Chapter 153: Snapper Yaki

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:31:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ikebukuro, it was famous. It was not so famous inside the district it was located in, which was Toshima-ku. It was one of the places where student parties, young people, gathered.

It was December 24th again, Christmas Eve. The streets of Ikebukuro are filled with more people than usual. Most of them were full of youthful vigor.

Natsui Makoto took Masayoshi Kishimoto’s left hand and stood in a long line in front of a snapper-yaki restaurant. Even though she had to wait for most of an hour, her enthusiasm was not diminished at all.

However, inside Masayoshi Kishimoto’s heart was resisting this move of spending a lot of time in line just to pay for a bite of so-called food.

Even if the store had been in business for a hundred years, even if it had been a thousand years, I wouldn’t want it. Sometimes, a lot of famous food, but really eat inside the mouth, but may not be the same thing.

In his previous life, the most lingering poorly rated food in his memory was the Rongcheng Dragon Hands. In the beginning, he was one of those who were tricked into going there.

The most puzzling thing is that it is obviously so difficult to eat, why there are still so many people to eat? Could it be that they were all fooled by its publicity gimmick?

At that moment, Masayoshi Kishimoto just felt that standing in line outdoors in the middle of winter to buy snapper yaki, in addition to being a bit cold, it was also a bit embarrassing and awkward.

In the eyes of successful people, it is most likely to look down on people like this, after all, spending their precious time on things that have little meaning.

Justice Kishimoto reassured himself that it was only most of an hour. In Magic City, many people would still line up for two, three hours just to get a bite of a famous snack.

“Why are you upset?” Natsui Makoto noticed the change in his facial expression and said.

“There’s no unhappiness. I just think it’s our poor people’s time that’s worthless.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her with a slight sideways glance and said.

“This one of your thought patterns is wrong and needs to be shifted. You should think of it this way, it’s not easy for us to make money. Even lining up like this is both saving money and making money.” Natsui Makoto smiled.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and didn’t intend to argue with her about anything on the matter, after all, it was in public.

He took both of her hands in both of his hands and brought them to his mouth, blowing hot air towards both of her hands while still rubbing them, “Cold?”

Natsui Makoto gently shook her head and smiled sweetly, “Not cold. Are you cold?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto wanted to say, “It’s a bit cold,” but in the end, he didn’t say it. He was not able to dampen her enthusiasm for eating snapper yaki.

If he wasn’t accompanying her, he definitely couldn’t do such a thing. In this world, there were simply too many things that were more delicious than snapper barbecue.

Even if you really want to eat it, you don’t have to queue up like this, the big thing is to pay several times the price to buy it from someone else.

Justice Kishimoto didn’t want to be exposed. It was just like what Natsui Makoto had said earlier, ordinary people’s money was hard to come by, so they wouldn’t do anything to squander it against common sense.

In their minds, money was more important than time. Who made it more time and less money? It’s not that they don’t work hard, but it’s in the fact that there are fewer ways to make money.

Masayoshi Kishimoto put Natsui Makoto’s hands into the left and right pockets of his jacket, causing the two of them to face each other, body to body embrace together.

The two of them looked at each other with eyes full of love, as if everyone else had become an invisible existence like air. There were more than one young couple who made intimate gestures like them.

Masayoshi Kishimoto felt that keeping time over was not only genuinely slow, but also sad. He had the temerity to try, “Let me tell you a story! It’s about a man and his seven girlfriends, want to hear it?”

Natsui Makoto held her head high and looked at him with both eyes, not understanding, “Why did he have seven girlfriends instead of eight, nine, ten?”

“It’s because there are only seven days in a week, so he needs to divide the seven days equally one day to his different girlfriends.

In his opinion, it’s even if it’s a bowl of water. But here’s the problem. A girlfriend’s birthday could still be staggered.

On his birthday, it was a problem. He couldn’t gather seven girlfriends to celebrate his birthday together. So, he racked his brain and divided the day into time slots.

During the day, the time slots were from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, three one-hour slots. At night, the time period would be from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm, four one-hour periods. It sort of came to a three hour day.

He thus accompanied seven different girlfriends as if in a hurry inside a day was blowing out birthday candles seven times, celebrating seven birthdays, and eating birthday cake seven times.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

“And then?” Natsui Makoto blinked twice at him, not finding this one of his stories all that interesting Dao.

“He ate too much birthday cake and started to get an upset stomach and squatted on top of the toilet bowl to take a cake dump.” Justice Kishimoto laughed and said.

“Darn, that’s disgusting to say.” Natsui Makoto said as she reached out her right hand from inside her pocket and raised her small fist to hit him.

“What this one story tells us men is that having more girlfriends isn’t necessarily a good thing. The more girlfriends you have isn’t the better, but just one is good.” Justice Kishimoto looked at her with an unchanged smile and said.

“Oily mouth.” Natsui Makoto resumed putting her outstretched right hand back into the jacket pocket of his jacket, her hands also made a hugging motion towards him and said.

“Look at how good others are at coaxing their girlfriends. Look at yourself, you’re clumsy and have no sense of humor at all.”

A girl standing in front of Masayoshi Kishimoto and Makoto Natsui suddenly became upset and criticized the boy standing beside him.

The boy, who was being counted down by the girl, neither retorted nor defended himself, but still showed silence, just like a stone statue.

“It’s so infuriating. Am I in love with a wooden man?” The girl became even more angry when she saw his silent demeanor.

She was so angry that she didn’t want to wait in line anymore and turned her head to leave. The boy rushed to follow but didn’t have anything to say, just followed her silently.

“We can take another step forward.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he picked up Makoto Natsui with both hands and started moving towards the front.

“Hey, that girl who just walked away is really pathetic too, how did she get a boyfriend like that who can’t hit a fart with three punches? She’s bored to death.” Natsui Makoto lamented.

“That boy is honest. Marrying and living with him is definitely the right thing to do. Of course, if you play with your feelings, then he’s definitely not to your girls’ liking.

According to you girls, it’s better to find a scummy guy and have a relationship that you know will only lead to tragedy than to definitely not find a man who’s as stuffy as he is.” Justice Kishimoto had a word to say.

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