai Meiling looked at her parents and said in a serious manner, “Finger marriage, that’s all something you guys made up. Don’t think I don’t know the whole story of it.

At first, when our family and the Kishimoto family were betrothed, we didn’t say that we had to marry my sister off. The Kishimoto family only said that they hoped to welcome a daughter of the Sakai family in the future.”

“Who are you hearing all this from?” Aiko Sakai said with a raised eyebrow.

“Grandfather’s dying words that he told me while he was alive. He said that if my sister did not want to marry the Kishimoto family’s son, then he wanted me to marry him. The Sakai family is very true to their word.” Sakai Mirei really didn’t make it up, she said.

“It’s absolutely all bullshit that you’ve made up yourself, isn’t it! Brother Masayoshi isn’t normally rich, and any girl would be willing to marry a young, rich man like him.

It seems that you are no exception. You’re a gold-digging girl as usual.” Sakai Shota didn’t forget to be sarcastic while not believing it.

“Being rich is wrong? That’s exactly what reflects Brother Justice’s most prominent merit, his outstanding financial skills. Even if I love him for this one merit, it’s still human nature.” Sakai Meiling shot back.

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