Chapter 216: Monkey

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:21
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Masayoshi Kishimoto had no ill intentions towards Maki Iwasaki, so he spoke with less scruples saying, “From the very beginning, the person who was really stealing concepts was you, not me.

There are two systems in human society, the middle and upper classes live in the real system, while the middle and lower classes live in the simulation system.

The former are generally capable of independent thinking, while the latter are often not. What the media passes on to the outside world, whether it is news or news, is labeled, it tells the truth.

This one truth may not be the real truth. If they once tell a lie, it is undoubtedly a set of falsehoods, and falsehoods are able to become truths.

No matter how society develops, the law of two or eight will always apply. The same applies to universities. Initially, a university is a university, and there is no such thing as specialty, undergraduate, short-term, long-term, correspondence, night school, this and that.

As time progressed and productivity advanced, the jobs that sold labor no longer required as many people, so the number of low-level white-collar jobs, or what are called intellectual workers, increased.

With this came a newly created over and under middle class, which can also be called the middle class.

This is one of the greatest inventions of mankind, changing the past where there used to be only two class forms, the dominated class and the ruling class.

In the beginning, all you had to do was have a high school education to gradually advance into the middle class at a later date. When the ruling class saw the good in it, earning more than they did and still being able to be clean and decent, they scrimped and saved to provide for their offspring’s education as well.

What ensued was that there were more people than there was supply, and after all, the jobs were set. In the absence of economic growth, the number of businesses does not increase, which means that jobs do not increase.

Competition then rises. And then later, competition couldn’t alleviate this one increasingly acute conflict between supply and demand, so the bar was raised toward the top, and diplomas needed to go to college.”

He paused here, his attention shifting from looking away to Maki Iwasaki’s face. It was only after he didn’t realize that the other party had grown tired of this conversation that he was able to speak on.

From start to finish, Masashi Kishimoto had no intention of trying to convince her or change her one way or the other. As for his own desire to win her over to his favor and show his talent …… even less thought about it.

“Why aren’t you talking anymore? Please continue.” Iwasaki Maki didn’t feel bored in the slightest, instead she got up with great interest and said.

“Going to a university, again, must take several years of time. For the rich, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a few years less or more, they can afford to wait.

For those who don’t have money, it means that the time is not only prolonged, but also less so that they earn a few years of money not to mention that they have to add a few more years of investment, can’t afford to wait.

Originally, you graduated from high school and were able to join the workforce at seventeen, eight years old and advance to the middle class. After the change, it took twenty or so to be able to graduate and work. The same jobs that used to require a high school degree now require a bachelor’s degree.

Then later, a college degree wasn’t enough to satisfy an increasingly larger number of people, yet it was necessary to ensure the price tag and number of the one identification, the middle class.

Then, graduate degrees came out of nowhere. Both master’s, and doctoral, and post-doctoral (not degrees). In the end, because of the growing numbers, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy the masses, yet it couldn’t be added toward the top.

After all, age is a major limitation on how much one can work. So, the only way was to expand colleges and universities to allow more people to enter them, and the era of universal enrollment was upon us. The simulation system was also perfected.

Those who were really recognized by the ruling class were still those who graduated from prestigious universities. Even if they only studied up to undergraduate level, they were more employable than those who graduated from non-famous schools with a doctorate and found well-paid and thick jobs.

With the exception of a few highly technical majors, a bachelor’s degree is more than enough for real-world job applications. The difference between a graduate with a bachelor’s degree and a graduate with a PhD is not significant in terms of work practice.

Universities have also become a social circle for finding good matches. In order to better support and screening, there are fraternities and sororities in the United States, and in Japan, there are real gold (from kindergarten to university are all the way to the famous school), gold-plated (through the latter’s efforts to enter the famous school) …… said is not so! Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Are you a socialist?” Maki Iwasaki asked rhetorically.

“You’ve really got it all wrong. Even though I’ve seen the true colors of the ruling class clearly, it doesn’t mean I’m a socialist.

You and I are people of two worlds. I’m speaking for the proletariat, I’m left-wing, while you represent the bourgeoisie, you’re right-wing.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“You are a traitor among us. You must realize that even if monkeys look like humans, they are always just monkeys. Even if you try to indoctrinate them, it’s still an exercise in futility.

Could it be that you don’t know how Socrates died?” Iwasaki Maki instantly began to strain her excellent image of a gentle lady and blacked out. She couldn’t help but reveal the great superiority and dark true colors of the upper class and blurted out.

By the time she had some realization, she suddenly raised the palm of her right hand to block the front of her mouth, changing her face as fast as turning a book.

Iwasaki Maki’s face changed to look like it wasn’t her fault and she should be forgiven saying, “I’m sorry, I got confused. Did you say something wrong?”

“This should be your most lucid time. You haven’t said a single thing wrong at all. I am the monkey that you all scornfully call in your private mouths, so where does the word traitor come in?

Even if I were a monkey, I would still be the Monkey King. You should know “Journey to the West” among the four famous Chinese novels! I am the Monkey King who has not yet been crushed under the Five Elements Mountain.”

Of course Masayoshi Kishimoto knew how Socrates died. It was his advocacy of democracy that died, and he was voted out by the citizens, vote by vote, with the verdict that he deserved to die.

Iwasaki Masashi’s words were a warning that the masses were a rabble, foolish and blindly obedient. Even when you do good for them, they see it as doing them harm.

It is not worth being nice to them at all. All they need is a carrot and a stick. Or the whip and the stick.

If they were to disobey again, then raise the butcher’s knife to carry out a killing, killing until they were afraid and until they obeyed.

At the same time, Iwasaki Maki’s surface was a light and breezy expression, but in reality, inside her heart she had long been turned upside down.

She had never thought that this man in front of her, who she had met for the first time, would be able to make himself show his true colors. Her heart is not angry, not to mention hate, not without feeling that the other side does indeed have real skills.

Otherwise, will not get himself lost some of the square, after all, is subjected to many years of training, personal emotion control above or have some effort.

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