Chapter 217 The Gap Between Rich and Poor (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:24
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After all, Kishimoto justice is in the society above the crawling and rolling man, even if the upper class people have not seen a lot, but also seen a lot of middle and lower class people of all colors.

Nine times out of ten, the people who cursed and even took action were from the lower class. As for those who often used honorifics such as “please” and “excuse me”, they were often middle-class people.

At this moment, Iwasaki Maki didn’t hate him, on the contrary, she felt that the soul residing inside this body in front of her was strangely interesting.

She sensed that the other party was completely different from the other people she had come into contact with in the past, neither did she try to ingratiate herself with them, nor did she desperately display her personal ability to navigate through the business world.

“What do you do for fun on weekdays?” Iwasaki Maki, driven by her inner curiosity, wanted to know more about him.

Kishimoto Masayoshi of course wouldn’t be so stupid as to say that he raced cars and picked up girls …… in the appearance of a prodigal son. Even if he is not to win the favor of this young lady, but also not able to self-destructive image.

Justice Kishimoto calmly said, “I read all kinds of books in my free time. Among them, I favor serious literature, history, and philosophy. Although literature, history, and philosophy are divided into three categories, they are related to each other to a certain extent.

There is no true writer in the world who does not read history and philosophy over and over again. Otherwise, one would not be able to enlighten one’s wisdom. Without wisdom, a person cannot be led to think, and cannot write profoundly.

It is most ironic that writers, philosophers, historians, and sociologists write things that are meant to enlighten the lower and middle classes, but they don’t appreciate it, they don’t like it at all, and they find it painful to look at.

They want to be entertained to death. History, literature and philosophy for the ordinary people, some of these things are simply useless, and is even regarded as pretentious, after all, is neither able to eat and drink, nor can be used as money.

On the contrary, it is the upper-middle-class people who are attracted to them. One end is getting dumber and the other is getting smarter. Thus, you have a huge sense of superiority in your hearts, to those who do not understand is to say more.

Even if you talk a lot, they will not understand. It’s just like the saying that Confucius said, “The people can be made to know, but not to know.”

“Things that aren’t there, that’s all imagined by you. At the very least, I haven’t thought about it like you said.” Maki Iwasaki returned to her normal state and mouthed the words.

“Fine! I’m voluntarily admitting to being nasty.” Masashi Kishimoto said with a meaningful smile.

It wasn’t like he wasn’t aware that among the upper class, let alone the top class, there was no one who hadn’t grown up being taught literature and philosophy by specialized people.

Even in ancient philosophies like China, which did not have a system in place, specialists would be invited to their homes to teach their children about the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism.

Even if it wasn’t for the imperial examinations, it was so that the children could benefit from it for the rest of their lives and open the door to wisdom. In a sense, they regarded themselves as human beings, not monkeys, and used the biggest difference between human beings and monkeys, the spiritual things.

The people at the bottom of the hierarchy do not even have a basic material fulfillment, and their heads are always worried about meeting various bills, so how can they pursue spiritual things?

How can they pursue spiritual things? They are already so busy that their hands are empty, their bodies are exhausted, and their heads don’t want to move, just for the sake of being able to live well. The American writer Barbara? Isn’t “My Life at the Bottom” by Ehrenreich a good illustration of everything?

It is almost impossible for the poor to turn over a new leaf. Not only that, Justice Kishimoto naturally thought that with the further intensification of globalization, the gap between the rich and the poor would become even wider.

The 26 richest people in the world have more wealth than the other 3.6 billion poorest people. In a way, half of the people on earth are not as rich as those 26 people.

Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? The reason is simple. The distribution of wealth is like a champagne tower.

When the champagne is poured, it must start from the top. Only when the top glass is overflowing will the next layer be filled with champagne.

And so the layers go down in this way. It is impossible to fill every glass with champagne, which represents wealth or resources. The further down you go, the less champagne there is in the glass, or even none.

Even if the bottom tier has the largest base, it will not be allocated more champagne as a result; instead of top to bottom, the rule is changed to bottom to top; after all, the one who pours the champagne is the one who is at the top of the tier.

If the top tier of glasses is getting bigger and bigger, it means that more and more champagne will be filled. This is where the dwindling and shrinking middle class comes in.

They were given less champagne than in the past, so they had to compete fiercely internally, leaving some of them to be eliminated and relegated downward to the bottom class group.

Justice Kishimoto couldn’t help but remember that in his previous life he had also read the book “The Very Rich” by Christia? Freeland’s Mega-Rich: The Rise of the Global Super-Nouveau Riches and the Fall of Everyone Else.

Today, under the impact of the market and technological innovation, unprecedented wealth has been generated, and there have never been so many owners of wealth in human history.

The meaning of “rich” has changed dramatically. The rise of these top billionaires and the role they play in society is growing.

The biggest income gap in society does not exist between the 1% of the rich and the rest of the 99%, but between the richest 0.1% and the 1%.

They have become the new generation of global super-rich with their rapid asset expansion, leaving the so-called rich far behind.

They are fond of British public schools, unabashedly philanthropic, and their own key ideas are self-invented rather than taken from the mantle.

“The most valuable thing about a man is that he can think. What is the difference between a man who does not think and a monkey? Even if thinking is painful, it is full of fun for man. Do you think I’m right?” Iwasaki Maki said coldly.

“You’re right about everything, and I’m wrong about everything. Who let the words be held in your hands?” Masashi Kishimoto laughed.

Of course he knew where the importance of the power of speech lay. However, this was not what was going through his mind at the moment, but rather, he was thinking back to the fact that what had benefited him for the rest of his life and was especially esteemed was from Confucian Xunzi’s Xunzi XXIII? Sexual Evil”.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s thinking also favored Xunzi’s doctrinal thinking. In his view, there is both logic, unlike Mencius, and argumentation, unlike Mencius, who was a dissembler. Unlike Mencius, he defined human nature.

Xunzi developed Confucianism, and on the issue of human nature, he advocated the theory of sexual evil, asserting that human nature has evil, denying the concept of innate morality, and emphasizing the influence of acquired environment and education on human beings.

Xunzi’s doctrine is often compared with Mencius’ “theory of the goodness of nature”, and Xunzi also made a significant contribution to the reorganization of the Confucian canon.

“We’re just discussing it, and it’s not like I’m the one who has the right to say anything.” Maki Iwasaki defended.

Her greatest interest at the moment was wanting to know why he had socialist ideas despite being a capitalist. Even if there wasn’t any striving for power in it, she couldn’t dispel her curiosity at work.

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