Chapter 166 The Gathering

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:31:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As soon as darkness fell on Saturday night, people arrived one after another inside Masayoshi Kishimoto’s home in Nishimabu, Minato Ward. Each of them had been carefully primped and groomed, and they could be described as handsome men and beautiful women.

In addition to the gathering of guests, naturally, it was necessary to temporarily hire some other support staff to provide services for the invitees.

The most important thing in the party was the powerful music and various kinds of drinks. Both Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai were young men.

The friends they invited were also young people. Young people should move, so it is natural to spend money on professional DJs.

Under the dynamic music, Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to take Rie Sakai’s right hand and walked to the front of the tall champagne tower that had been specially erected.

They received two bottles of Ace of Spades champagne each from the side, which was handed to them by her. The two of them, along with the cheers and screams from below,……, tacitly agreed to aim the champagne in the bottles at the champagne tower and poured from top to bottom one after another.

Kishimoto justice poured the hands of the two bottles of Ace of Spades champagne, fired up the atmosphere of the cry: “Oh oh oh ……”

He put down the empty bottle and picked up two other bottles of Ace of Spades champagne from the tabletop that she people had helped themselves to and opened in front of the crowd. He raised the bottles, tops down, and made the same pouring motion again.

After the champagne tower was filled to the brim, he and Rie Sakai each took a glass from the top and clinked them in their hands, smiling at each other, and brought them to their mouths, tilting their heads slightly to drink.

The party for the Kishimoto family’s new home had officially begun. Under the catalytic effect of the drinks and the powerful music, the invited people started to twist their bodies and get high one after another.

Masayoshi Kishimoto raised a glass of champagne in his hand to cheer everyone up. As he looked at the crowd in the large living room on the first floor, he couldn’t help but be in high spirits.

Watanabe Saeki, holding a glass of red wine in his right hand, took the initiative to walk up to his close side and smiled, “Do you still remember me?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her sideways and bluntly said, “No impression at all.”

“I’m Rie’s best friend, my name is Watanabe Saki. I’m also from Shikoku Kochi Prefecture. Not only are we from the same hometown, but Rie and I are also neighbors.”

Watanabe Saki just wanted to get to know him and broaden her network. As for the rest, she had the self-awareness to be no match for Sakai Rie.

This wanting to steal the other’s man, that was simply something that couldn’t happen. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, but she didn’t have enough strength.

On the appearance, on the body, on the talent …… themselves are completely defeated by Sakai Rie, can be said to have no chance at all. Instead of embarrassing herself, it is better to hide her clumsiness.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood the meaning of her words. He took the initiative to bring the glass in his hand closer to the red wine glass in her right hand, and a clear “dang” sound was made.

Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said, “I’ve forgotten almost everything from my childhood. However, I still vaguely remember that Rie was only three or four years old at that time. At her side was indeed such a little girl who cried all day long, could it be you?”

Watanabe Saki nodded heavily and admitted with a big smile, “Yes, that’s me.”

“Nowadays, you’ve grown so big. I can’t even recognize you at all.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not bother to recognize the truth either. Inside his own mind at the moment, he did recall that there was such a crybaby little girl Dao.

“Women have changed! Rie has gotten better looking. As a matter of fact, she grew up to be a beautiful girl with the air of a great lady. I, on the contrary, was one of her little maids.” Watanabe Saki had a word for it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood her feelings of being given a supporting role since childhood. Not to mention her mediocre looks, even Sakai Mirei, who was cute and not inferior to her own sister, had been disgruntled and indignant in front of herself for this.

“There are quite a few young talents here. The opportunity is right in front of you, as to whether or not you can grab it, it’s up to you?” Justice Kishimoto said expressly.

Watanabe Saeki knew in his heart that if he didn’t have a good relationship with Sakai Rie at this level, I’m afraid that he wouldn’t have had the chance to appear above this kind of high-class gathering for the rest of his life.

The men who were able to appear here were definitely not affordable men. There must be rich and handsome men among them. Even if they were no better, they wouldn’t be as bad as that.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to one?” Watanabe Saki wanted him to act as a matchmaking intermediary introducer for himself, it was so that he could increase his success rate said.

“We’re all adults now. This kind of thing, you’re on your own! Look how proactively that one girl on the left is striking out.” Masayoshi Kishimoto politely declined.

Watanabe Saki followed what he said and looked directly over. She instantly recognized it as Satou Ryoumi. If she herself had some small mind, then the other party had the same small mind, that is, she wanted to find the object of her desire through this high-level party.

They understood each other, with their own social circle and social class to find a rich man, the possibility of zero, after all, it is simply not intersecting the two track line.

“She’s also a college friend of Rie’s, called Sato Ryoumi. She’s not from Shikoku Kochi Prefecture.” Watanabe Saki took the initiative to introduce her and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that the other party’s mind was trying to use the excuse of being a fellow countryman and acquaintance to be well taken care of. He also remembered a bit of these feelings and kindly reminded him, “It’s not suitable for you to find a marriage partner here. If you’re just looking for a boyfriend, it’s a good choice.”

Watanabe Saki didn’t understand the meaning of his words and said, “I’m the one who’s not suitable for them?”

“Rie belongs to the one in a lifetime category. If you’re like her, naturally you won’t find it here.” Naturally, Masayoshi Kishimoto could not explicitly say that his male friends were either big piggish or philanderers.

Not to mention that this kind of male-female affair, and both being adults, was completely in the category of Zhou Yu beating up Huang Gui, with one willing to beat up and the other willing to take a beating.

“I’m not Rie, and I can’t learn from her. She’s a rare breed, and I’m not.” Watanabe Saki politely expressed her romantic views and opinions saying.

“In that case, then you should be brave and bold enough to pursue your own little happiness! Having a few more boyfriends will also increase your experience.

When you’ve seen all kinds of men, then you can find a relatively honest man to marry.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he realized what she meant.

Watanabe Saki smiled all over and said, “You’re teaching me a lesson.”

“How is it teaching you bad? I’m teaching you well. If you haven’t tried it yourself, you’ll always have an uneasy thought inside your head.

The only way to realize that it’s nothing more than that after trying it out is to wind down after marriage, in favor of the couple getting along in the long run.” Justice Kishimoto explained.

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