Chapter 195 Pressure (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:33:23
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The picking up and washing of the dishes after dinner was done by Natsui Makoto alone. Knowing that he couldn’t help her much, Masayoshi Kishimoto sat down on top of the long couch in the living room so as not to get in her way and add to the mess instead.

He couldn’t help but fall into some meditation. Women, completely able to through this kind of way of combining, so as to realize the class leap.

In reality, for them, the relative risk is the smallest, the success rate is the highest, is very suitable for the middle and lower classes of those who are eager to break through the class barriers of women.

Even if a woman doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter, she won’t be looked down upon by those above her in society. Women who work, even if they earn less money, will not be regarded as incompetent, on the contrary, they feel that they can, have already accomplished the goal.

Women! The money they earn is just to spend it themselves. Their money for the family, at most, is to help put together. Society is tolerant of women. Of course, for feminists, this is classic sexism.

On the other hand, if a man doesn’t have a job, he’s guilty of a crime and is despised by society. Even if a man has a job, if he earns less money, it is seen as a sign of incompetence.

Men! In addition to their own money earned in addition to spend, but also responsible for supporting the family. They are the backbone of the family, and if something goes wrong, the family basically collapses.

Society is very strict on men, especially in Japan. Several men cannot withstand this high pressure from society, thus leading to suicides, which can be said to be a daily occurrence every year.

Although men can also achieve class advancement through soft food and other means, they belong to the category of people with their tails tucked between their legs, and will not be able to face society with pride and a high profile at all, as women can do.

The woman said, my mouth don’t want me to come out to work, the family don’t lack my point, that belongs to in showing off. Men absolutely can’t say the same thing with the same meaning.

Others say, “Your husband is so capable, why do you need to work? This is a compliment, and the woman will feel proud. On the other hand, if someone else says the same exact thing, “Your wife is so capable, why do you still need to work? Men can’t wait to go find a crack in the ground and drill straight into it.

“Let’s go out!” Natsui Makoto said as she finished what she was doing and walked over to him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was interrupted from his meditation at that. He stood up and followed her as she walked forward and backward towards the foyer. They each changed the shoes on their feet for going out before going out, taking the elevator down to the first floor and then out into the lobby of the high-class elevator apartment.

Natsui Makoto took the initiative to take his right arm with both hands, and her body leaned close to him. A three-quarter sweet smile spread across her face.

At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto felt like he was just short of holding a dog leash above his left hand. This was like a template for a successful and happy couple.

Although he himself had lived here for many years and had been recognized by some people, they would not say anything about one whatsoever. Male unmarried, female unmarried, no matter whether it is a change of girlfriend, or a change of boyfriend, belongs to the society above the normal thing. Even changing wives or husbands was nothing new, it was normalized.

“I so want to be able to go on like this with you for the rest of my life, until my gray hair fills my head and I grow old.” Justice Kishimoto lamented.

“I should be the one to say that to you!” Natsui Makoto said thoughtfully.

“Are you afraid I’ll die before you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked playfully.

“It would be nice if you could really die before me. I’m just afraid that you’ll change your mind in the middle of the day, dislike me, and abandon me.” Natsui Makoto stretched out her right index finger was poking his heart and said.

“How come?” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her fondly and said.

“How come it won’t?” Natsui Makoto said lustfully.

Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly understood what she was trying to say and said, “I think you’re worrying about nothing. If you are not confident in your looks, then I will pay for you to go to South Korea for plastic surgery.

From head to toe, you can have it all done. If you like any actress, it’s not impossible for you to look like her.

However, I still like your natural look the best. If you’re not satisfied with your body, then I’ll pay for you to get a body contouring. Things like silicone prosthetics, there’s always no way a fake can compare to the real thing.”

Natsui Makoto raised her hand and hit him, “Hate it, you’re the one who should go to Korea for plastic surgery. You’re the one who should have silicone prosthesis implanted inside your body.”

“Then I can’t understand you at all. It’s hard to believe that you still like poor boyfriends?” Masayoshi Kishimoto lightly shook his head and said.

Natsui Makoto pondered for a moment and said, “In the past, when I was with you, I had absolutely no pressure. Nowadays, when I’m with you, the pressure is increasing by the day.”

“You’re purely asking for trouble. Tomorrow happens to be Saturday, and I’m not working. Why don’t I accompany you to the hospital to see the psychiatry and psychology departments? It’s also good to know exactly what’s wrong with you in that one area.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh.

Natsui Makoto accompanied his pace towards the front while pouting as high as a little girl and said, “You’re the one who’s sick.”

“I’m not sick, I really am not. If you have to say I’m sick, it’s because I’ve gotten lovesick for you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a smile on his face.

“I realized that you are really too good at making girls happy. Before me, you definitely had quite a few girlfriends, right? Tell me honestly, how many girlfriends am I your first.” Natsui Makoto suddenly became a bit unhappy and said.

“You definitely won’t believe me when I say you’re my first love. Then I have nothing more to say.” Masayoshi Kishimoto feigned a face of innocence and said.

In her heart, Natsui Makoto wouldn’t believe that a man who had never been in love at all would coax a girl to be so so oily. Even so, even if she clearly knew that his words were false, she was extremely flattered.

The sweet smile on Natsui Makoto’s face deeply betrayed her heart. She strained her neck and mouthed, “You’re lying.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi, who was experienced in love, had a good idea in her heart that women didn’t care how many girlfriends a man had in the past, as long as it was the last stop when it came to her.

“That’s right, I am cheating. Not only am I going to cheat you now, but I’m going to cheat you for the rest of your life. Who made me a complete and utter liar?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto turned sideways to face her is stretched out the index finger of his bent left hand towards her face and gently scratched her small nose and said.

Natsui Makoto was so sweetened in her heart that she didn’t say a word verbally, but reacted directly in her body movements. The hands she held onto him became tighter, and the smile on her face was even more incomparably gorgeous than the season of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

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