Chapter 209: Three for Three (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto took off his clothes, stepped on the somewhat uneven cobblestones under his feet, and ran towards the hot spring pool. He went down inside the hot spring pool and started to take a bath.

He leaned his back against the edge of the pool, spread his arms out at his sides, and raised his head at a forty-five degree angle to look at the sky. In his heart, he thought that it would be so poetically beautiful if it could still snow at this time of the year.

Natsui Makoto, dressed in a yukata and carrying plates to his left and right, squatted down and brought him sake to the edge of the pond and set it down.

“Aren’t you coming down for a dip? It’s really cozy.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said offhandedly as he looked at her, who was turning around and heading back.

Natsui Makoto was too shy to face a bath in broad daylight. Not to mention it was still going to be a bath with him.

Even if she had been married for many years, a wife would unconsciously turn her back to change her undergarments or close the bedroom door before going to change if her husband was the only one in the house.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she was thin-skinned and couldn’t wipe her face, “Then I’ll enjoy it first.”

“You take your time to soak, I’m going to enjoy the food as well.” Natsui Makoto responded with a smiling face.

Masayoshi Kishimoto closed his eyes, feeling the coziness of his body immersed in the hot spring water. The white mist rising up from the inside of the pool was as if one was in a fairyland.

He realized that this was the good thing about having money. If you don’t have money, you can only take a bath in a small bathtub at home. In order to reflect the feeling of having a hot spring, you can pour a packet of hot spring soup into it to fool yourself.

The reason why people work hard to make money is to enjoy a better life. Men work hard to make money, not just for themselves, but more in order to be able to give the family to hold up a big umbrella to protect the wind and rain.

Without this kind of realization of the man is not a real man, still just stay in the stage of the big boy. Having been a man for two lifetimes, it was only natural that he would have a much greater sense of life than other people.

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened his eyes and turned sideways to pick up the small sake bottle from the side, without the bottle top facing down, and poured in a small cup of sake before drinking it. He just picked up the small sake bottle straight away and appeared to roughly open it.

At this point in time, Natsui Makoto, sitting on her knees under the eaves of the porch that was completely open towards the interior, ate her food while watching him soak and drink.

She smiled knowingly and said, “How I look at you, it looks like you’re cooking big fat meat.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto turned sideways and looked back at her and said, “Nonsense, this is clearly cooking a New Year’s Eve pig.”

Natsui Makoto immediately burst into laughter. After she laughed, she said thoughtfully, “I think you are very strange, completely different from other rich people. Not only do you not have that kind of high-minded condescension, but you also have a sense of humor.”

“How many rich people have you met? Dragons are born in nine different kinds. Even if they are all rich, there are differences. Some people have flamboyant personalities, some have introverted personalities.

This all belongs to a person’s personality. Only, the former to the early perception of people really not good, especially the first impression above.

After a long time of contact, when one realizes that it’s his personality that makes him so, one would feel that he has a genuine side to him.” Masayoshi Kishimoto tilted his head back to take a sip of sake and said.

“You have a good temper, a sense of humor, and money, that’s the object that girls are most attracted to.” Natsui Makoto said seriously.

“Even if I’m good, I’m still not falling under your stone skirt.” Masayoshi Kishimoto clearly felt the lack of confidence and sense of crisis from her. Experienced, he immediately proceeded to defuse it and said.

“But I’m not pretty enough.” Natsui Makoto had the self-awareness to say.

“You’re natural and haven’t been processed afterward. The vast majority of the so-called beautiful women nowadays have had plastic surgery. Hyaluronic acid, face-thinning injections, breast augmentation, bone removal and whatnot, it can be said that there are many different kinds of tricks.

Otherwise, it’s pupils, false eyelashes, and the powder on the face weighs two pounds. After removing the makeup, it is completely two people. A woman who never meets people with a plain face is engaging in intentional deception.” Justice Kishimoto really wasn’t exactly coaxing her.

What men cared most about was whether or not a woman had herself in her heart, whether or not she was gentle enough, whether or not she was considerate enough. As for looks, it’s not ugly, just look past it. This wants to enjoy the senses above, as long as you are willing to spend money, there are a lot of outside of the scene.

I know, there are more deceptive software, such as the latter days of the beauty show, ugly monster can also become beautiful, completely able to deceive people’s eyes.

As a man, especially as a man who has been there before, he understands that beautiful women and so on are all fake. For men, the most important thing was family and career.

“You men are really strange. When we don’t dress up properly, you guys think we are ugly, don’t know manners and don’t respect you.

Paint beautiful makeup to show off, and you guys think we’re deliberately cheating.” Natsui Makoto really had some trouble understanding how men really thought about the Dao.

“Life is from one contradiction into another contradiction, just like you women in your hearts are eager to find your Prince Charming, rich and handsome, but often end up only finding an ordinary man.

Then, the old mouth sighing that they are a flower in the cow dung above. In fact, you know better than anyone in your heart that it is not easy to find a cow dung suitable for inserting yourself into this flower!

In the face of a man who went to a nondescript university, entered a nondescript company, did a nondescript job, received a nondescript income, and ended up spending a nondescript life with him just like that.” Justice Kishimoto’s both arms were out of the water, and he lay down on the outreach of the soup kitchen.

“You see you’re a misanthrope.” Natsui Makoto said with another giggle.

Masayoshi Kishimoto shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “As long as you’re happy.”

“I’m always happy!” Natsui Makoto said as she intentionally even wiggled her body.

Masayoshi Kishimoto began to drink the sake he held in his hand again. He put down the small bottle and turned back around still swimming slightly inside the pool.

He leaned back against the wall of the pool, enjoying the most relaxing time of the day. He tried his best to control his mind from thinking about other things, completely emptying it.

At the same time, Natsui Makoto fell into a state of reflection. Although she had the current good life, her heart was not without worries.

She wasn’t afraid of losing material things, but she was most worried that she wouldn’t be able to stay with him for a long time, after all, the gap between the two of them was just too huge.

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