Chapter 215 Missy

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:19
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A woman dressed in full horseback riding attire with a white horse at her hip suddenly trotted towards Masayoshi Kishimoto and Eisuke Iwasaki from a distance. The dust raised by the four horse hooves was left far behind.

As soon as the horse was about to run in front of them, she pulled on the reins. The mount at her crotch immediately stopped and continued running forward.

“This is my eldest daughter, Iwasaki Maki.” Iwasaki Eisuke took the initiative to make the introduction and said.

“Ms. Iwasaki, hello.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked towards Maki Iwasaki, who was riding on top of a high horse, and said rather politely.

“Can you ride a horse?” Iwasaki Maki said bluntly.

“No.” Masashi Kishimoto said dryly.

“Want to learn?” Iwasaki Maki said as she still sat on top of the horse with no intention of rolling off.

“No.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said honestly.

“If you don’t want to ride a horse, then what are you doing here?” Iwasaki Maki knew in his heart that his father’s horse farm was not just a place to raise horses, but also a place to socialize.

“Patting ass.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

Iwasaki Maki froze. It was the first time he himself had heard someone put it so bluntly. There had been far too many people kissing their Iwasaki family’s ass.

“You must be one of the young talents that my father looks up to!” Iwasaki Maki calmly said.

“Young talent really doesn’t dare to be called that. So far, with slight achievements, it’s considered to be a victory in stages.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, showing his gentle side.

Iwasaki Maki rolled over and dismounted, landing on her feet with the horsewhip still held on top of her right hand. Her tall figure, delicate features, with a horse riding outfit was valiant.

At the same time, Kishimoto Masayoshi thought to himself that the other party and Sakai Rie were on par in terms of appearance. Only, the latter was not as fortunate as the former, and had such a good life. The former had completely drawn the upper hand at the beginning of her life.

“You two young people chat! I’ll go move my old arms and legs.” Iwasaki Eisuke walked to the front of the white horse, and with one skillful movement, he was able to successfully roll over onto the bridle path with one foot in the stirrup.

He took the horse’s reins with both hands and shook them downwards, and the horse under his hips obediently moved its hooves forward in a walk. He was able to make the white horse run as he stepped up the horse’s stomach with both feet.

“What did you and my father talk about?” Maki Iwasaki asked casually.

“Unimportant things.” Masashi Kishimoto knew what to say and what not to say.

“Don’t lie to me. It’s definitely business talk again, isn’t it! When men like you get together, there’s no topic you like to talk about more than investments and how you can get bigger and make more money.” Iwasaki Maki said nonchalantly.

“I don’t make investments just to make money, but I care about the project itself. Investing in a project is like planting a seed to go inside the land.

Waiting for it to germinate, break the ground, and then thrive day by day. In this process, you not only need to have patience, but also sometimes need to give it fertilizer, watering, weed eradication and so on.

When it blooms, it brings you joy. When it bears fruit, it will bring you another kind of joy. Until the final harvest.

The process is filled with a lot of fun and anticipation. In the individual earn money at the same time, but also for the community at large to provide more jobs, for the country to pay more taxes.

This kind of thing that can be a win-win situation and also benefit the country and the people should be done more often.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently about his own experience, saying.

“Which university did you graduate from?” Iwasaki Maki asked in a casual manner on the surface, but in reality, she was purposefully trying to learn more about him.

“University of Social Sciences.” Masashi Kishimoto smiled and blurted out.

“Is it interesting for you to hide your true personal identity?” Maki Iwasaki couldn’t believe that he hadn’t gone to college said.

“From the beginning until now, I haven’t hidden my true identity. In the back of your mind, you just don’t believe what I’ve said.

The most important place to train and cultivate people is really not the study within a formal university, but rather in the social university.

Universities don’t produce real investors. What it has been able to do positively so far is that it has been able to produce some middle class reserves, as well as the qualifications to issue that diploma.

The fact is that modern education is increasingly unfair for people from ordinary families, and especially for people from poor families.” Masayoshi Kishimoto harmonized his truest thoughts saying.

“Not everyone is fit to read. If everyone was successful in reading, there would be no one to do the other jobs. For the lower and middle classes, the more they know, the more they suffer.

If you can’t change it, why add to your mental suffering? It’s better to not know anything at all, and it’s also a kind of happiness and joy to go through life in a state of confusion.” Iwasaki Maki debated.

“That’s a good point. It makes me think of an American slave owner telling his slaves, “Why do you live in poverty?

Why will you not have enough to eat? Why will you have no money? Why do you have no property? It’s all because you don’t work hard.

You see, this one who worked hard not only did not live as poor as you do, but also had enough to eat, had some money, and had some property.

The one slave who was set up as a typical and exemplary slave by the slave owner was perfectly capable of being used by one person as opposed to three. To put it another way, why are you guys having a bad time?

That’s because of the result of you not studying hard enough to get into a good college.

Thinking is an extremely painful thing to do, so the lower and middle classes don’t have to think anymore and just let the upper and middle classes do it for them. Isn’t this the 2.0 upgraded version of the foolish people’s policy?” Justice Kishimoto said tit-for-tat.

“You’re clearly stealing concepts. The reason why the poor are poor is not only because they don’t work hard enough, but also because they always have a vice in their body when they eat, drink, whore, gamble, and smoke.

Even if they earn money through work, they don’t use it for self-investment in future advancement, instead they use it to feed their vices.

According to them, today’s wine is drunk today, tomorrow’s worries come tomorrow’s worries. The current society is still fair.

If they really feel that the current social distribution, judicial system, and political system are unfair and not good enough, can they revolt? Why do they have to endure it?” Iwasaki Maki bent the horsewhip in her hand and said.

“Would they dare? Not only do you hold the whip in your hands, but you also have swords and guns, as well as a large number of minions and hawks and dogs behind you that can be mobilized at any time to be able to carry out a suppression.

What do the ruled classes have in their hands? Empty hands, bare hands. Fair? You are the daughter of a plutocrat’s family, she is the daughter of a worker’s family.” Justice Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

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