Chapter 177: Selfishness

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:32:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

A flight from Tokyo to Seoul landed smoothly on the runway of Gimpo International Airport. The Boeing 737 slowed down and taxied to a tarmac.

At this time, Miyazaki Ryui, Yamaguchi Katsuhei, and Sato Hidetaka had arrived at the airport lobby early to wait for Kishimoto Masayoshi. They had received a phone call from Yamada Mirai three days in advance.

After passing through the VIP airport passage, Masayoshi Kishimoto appeared in front of them. His entourage was small, with only his secretary, Yamada Mirai.

Miyazaki Ryui and the others neatly bowed forty-five degrees towards Masayoshi Kishimoto, thus showing the absolute obedience of their subordinates to their boss.

Not only within Japan, but Korea was even more focused on such a form of etiquette, after all, it was a country with a strong social hierarchy. It represents and embodies the power in hand, as well as the individual’s social status.

In addition to Miyazaki Ryui and Yamaguchi Katsuhei, Sato Hidetaka and the others also appeared to scramble to go to Kishimoto Masayoshi and Yamada Mirai to carry luggage.

They had known for a long time that the company was about to be syndicated. The final personnel appointments above have not been completely finalized. Sato Hidetaka had been in Korea for more than two years, and his main job was to be in charge of Korean translation plus administration. He is also considered an old employee of the company.

Sato Hidetaka used to work as an interpreter for Miyazaki Ryuui, but now he was transferred to Yamaguchi Katsuhei’s side as an interpreter. As a young man under thirty years old, he naturally wanted to progress, and it would be best if he could be transferred back to the Tokyo headquarters to serve. For himself, there would only be a better future in the future.

Not only did Sato Hidetaka have such thoughts, but Miyazaki Ryuui also had such thoughts. Although Miyazaki Ryui was in charge of the investment work in Korea, he excluded the specific affairs of real estate construction.

Hard gold construction is by Yamaguchi Katsuhei full responsibility, not only not subordinate to themselves, and their own position from the top than the other side of the lower. Once the company is grouped, Yamaguchi Katsuhei is the president of Hard Gold Construction.

He is the head of the Seoul office in South Korea, which is equivalent to the subsidiary minister level. He himself did not work in the parent company’s headquarters, resulting in a lower level, that is, the head of the headquarters of the division level.

Miyazaki Ryuui thought of this matter on the top of the gas can not fight out. After all, he had heard that even Rumiko Kato would be promoted to become the head of the administration department.

She was the subordinate of Oda Feitsugu, and Oda Feitsugu would be promoted to become the head of the Administration Department. He and Ota were two of the oldest employees of the company at the time of its founding.

Yamaguchi didn’t have any other thoughts, after all, he was sent to Seoul by Kishimoto Justice to be in charge of the preparation of the hard gold construction and development of real estate projects in the three districts of Gangnam.

After all, he was sent to Seoul by Masayoshi Kishimoto to prepare for Hard Gold Construction and to develop the real estate projects in the three districts of Gangnam. Among the people in Korea, he is the one who has the least personal gain and loss, and he only wants to repay Kishimoto for his kindness to him.

The rest of the people who were able to go to the airport to greet Masayoshi Kishimoto and Mirai Yamada were naturally not just a little bit transparent inside the company. They were the inner circle of Miyazaki Ryui, Yamaguchi Katsuhei, and Sato Hidetaka. Even if they didn’t have the idea of going to work at the Tokyo headquarters, they still had the idea of wanting a promotion and a raise in their hearts.

Miyazaki Ryui volunteered to ride in the same car as Kishimoto Masayoshi. For this reason, Kishimoto Masayoshi agreed. In his heart, he knew that the other party must be up to something.

It was nothing more than the final personnel appointments after the conglomerate. Nowadays, it had become the hottest topic of discussion and an open secret within the company. Once the personnel appointments were finalized, it meant that the dust had settled.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Ryui Miyazaki were sitting in the backseat of the black Mercedes that was in the center of the three cars lined up. The co-pilot was Mirai Yamada.

In the tail car was Katsuhei Yamaguchi and his men, while in the front car was Hidetaka Sato and his men. The three cars drove one by one, speeding from slow to fast on top of the airport highway leading to the city.

Miyazaki Ryui didn’t beat around the bush and said, “After the grouping of our company, there are two wholly-owned subsidiaries under the parent company’s headquarters. One is Hard Gold Construction.

I have no problem with Yamaguchi Katsuhei assuming the position of president. He is the only one in the entire company who knows the most about specialized work in the construction industry.

Besides, he’s got a lot of experience, and he once founded a medium-sized construction company. I just want to ask boss after you become the chairman, who would you make the president of Hard Gold Capital?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not answer directly and calmly asked back, “Are you making a gross recommendation?”

Miyazaki Ryui did not deny anything and said, “Yes. As long as Boss still trusts me enough to give Hard Gold Capital to me, then I definitely won’t let you down.”

“Isn’t it good here in Seoul? Why do you have to go back to Tokyo?” Justice Kishimoto said lightly.

Miyazaki Ryui’s heart “thumped”, knowing that his desire to take on the position of president of Hard Gold Capital was in all likelihood hopeless. He did not give up, said: “I want to be taught by your side. I’m the man you raised.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed and said, “If Ota Fidget was here, she would definitely say you’re kissing my ass again.”

“She’s still not the woman you raised up, Boss. Now, she’s rather full of satisfaction, the future head of the group company.” Miyazaki Ryui said bluntly.

“You’re jealous of her?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with his left fist supporting his drooping head.

“If we’re talking about seniority, me and Ota Feiqi are the two oldest people inside the company. If we are talking about work ability, although I don’t dare to say that I have much credit, but all along, there has never been a mistake on the Korean side of the work that I am in charge of.” Miyazaki Ryui said seriously.

Justice Kishimoto nodded slightly in recognition, after all, this was something that belonged to the real world. He already had a suitable candidate in his mind and said, “If you want to take on the position of Hard Gold Capital’s president, you still need more experience? I can give you a choice, either remain in Seoul or go to San Francisco?”

Miyazaki Ryui instantly understood who the person who would take the position of president of Hard Gold Capital in the future would be. Although he was reluctant, he was convinced, “So, you’re planning on having Kiyoshi Kobayashi become the president of Hard Gold Capital?”

“Do you think that besides him, there is a second person in the entire company who is a more suitable candidate than him?” Masayoshi Kishimoto had a word to say.

Miyazaki Ryui didn’t have too many objections to this. He deeply knew that Kobayashi Kiyoshi, besides being a bit less senior than himself, his education, work ability, and work experience could be said to be above him in every way.

“You are still so young, twenty-seven, eight years old, what’s the hurry?” Kishimoto justice pacified.

“I’ll obey your decision. If I choose to transfer to the San Francisco office, will the Seoul office be abolished and placed under the sole responsibility of Katsuhei Yamaguchi?” Miyazaki Ryui asked with a sense of purpose.

“No. Katsudaira Yamaguchi is only responsible for the real estate side of the construction work. If you’re willing to go to San Francisco, I’ll have Hidetaka Sato take your place.

Of course, if you do not wish to go and remain in Seoul, then I will choose another candidate.” Justice Kishimoto clearly told the way.

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