Chapter 218 Cantaloupe (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto returned to Minato from Musashino City. He parked his old dark blue Porsche 911 in the middle of the front yard. The feeling of being home made him feel really good.

After turning off the car, Masayoshi Kishimoto pushed open the door and then got out of it. He landed on his feet, stood up and took two steps outside, and closed the door with his backhand.

Masayoshi Kishimoto locked the car door and turned sideways and inward, following the established route up the steps. He took one unhurried step towards the top until he stopped at the front door.

He pulled out the gate key and opened the door, and as soon as he stepped inside, he saw that Little A and Little B were very jolly and bouncy as they ran to greet him.

After they had greeted him, the dogs jumped and returned to crouch beside Sakai Meiling, their little heads held high and their doggy tongues exposed for a long time.

“Is cantaloupe sweet?” Kishimoto Masayoshi looked towards Sakai Meiling who was eating the cantaloupe and said.

“Sweet, very sweet. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve eaten such a sweet cantaloupe.” Sakai Meiling said truthfully.

“Can it not be sweet, 170,000 yen a cantaloupe just like this went inside your stomach.” Masayoshi Kishimoto approached.

“Brother Justice, you must be bluffing me!” Sakai Mirei said in disbelief as she still held the last piece in her hand.

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat down on the side of the single sofa he was used to sitting on and looked at the wooden box containing cantaloupe on the coffee table and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can go to any high end fruit store in Roppongi and look at the price.”

Sakai Mirei was petrified. She would never have thought that the cantaloupe she ate inside her stomach would be so expensive. The concept of “170,000 yen” was repeated over and over again in her head.

“I was originally planning to give it as a gift. Now, you’ve eaten it. What do you say about it?” Masayoshi Kishimoto sank his face and feigned a bit of anger.

“Buy another one! I’ve eaten it all, even if I’m told to spit it out, it’s useless.” Sakai Mirei said as she put on a look like that’s the way it is anyway.

“That’s not the current topic of discussion between you and I. It’s about who eats and who pays.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he leaned his back against the back of the couch, crossing his legs and resting his hands on top of one of his thighs.

“I’m just a senior in high school with no money. You really want me to pay, and I can’t. What are you going to do, if you say so?” Sakai Meiling said as she hurriedly finished the last bit of cantaloupe left in her hand.

“I think I can pledge you inside a fancy fruit store in Roppongi to get a cantaloupe back.” Masayoshi Kishimoto held back a laugh and said.

“That’s too cheap! A youthful and invincible beauty like me is only worth a 170,000 yen cantaloupe?” Sakai Mirei said unhappily.

“Don’t underestimate this 170,000 yen. A lot of ordinary wage earners are only able to get almost that much even after a month of hard work.

Their month’s salary is equivalent to only being able to buy a cantaloupe, and it’s not even enough. Do you really think that everyone in Japan can get 300,000 yen a month?

Even those who can get 300,000 yen a month are working their asses off. Quite a few of them work until the point of going to catch the last train every night.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Instead of mortgaging it to a fruit store in Roppongi, why don’t you just let me mortgage it to you?” Sakai Mirei suddenly pursed her lips and said.

“Laughing at what? What’s there to laugh about? You ate the cantaloupe I was going to use as a gift without my permission, and instead of apologizing, you have a point? Do you have any sense of shame at all? Taking without asking is considered stealing.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Taken seriously by you. I just tasted and identified for you whether it was sweet or not, and whether it was worth 170,000 yen? It was only after I carefully tasted and identified it that I finally came to the intuitive conclusion that it was sweet, but not worth 170,000 yen at all.

In the future, you should not be deceived into buying this kind of cantaloupe.” Sakai Meiling knew in her heart that he wouldn’t really bother with herself at all.

“From what you’re saying, not only do I have to thank you, but I also have to pay you a labor fee?” Masayoshi Kishimoto cried and laughed.

“Yes.” Sakai Meiling nodded her head vigorously, babbling up a storm without blushing or jumping, and said.

“You and your sister’s temperaments are really different. You were both born from the same father and mother, how can the difference be so great?” Kishimoto Justice shook his head and said.

“Brother Justice, do you prefer my innocent and lively personality, or my sister’s noble and lonely talented woman personality.” Sakai Meiling said as she placed her scissor hands next to the corners of her left and right eyes.

“I like your sister’s character.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“So sad!” Sakai Misuzu said as her scissor hands turned into fists and made a motion of crying.

“You’re sad?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in disbelief.

“Why wouldn’t I be sad?” Sakai Misuzu said as she spread her hands and stared at him with her head hanging down.

“Then you’ll grieve slowly!” Masayoshi Kishimoto slowly closed his eyes, and the thumbs of his right and left hands began to gently rub his temples clockwise, saying.

“Brother Justice, where have you been all day? It looks like you’re very tired.” Sakai Mirei towards his direction was scooting her butt in closer said.

“Drove around Musashino City.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a rough way.

“You have a car, huh? After dinner, will you be able to take me out for a drive?” Sakai Mirei’s interest instantly heightened as she said.

“You haven’t even made it clear that you ate my 170,000 yen cantaloupe. What, trying to use my car’s gasoline again?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“We’re all family, so why are you being catty with me? Besides, compared to my sister, she spends a lot more of your money than I do.” Sakai Meiling perked up.

“Your sister is my fianc茅e. If she spends my money, that’s considered justified.” Masayoshi Kishimoto retorted.

“It’s not like my sister is the only one who can marry you. I can too! If you don’t believe me, you can dig out the oath book between our two families in the beginning and take a good look at it again.

It clearly states in black and white that you’re marrying the Sakai family’s daughter, and it doesn’t say whether you’re marrying my sister or me.

My sister and I are both daughters of the Sakai family! That means my sister and I have equal rights in this matter.

My sister can’t stand your amorous behavior, but I can! I don’t mind at all if you have more women outside, as long as the legal wife is me.” Sakai Meiling said in a serious manner.

“Thank you for being so understanding.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a bitter smile.

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