Chapter 175.

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:32:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After finishing lunch, Masayoshi Kishimoto and Makoto Natsui returned to their apartment inside Ueno’s apartment in Taito District. Natsui Makoto sat on top of the long sofa in the living room, her back leaning sideways against its left armrest.

Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned his back in front of her. Natsui Makoto placed the thumbs of each hand on his left and right temples, gently rubbing them in a clockwise motion.

All this time, she had been satisfied with nothing more than the thought that her future days would be better than the miserable days of her childhood. She had never imagined that her life would take such a dramatic and shocking turnaround.

“It should be fate that arranged for us to meet together!” Natsui Makoto said with sudden emotion.

Masayoshi Kishimoto closed his eyes and enjoyed, “Fate. It took five hundred years of looking back in the previous life to exchange for a brush of shoulders in this life. For us to be able to meet and walk together, how many years of previous lives would have to pass before we could do so?”

Natsui Zhenqin’s heart was sweet inside, smiling sweetly, she said, “Who did you listen to all this from?”

“What the Buddha said. Ananda said to the Buddha, I have fallen in love with a woman. The Buddha asked Ananda, how much do you really like this woman?

Ananda said, “I would take the form of a stone bridge and suffer the wind for five hundred years, the sun for five hundred years, and the rain for five hundred years, but I would ask her to walk across the bridge.” Justice Kishimoto said with a knowing smile.

“Oily mouth.” Natsui Makoto said with a sweet smile on her face.

“It’s not me being oily. It’s all what the Buddha said.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Didn’t Buddha say something else? Could it be that he only taught you how to coax girls?” Natsui Makoto snapped.

“Since you don’t like what Buddha said, let’s say something else. Ernon and I are in love, and where love is plentiful, it is hot like fire. Take a piece of clay, twist an er, mold a me, break the two of us together, and mix them with water.

Twist another Er and mold another me. There is an Er in my clay, and an Er in mine. We will live in the same bed and die in the same coffin.

Let me explain the meaning to you, you have me in your heart, I have you in my heart, so sentimental, so deep in love, as passionate as a flame.

Take a piece of clay, pinch a you, pinch a me, break us together, and mix with water. Pinch another you, and another me.

You in my clay figure, me in yours. As long as I live, I will sleep under the same blanket as you, and when I die, I will enter the same coffin.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

“Who wants to live and sleep under the same blanket with you? Who’s going to die and go into the same coffin with you? I don’t want it!” Natsui Makoto was sweet to the core, but mouthed the words.

“A poem composed by Piping Sheng, the wife of Zhao Mengfu, a Chinese calligrapher of the Yuan Dynasty. Zhao Mengfu wanted to take a concubine composed a small poem to show his wife, and Pipe composed ‘My Nong’s Words’ in reply.

Actually, I think Zhao Mengfu was right. He wrote, I am a bachelor, you are a wife. Do you not hear that Bachelor Wang has peach leaves and roots, and Bachelor Su has morning and evening clouds?

I’ll have a few more Wu girls and Yue girls without excess. You are already over forty years old, so just take up the Jade Hall Spring.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

Natsui Makoto listened in confusion and said, “Explain it to me again!”

Masayoshi Kishimoto made his own understanding and explanation, “It is extremely normal for a successful man to have a few more women around him.

The woman who stays by the side of a successful man should neither be jealous nor think twice about it. He just needs to fulfill his responsibility as a man to you.”

Natsui Makoto really couldn’t find anything to refute him for a while, after all, the real society was like that. From top to bottom, they all felt that it belonged to a reasonable existence. She realized that Masayoshi Kishimoto wasn’t just saying it, but was giving a hint in his words.

“When you’re young and your thoughts aren’t left, it’s called not having a mind. When you’re old and your thoughts aren’t right, that’s called having no mind.” Masayoshi Kishimoto coldly added two more words to the conversation.

“What are you lamenting about again?” Natsui Makoto was still unable to understand and said.

“Nothing. The job at the bookstore, if you don’t want to do it, just don’t do it. Why bother working that hard?” Masayoshi Kishimoto had long known that her shortcomings and limitations lay in her low level of education, making it difficult for her to resonate with his own thoughts.

In the beginning, he hadn’t been looking at her for her beauty, white skin, and long legs. It was because I felt that when I was with her, my spirit was especially relaxed.

Natsui Makoto’s most outstanding advantage was a woman’s most powerful killing move, gentleness. That was the part that Sakai Rie was missing the most.

Natsui Makoto blurted out, “You’re raising me, huh?”

As soon as her words left her mouth, she immediately realized that the other party was fully capable of supporting himself. Not only that, but he was also able to allow himself to live a life of privilege and affluence that so many people from the land would envy and hate.

Masayoshi Kishimoto solemnly promised, “I’ll support you for the rest of your life, okay?”

“I don’t want you to support me! I’m good enough to support myself.” Natsui Makoto pursed her lips and said.

“I’m just watching you work too hard. If you feel that the time in a day is not good to pass, then you can go shopping, do spa treatments, enroll in a cooking class to improve your cooking skills, and so on.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get used to it if I really had to stop working. If I pamper myself for a long time, I’ll never be able to do a proper job in the future.

If you don’t want me someday, how will I survive? It would be better for me to die if you let me do improper work.”

Natsui Makoto naturally thought of her own mother. Since she was young, she had never heard her real mom say that her unseen dad was not a good person, and that all men in the world were not good.

“How could I not want you? I’ve said I’ll raise you for the rest of your life, and I won’t even promise myself one day less.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not fail to feel that she was worrying about nothing.

“In the beginning, I thought you were honest. Now it seems that you are not honest at all.” Natsui Makoto fell into his sweet words and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto asked in a targeted manner, “Would you rather find an honest man or a capable man?”

“I want to find a man who is both capable and honest.” Natsui Makoto guffawed and smiled again.

“That is absolutely impossible. Men who are capable are not honest. Honest men are not capable. In fact, even if you women don’t admit it with your mouths, in your hearts you’re completely inclined to look for capable men.

It’s just that although there are many men, there are very few men who are really capable. In your opinion, such a man is at least smart enough, excellent genes.

If something really happens, he will be able to protect himself from the wind and rain, unlike honest men who become like ants on a hot pan, completely out of ideas.” Justice Kishimoto said with a pinch of salt.

“I realized that you understand women’s hearts very well!” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“Don’t understand. I only understand your heart.” Masayoshi Kishimoto playfully said.

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