Chapter 197 Warmth

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:33:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Natsui Makoto appeared in the living room with a fruit assorted platter. She placed the glass platter on top of the coffee table and sidled up to Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right side is a seat on her butt and proceeded to snuggle under his arm.

Masayoshi Kishimoto wrapped one arm around her, and with the other hand, he pressed the play button on the remote control, and the frozen TV screen began to appear in motion. He was filled with nostalgia.

Natsui Makoto, on the contrary, showed a mindset that she could watch it or not. This was how she enjoyed being warm with Masayoshi Kishimoto the most.

“I’m opening a flower store, do you think it’s good?” Natsui Makoto asked casually as she moved her body slightly sideways and gazed at him with both eyes.

“Yes!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with his eyes still focused on the television screen.

Seeing that he was coping with himself, Natsui Makoto raised her hand and smacked him, “I was asking for your opinion. You’re a senior in the business world.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto put down the remote control in his hand beside him, grabbed her small hand that was hitting him and rubbed it, “You’re wrong.

I’m not a senior in the business world, but I’m going to be the man of the financial world. The financial world and the political world are the two pillars of this one country, Japan.”

“Then impart to me what you have learned from your success in business.” Natsui Makoto was filled with curiosity within the unknown realm and said.

“First, it’s best not to do business that you can’t afford to lose. Second, keep the first rule in mind. Third, doing business is not gambling, never throw your money away, but rather you need to be careful.” Masayoshi Kishimoto absently said while watching TV.

“Finished?” Natsui Makoto blinked twice at him. She had expected him to have a long speech, but not just a short three-dozen.

“It is finished. Even if there are only those three, it’s extremely difficult to make it practical. Take the first one for example, a lot of people who are just starting out in business, just raising start-up capital is already a headache.

For this reason, they do not hesitate to borrow from loan sharks. Once this fails, then you will lose your future, and even the future of the whole family.

Even so, there are still so many people want to get rich, want to change their fate, want to turn around. It is obvious that they cannot afford to lose, but they are still bent on doing it.

That’s why I added the second rule, which is to keep the first principle in mind. As for the third principle, even veterans who have been in the business world for many years can make mistakes.

Once there is a headwind in business, it makes it very easy to make a desperate attempt to save the day.

Let’s take a practical example. Masayoshi Yanai of Uniqlo is a man who has done one thing to the extreme. His success lies in nine failures and one victory.

Once the business strategy that he is promoting goes wrong, he will decisively stop losing money, and will not lose money to the extent that he can’t even turn it around.

On the road to success is accompanied by failure all the way. Failure is not scary, but scary is never summarize the experience of failure and lessons learned, do not know why they will fail?” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

He paused here, and then added with a twist of words, “Since you want to open a flower store, then open it. I can afford to lose such a sum of money.

I just hope that even if I lose money, I can still let you learn a lot of things from it. The gap between imagination and reality is big, and big there.

Real money in the real world isn’t just a business case study that business school students argue over. You have to have it all in your mind. Otherwise, losing money would be for nothing.”

“After hearing you say that, I’d rather not do it.” Natsui Makoto hadn’t really planned to open a flower store in the first place. The reason she had this thought was that she had passed by a flower store when they were returning from renting the disk. The idea suddenly sprang up on its own.

“Whatever.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had the whole attitude that it depended on her, not himself. If it wasn’t for the fact that he and Natsui Makoto had a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, he wouldn’t have said anything.

Nowadays, he definitely couldn’t look at a small business like a flower store, much less invest in it. The reason why he himself would still contribute money was to let her truly experience what it meant that ideals were plump and reality was bone dry.

Don’t think that only working part-time jobs are bitter, and doing business will become much easier. In fact, the latter is even more drudgery and laborious than the former. Dumping boss, skipping boss is going to lose so much money that you can’t even put your pants on.

Natsui Makoto leaned her body forward and took a piece of pear from inside the glass plate. She didn’t put it directly into her own mouth, and turned back to bring it to Masayoshi Kishimoto’s mouth.

“According to Chinese tradition, pears are not to be divided. In Chinese, the harmonic meaning of splitting a pear is separation. Look at you, dividing a pear into so many more.” Masayoshi Kishimoto downplayed it a bit and said.

“I am Japanese, not Chinese. Therefore, I don’t have to stick to Chinese etiquette.” Natsui Makoto instantly retorted with a sweet smile.

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened his mouth and did not take the piece of pear in her hand in one bite. He bit down on one of the ends with his teeth, and towards the direction of her mouth is came up again.

Natsui Makoto instantly understood. She smiled sweetly and moved towards him, opening her mouth to bite the other end of the piece of pear.

Masayoshi Kishimoto bit off the piece of pear with a slight push of his teeth. The two of them took one piece each, and each of them chewed it in their mouths as they looked at each other.

Natsui Makoto raised her hand and smacked him again, her smile growing wider as she said, “You’re really bad.”

“I call this bad? In the back, I have even worse.” Masayoshi Kishimoto squeezed his eyebrows and laughed badly.

Natsui Makoto instantly understood something. She couldn’t help but blush and burn up and said, “Don’t bother with you.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi wrapped her under his arm and said, “Two bedrooms, why did you choose the one I used to live in?

My bedroom doesn’t have a bathroom like the other one. Not only that, but why didn’t you even change the mattress or the bed?

Before this, I didn’t tell you which bedroom I used to live in. It’s hard to believe that you liked the smell of my body and smelled it from that? You really have a good nose!”

Natsui Makoto used both her hands right and left to pinch the flesh right above his stomach, and said evasively, “You’re the one who’s a dog!”

Kishimoto Masayoshi parried her attack on one side, and on the other, he pressed on, “You still haven’t answered those questions of mine?”

“If you ask me to answer, do I have to answer you? Prefer not to tell you.” Natsui Makoto said with a heavy “hum”.

“If you don’t say it, then don’t say it! A gentleman uses his mouth and not his hands.” Masayoshi Kishimoto snapped.

“Since you like me to move my mouth, then I’ll fulfill your request.” Natsui Makoto said as she opened her mouth and lunged at his neck to bite him.

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