Chapter 199: The Underpants

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:33:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto had breakfast at Natsui Makoto’s place before he took a taxi back to his home in Nishimabu, Minato. He was thinking on top of the rental car that if Sakai Rie didn’t ask herself why she hadn’t returned all night, it only meant that in the other party’s heart she didn’t care about herself at all.

However, if she asked him, he had to find a reason to deal with it. Anyway, he could never tell the truth that not only did he sleep with another woman last night, but he also took away the other woman’s virginity.

The two had been together for almost a year. All this time, he had been secretly dating and making out with the other behind her back.

Kishimoto Masayoshi understood in his heart that he wasn’t stupid, and his head hadn’t been caught in a door, so he wouldn’t have said it truthfully. If he really wanted to say that, Sakai Rie should have cut herself with a knife.

Therefore, he decided to uphold the good intention lie. This was both a small trick that men used to deal with women, as well as to not hurt the other party.

The first excuse that Masayoshi Kishimoto came up with was working overnight. Although this was a norm within Japanese companies, Rie Sakai might not necessarily believe it. Who made herself the boss?

Not to mention that women were already meticulous. If Sakai Rie saw that she wasn’t tired, she would be exposed. After all, how could someone who worked all night not be tired? More or less, a haggard look would appear on her face.

The cab stopped in front of his house, and Masayoshi Kishimoto paid the fare, pushed open the passenger door, and got out. He pulled out the key he had with him and unlocked the courtyard gate.

He stepped through the gate, crossed the front courtyard, and passed a flight of upward curving ladders is before stopping in front of the front door. A deep breath was taken before he opened the door himself.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did his best to feign a headache as he opened the door and walked right in. The reason why he was having such a hard time was not because he had true feelings for these two women.

For this reason, of course, they have long seen that they certainly are not rushing to his money and come. If a woman is really for money, it would be better. Money debt is good to clear, love debt is difficult to pay.

After coaxing this, and then cheat that, is really let him a little tired. However, he can not do love. He really wanted to be able to open the king’s aura and clean up the women one by one.

As expected, Sakai Rie was sitting on top of the long sofa in the large living room on the first floor, her face expressionless, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she waited for herself for a long time.

She did not open her mouth, Kishimoto righteousness took the initiative to walk over and said: “This morning sleep wake up, I just saw you in the last night called me more than one phone. It’s not that I didn’t answer them, but I really didn’t hear them.”

“Once you happen to stay out at night, aren’t you giving me a word in advance? Don’t keep saying that your phone is dead or that you didn’t hear it ring. Are you able to give me a new twist?” Sakai Rie said angrily.

Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly sat on top of the single sofa on his right side, not acting like he had done something wrong at all.

He knew that often at this point in time, the more he had to act like he hadn’t done anything wrong. He was experienced, and as long as he wasn’t caught in the act, then he was determined not to admit that he had cheated on his wife.

“You’re not so suspicious that I slept in another woman’s bed, right? Or went to a room with another woman?” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not avoid her gaze and engaged in a stare down.

He wasn’t lying either, he was not sleeping in another woman’s bed. The bed he slept in with Natsui Makoto, that was the same bed he had slept in for years.

He himself first to say broken, can be than she first to say is more with the initiative, and thus can properly reduce the other party’s various suspicions.

Sakai Rie after all is a clean, emotional history as if a page of white paper in the school of college students, how can play over two lifetimes are playboy Kishimoto justice. She herself was completely unaware of this, always confident that she wouldn’t be fooled by him.

“So tell me yourself, what exactly did you do when you didn’t return home all night?” Rie Sakai had called his company in addition to his cell phone, but it was in an unanswered state.

If he dared to tell himself that he was working overtime, it also meant that the other party was blatantly lying, making it even more true that he had gone fooling around with another woman.

What she could think of, Masayoshi Kishimoto could also think of. Therefore, he was calm and collected, and told a lie without blushing, without jumping, “I still have a bit of a headache.

It was last night, Kazuya, Takayuki and the two of them insisted on dragging me to drink. We drank all the way from outside to Takayuki’s house.

After I got drunk, I slept at his place. If you don’t believe me, you can call me to confirm it!”

After saying that, Masayoshi Kishimoto pulled out his cell phone and took the initiative to hand it over in the direction where she was sitting. He wasn’t bluffing, and he wasn’t afraid that Sakai Rie would actually call Takahashi Kazuya and Nanno Takayuki to ask them.

At a critical moment like this, the younger generation was the most reliable person. Even if they didn’t say hello beforehand, they would inevitably take the initiative to lie to help themselves with a roundup.

The three of them had covered for each other many times, and they had repeatedly fooled many people.

Moreover, Masayoshi Kishimoto had already called each of them in the cab and told them how to cooperate with him, and had also deleted the two call records from his cell phone.

Sakai Rie stood up and walked towards him. Instead of taking the cell phone in Masayoshi Kishimoto’s hand, she took the initiative to put her nose close to his body to smell it.

“Didn’t you get drunk last night, how come you don’t smell like alcohol on you?” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

Kishimoto Masayoshi’s heart didn’t “thump” a bit, but he could see that she was still a little clever. Even the most cunning fox can’t beat a shrewd hunter. He himself was that shrewd hunter.

“When I woke up from my nap, Hyoji had made the entire house filled with air freshener. And I was afraid that you would think too much and dislike the smell of alcohol on me, so I took a shower before leaving.

In fact, I even knew that it wasn’t the smell of wine that you wanted to smell, but whether or not there was the smell of another woman’s perfume.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her eyes that were like a police officer interrogating a murder suspect and said.

“You better not lie to me. I hate people who lie to me.” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“You’re so smart, how could I possibly lie to you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto bragged.

Rie Sakai asked no more questions and sat down again. Just as Masayoshi Kishimoto excused himself to go upstairs to change his clothes, she picked up the landline phone placed next to her was to call Kazuya Takahashi and Takayuki Nanno separately.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took off his outer pants in the bedroom and looked down at the new underwear that Makoto Natsui had bought for himself and was secretly glad. This was something that I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to say if Rie Sakai had told him to take off his pants and inspect them.

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