Chapter 169: The Rosebud Society

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:32:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The next morning, Sakai Rie heard the doorbell ring, so she reflexively made a move to hurry to open the door. She opened the door and saw two women with exquisite makeup, good temperament, not bad dress, slightly older, but very well maintained women standing in front of her.

Sakai Rie did not recognize either of them, “Excuse me, who are you looking for?”

“We are also the owners who live here.” The short-haired woman took the initiative to introduce herself with a slight smile.

“Last night, the party we had affected you guys, right? I’m sorry, I’m sorry. In the future, we will pay special attention.” Sakai Rie’s first reaction was to think of what happened last night and apologized.

The short-haired woman smiled and shook her head a little, “We didn’t come here for that one thing you mentioned. Besides, all the houses here are soundproofed so well that the noise doesn’t bother the neighbors one whatsoever.

If you want to have a party at home in the future, you can do it anytime. Only, isn’t it possible to invite us to participate as well?”

“Definitely.” Realizing that it was rude to stand and talk like this, Rie Sakai took the initiative to step aside and said, “Please come in.”

The two women retraced their steps and walked straight in. They had developed a habit of not changing their shoes; after all, the families living in the area employed someone to clean their homes.

Sakai Rie closed the door and led them in while saying in embarrassment, “I haven’t had time to clean up yet. I’ve made you all laugh.”

They responded with a smile that indicated complete understanding. The two of them didn’t look left or right, but they took in what they saw.

Everywhere they looked, they saw bottles of champagne with the ace of spades tipped over. They mentally counted the number of bottles in their minds, more than two dozen.

On top of that, bottles of Grey Goose vodka from France, Grafidi single malt scotch from Scotland, Chateau Mouton Rothschild red wine from Bordeaux, and so on were everywhere. This was a one-night thing.

These things showed the host family’s strong financial resources on the one hand, and the host’s good taste on the other. Wine, that was a fast consumable.

As soon as the three of them sat down on top of the sofa in the large living room on the first floor, Sakai Rie stood up boldly and said: ”Why did I forget to pour tea for you guys? Do you guys drink black tea, or coffee? Or something else.”

“No need. You sit down first. We didn’t come over specifically to drink tea. In the future, there will be many opportunities for us to drink tea together.” The woman with long hair smiled.

“We also just moved here not long ago, and we’re still not too familiar with many things.” Sakai Rie said as she sat down slowly with absolutely no sense of nervousness.

“Before this, the original owner of this one house belonged to a prince in Europe. He went back to his country, so he sold the house.

I can’t imagine that it was bought by your family. Since we are all Japanese, there are no cultural differences, and it is easy to communicate without any barriers.” The long-haired woman had one thing to say.

“I’m also not sure who the old owner of this house used to be. He didn’t give me instructions after he bought it either.” Rie Sakai said honestly.

“We’re here for no other reason than specifically to invite you to join the Rosebud Society. Our Rosebud Society is a civic friendship organization that was spontaneously created by the women who live in this area of Nishi-Azabu in Minato Ward a long time ago.

From time to time, we will meet for activities, drinking tea, chatting, playing golf …… is to enhance the relationship between each other. Of course, in terms of philanthropy, we haven’t done less.” The short-haired woman cut to the chase and said.

Sakai Rie understood their intentions, but did not agree at once. How could she not realize that there was no such thing as a free lunch? When everyone got together for an event, even if it was AA, the expenses would not be small.

Where did the money come from? For herself, it was really a big problem. The more one asked Masayoshi Kishimoto for, the more autonomy one would lose, after all, taking from the shortest of hands and eating from the softest of lips.

“I’m sure your Rosebud Society is attended by the ladies of the houses! I’m not married, I’m afraid ……” Sakai Rie said as she tried to express a polite refusal.

“Not married? What is the relationship between the man of the house and you? It can’t be the kind of relationship that’s not normal, right?

The women in our Rosy Club are serious, and we will never accept any unorthodox women into the club.”

The long-haired woman didn’t wait until she finished her sentence before interrupting, her facial expression changed, and her eyes looked at Sakai Rie from the very kind at the very beginning to become with some contemptuous color.

Sakai Rie naturally noticed the change in the other party’s attitude. When did she become an immodest woman? She immediately had a feeling of resentment arise.

If she didn’t participate in the Rosebud Association, it would be a direct indication that she had been categorized as a woman who wasn’t a proper woman. In the future, how could she live in Nishimabu?

Sakai Rie was not unaware of the national character of the Japanese. Once she was ostracized, not only would there be all kinds of gossip from people behind her back, but also the families living here would not interact with her, treating her as if she were a plague.

She hurriedly clarified her innocent status, saying, “We are an unmarried couple. We are both citizens of Shikoku Kochi Prefecture.

We entered into a marriage contract since we were young. To be precise, I was ordained to be married, and am not at all the type of woman who covets a man’s money to climb the ladder.”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier? See! Almost let us misunderstand you.” The long-haired woman changed her face faster than turning over a book. Her face once again displayed a pleasant smile and said.

“Our Rosebud Society accepts the ladies of the various families living in West Mabu in addition to the ladies of the various families. The men are not accepted.

Those who join the club are all women. We women get together so we can say the sweet things we women say to each other.” The short-haired woman said with a harmless look in her smile.

Sakai Rie wasn’t stupid, and had long since seen that it wasn’t just women, and that the prerequisite had to be a woman with money in her family.

When I was living in Ueno, Taito District, how come there was no private organization like this? This Rosebud Club also did not take the initiative to invite themselves to join the club like today.

The short-haired woman opened the Hermes platinum bag she was carrying and took out a form and handed it out, ”You leave a cell phone number for us first.

We will notify you of the next event. At that time, you will bring along the completed form and the one million yen entrance fee.”

Rie Sakai’s heart thumped, but she didn’t show the slightest bit of dislike on her face. For the time being, she didn’t know if it was worth it.

However, she did know that her life would change drastically in the future. At the moment, she was completely unable to adapt to the new changes brought about by this rise in class status.

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