Chapter 163: Mental Cleanliness

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:31:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto finished his dinner and got up to leave the table, he was stopped by Rie Sakai, “Let’s have a chat.”

This was the first time Masayoshi Kishimoto had encountered this situation, and he was still a bit uncomfortable. He did not refuse saying, “What do you want to talk to me about?”

“I’ve already visited that one house in Nishimabu in the harbor district. It can be rebuilt without tearing it down at all. Aside from the bed and mattress, there aren’t too many items within the house that need to be replaced.” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“If you say you won’t tear down and rebuild, then you won’t tear down and rebuild. You can replace whatever you want and buy whatever you want.” When Masayoshi Kishimoto had bought the place in the first place, it had been completely turnkey. He wasn’t the least bit surprised by the woman’s move to change the beds and mattresses; after all, women especially valued that.

Rie Sakai leaned forward towards him, her eyes fixed on his face, and said tentatively, “Once we move over there, I still want to throw a big party, is that feasible?”

“You can do whatever you want, there’s no need to consult me.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“You’re the landlord, I’m just a borrowed tenant. A man under the roof has to bow his head.” Sakai Rie said with a sickly accent.

“There’s a borrowed tenant like you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly burst into tears and blurted out.

“What’s wrong with me? And what’s wrong with some of that about me?” Rie Sakai asked rhetorically.

“Nothing wrong. You’re good at everything, I’m just not good enough.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“The house over in Nishimabu in Minato is big and has a front and back garden, and I want to get a dog.” Rie Sakai tried further.

“Feel free to raise one. You just have to be happy.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as his body weight fell backward, his back resting on top of the chair back.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” Rie Sakai asked knowingly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her with his head hanging down and said, “You clearly know in your heart, so why ask me?”

“It’s precisely because I’m not sure that I’m asking you.” Sakai Rie asked him to give her a clear answer.

“Don’t worry if you’re not sure. There’s no need to get too clear on this matter. If you really make it clear, there’s no feeling and no point in it.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s understanding of love was the kind of inner feeling that could not be described or understood. He himself favored this kind of sentiment towards people that came out of fondness.

There were times when he was just like a little boy who also liked to tease his favorite little girl. Tugging on her hair and running away with a smile on his face. Quietly stand behind her and loudly scare her ……

The little girl naturally hated this kind of behavior from the little boy. If she also likes him and has him in her heart, not only will she not be angry, but she will also have a sense of anticipation.

The love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu inside Dream of Red Mansions is not the two of them bickering at times, crying at times, and searching for death ……

As an adult in his twenties, he naturally can no longer fall in love like a child, or a teenage boy. As a real man, knows what is called responsibility.

“Honestly, did you fall in love with me because I’m good looking and artistically talented, is that why?” Sakai Rie took the initiative to adopt an offensive strategy and said.

“Then let me ask you, did you fall in love with me because I’m rich, able to tolerate your personality and temper, and not ugly looking?” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t answer positively and asked in a counter-attacking manner.

“From the past to now, I don’t care if you have money or not. What’s wrong with my character and temper? If you think I’m bad there, point it out!

You’re not ugly, it’s kind of a big statement. Other than that, it’s all wrong. If I fall in love with you, I’m asking for trouble.

You’re a womanizer. How can I stand it? You’ll bully me to death! I have no place to complain if I’m bullied.

Even if I talk to my parents about all the bad things you’ve done, I’ll still get blamed by them for my bad behavior.” Sakai Rie said truthfully with her own understanding.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that the invisible, unseen wall that stood between the two approaching was their point of conflict.

Her own philandering was contrary to the concept of love that she believed in for the rest of her life. She also had a degree of mental cleanliness, and she was afraid that she was a very dirty man in her mind.

None of this is Rie Sakai’s fault. Since God created man, and also attached different souls to him, there would be all sorts of different personalities and temperaments arising out of it. Not to mention that he had never had the luxury that a woman would have to submit herself like a slave.

“Women who are better looking than you, although there aren’t a large number of them out there, but with my current reality, it’s not that hard to find them again.

As for your artistic talent? I’ll be honest, I really don’t appreciate it. Since you have expertise in this one area, then in the future it would be good to tutor our children and cultivate their sentiments.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Sakai Rie froze for a moment, not expecting him to be able to bring the topic to his children. She hadn’t even agreed to marry him herself. As soon as she reacted she argued, “Are you so sure I’ll marry you?”

“If you’re not a family, you don’t enter a family. Since you have entered my Kishimoto family’s door, what else is there to say?

All along, haven’t you been acting in a way that shows what it is like to be the mistress of this family?” Masayoshi Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

Sakai Rie immediately ran out of words. She couldn’t help but start having all sorts of memories inside her head. Her own heart was as clear as a mirror, and she knew that his kindness to her would not be without reason.

In this world, there is no love without a reason, nor is there hate without a reason. He was willing to lay down the capital to help himself, or did it originate from that piece of paper without a legally binding marriage contract?

“You’ve wronged me.” Sakai Rie’s small face couldn’t help but blush as she stiffened her mouth.

Kishimoto Masayoshi spread out both hands and said, “Whether or not you have been wronged, I believe that your heart is quite clear.”

“You’re asking me for something in return now?” Sakai Rie said with a serious look on her face.

“I’m sure you should remember me saying that I’m the man who wants to become an investor. What is one of the most important things about investing? It must be to consider returns.

Return is the first priority and source of motivation for investment. However, the only people I don’t think about the relationship between investment and return are the people I consider my family.

If family members are all calculating and calculating with each other, why should they live under the same roof and eat at the same table?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

He said here intentionally paused for a moment, and then said: “The problem between us is that you have a mental hygiene, just can’t see it.

Which rich man does not have some affair outside. In my opinion, as long as not everywhere love, do not really pay, just play.”

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