Chapter 171 Old Age

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:32:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s merger and acquisition of Takayuki Nanno’s headhunting company was completed smoothly. Since then, the workplace of Takayuki Minamino, as well as all of his employees, had completely changed.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto rented an entire floor, it was a bit empty. However, he was planning for the long term.

Nowadays, the Hard Gold Capital Corporation that he had founded not only had more and more employees, but also had more and more powerful capital.

All along, Justice Kishimoto did not force anyone to do what they did not want to do. This goes and stays above all at will. In the end, none of the employees of Nanno Takayuki’s original company took the initiative to resign.

The reason is very simple, the human nature to avoid harm. They had long heard about the excellent benefits of Hard Gold Capital Corporation, and even the personnel dispatched to the company were given a three-month half-yearly bonus.

Who wouldn’t be willing to jump from the pile of chaff to the pile of rice, with a substantial increase in income and benefits? And who would be so stupid as to have a problem with money?

Masayoshi Kishimoto honored all the promises he made to Takayuki Nanno, not only did he not find an excuse to lay off one of his former company’s people, but he also discounted the shares to the other party according to the market valuation, and let him enter the management of the new company.

His original intention was to give this one of his hair as payment for the merger in the form of all cash, but was rejected by Takayuki Nanno, who asked for all of them to be exchanged for the corresponding shares.

In Nanno Takayuki’s opinion, not only can the two be completely tied together to advance and retreat together, increasing each other’s sense of trust, but also their own interests can be maximized.

After all, he didn’t have a good place to invest his cash. Instead of worrying about money generating money day and night, it would be better to turn it directly into shares of Hard Gold Capital Corporation.

To this end, Masayoshi Kishimoto had also taken the initiative to propose a guarantee that would be conducive to increasing the motivation and long-term interests of the entire company’s employees, namely, the decentralization of shares.

His own absolute control, holding 60% of the shares, the management holds 30% of the shares, and the ordinary employees hold 10% of the shares.

His principle is still no compulsion. If people are willing to buy, they can buy, if they are not willing to buy, they can not buy. If you can’t sell the part that you can’t sell, you can just take it back yourself.

Even if there is a capital increase or listing in the future, he will still maintain his 60% shareholding in the company as a whole. If there are employees leaving the company, he will also give priority to buy back at the market price.

After the introduction of this company’s new initiatives, the most happy than Kobayashi Kiyoshi, Miyazaki Ryuui, Yamaguchi Katsuhei, Ota Feidori and some of the company’s backbone, as well as other managers.

They were convinced that Justice Kishimoto would lead them to a better future. So, one by one, they not only took out years of savings, but also took the initiative to find their parents, siblings, friends and relatives to borrow money to buy their own company’s shares, even at the expense of other people to give a high interest rate.

They also privately calculated an account, if the interest rate of loan sharks are not as fast as the annual growth of the company’s earnings, it is not impossible to borrow that kind of money to buy shares.

There were people among the ordinary employees who took the initiative to buy. They are the old employees who have worked in Hard Gold Capital for one or two years.

They are familiar with the company’s internal specifics, not all of them feel that it is a good thing to make a profit. In their opinion, who does not buy, who fool.

There are also follow the trend to buy people, is to enter the hard gold capital company work less than a year of new employees. They follow the trend, and when they see others buy, they buy themselves.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Takayuki Nanno were sitting face to face in the president’s office. Masayoshi Kishimoto laid out some of the relevant work for the next period of time and said, “I plan to create a publicity section in the company.

Its main function is to publicize our company’s image to the outside world, to deal with all kinds of negative news that are unfavorable to our company, and to do a good job of building and publicizing our corporate culture internally, so as to gather people’s hearts and minds, unify their thoughts, and inspire them to work hard.”

Nanno Takayuki understood, “Do you have any specific quality requirements for the person in charge of the publicity section?”

“Good writing is the minimum requirement. I hope that such a person in charge can be somewhat provocative, and especially have a good ability to solve unexpected practical problems.

You have to know that the bigger our company gets, the more troublesome things will come one after another in the future. A large part of our company’s capital comes from the pachinko industry behind me.

At the end of the day, that money will always be given to some sanctimonious bitches, do-gooders, and competitors as an excuse to attack our company in the future.

In order not to negatively affect the favorable image the company has built up in the future, and not to shake the confidence of other investors in our company, this one aspect of publicity is indispensable.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was far-sighted, and didn’t think that creating a publicity class within the company was a waste of money at all Dao.

“Roger that, promise to find you a satisfactory person.” Nanno Takayuki didn’t think it was that difficult, and smiled easily as he said.

“There’s also the matter of retirement. Even though our company was founded not long ago, and the average age of all the employees is less than 30, it’s time to put it on the agenda.

This is to better stabilize people’s hearts, so that they can make the company their home and work hard as the best reward for the company. As you know, there are two types of pension systems in Japan.

One is public pension and the other is private pension. The public pension is also known as the National Pension (a pension system in which all nationals over the age of 20 and under the age of 60 join), the Employee’s Pension (for those who work in private companies, factories, stores, offices, etc.), and the Co-Employee’s Pension (for national civil servants, local civil servants, and teachers and staff of private schools).

Although it looks like everyone has a share, everyone knows that the national pension alone is not enough to live on as a future pension.

Even if there is an Employee’s Pension, it is directly and closely related to the actual business situation of the company. In principle, companies and institutions with more than five regular employees are required by law to join the Employees’ Pension Fund.

Our company has more than 50 employees. The Thick Life Pension is another piece of old age protection that the company must provide for everyone.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto naturally understood that the difference between the thick life annuity and the national annuity was that the thick life annuity insurance cost was based on the employee’s income to determine the percentage of contribution. In other words, the thick life annuity is directly proportional to the employee’s income. It is equivalent to the pension insurance of Chinese urban workers.

He paused intentionally when he said this and picked up the mouth cup on the table to drink water. He put down the mouth cup, and then added: “Our focus is to give all the company’s personnel to a certain extent to ensure that they can live a more affluent old age after retirement.

Corporate and individual annuities are known as private annuities. The piece of personal annuity (mainly refers to personal purchase of insurance, savings, etc.) is out of our hands. However, I would like you to be in charge of the piece of corporate annuities that the employees are fully enrolled in.”

After hearing him say that, Nanno Takayuki was convinced that the other party was running a proper company. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be concerned about his subordinates’ future retirement. He made an “OK” gesture with both of his hands at the same time and said, “Okay.”

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto chose him was that there was a lot of money involved. The person who was in charge of the corporate pensions was in charge of the source of happiness for many people after their retirement. One had to be responsible for the employees as well as find someone who was capable and trustworthy.

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