Chapter 223: Members of the Horse Club

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:41
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The next morning, as soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into his office he saw a package sitting on top of his desk. He was instantly curious. Who would mail a package to the company for himself?

Masayoshi Kishimoto first looked at the address of the package, which was Musashino City, and then opened the package to see what was inside.

He picked up the photo and looked at it, it wasn’t an unseemly photo, but a photo of a black horse. The black horse on the photo was covered in black, its fur was shiny like silk, especially when it ran under the sunlight, it seemed to be reflecting the light.

After looking at the photos, Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up a copy of the transfer form for the black horse. He remembered clearly that although he had gone to Iwasaki Eisuke’s horse farm that day, he had not chosen a horse.

This should be a racehorse that the other party had personally selected for himself, or a black horse that possessed a purebred bloodline from England. Not only that, even the name was taken, called Black Lightning.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew in his heart that it wasn’t that the other party didn’t respect himself, but that the name of the horse had to be filled in on top of the closing procedures. If he was not satisfied with this one name, he could completely change it.

From now on, this black horse called Black Lightning was his own personal property. He put down the transfer book in his hand and found the golden badge representing the official members of the Horse Club in it again.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but have a heartfelt smile on his face, Eisuke Iwasaki had really thought of everything and taken care of everything for himself.

In theory, he should have first applied to the Horse Council, submitted some relevant documents to prove his property, and then waited for the Horse Council to review his application.

With Iwasaki Eisuke’s words or guarantee, all procedures became extremely easy. He had not only become a horse owner, but also an official member of the Horse Club.

Benefits are naturally there, completely can enjoy the exclusive VIP room in the racecourse, not only limited to individuals, but also able to bring some friends.

Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch. The annual dues are also bound to be paid. Money, are small things. The main thing is that it represents a social identity and status that the individual has, and also for socializing convenience.

Many of these power and money deals, money and sex deals, power and sex deals, etc. are done within the racecourse. After all, in Japan, horse betting is also completely legal.

Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the horse club badge made of gold with great interest, and said to himself: “If I accept it, it means that I have stood in the camp of Eisuke Iwasaki.

If you don’t accept it and return the original, it’s not only a simple refusal, but also has the meaning of not recognizing the honor in it.”

He is not unaware that, not to mention Iwasaki Eisuke such a big man in the financial world, as long as a person reaches a certain position, they do not like to be rejected by others.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pinned the gold badge of the Horse Council on the left chest of his jacket, and once again muttered to himself, “Or else, I’ll just dance with the wolves?”

The reason why he would say so lay in the fact that if one wanted to truly become a wolf, then one had to learn how to become a true wolf first.

This was the only way to understand the minds and acting styles of other wolves by being with them. One may not always be eaten.

As for who eats who, it is still unclear? The advantage of wolves gathering together, that was to be able to better round up bigger and more prey.

At this time, Nanno Takayuki suddenly walked in. At a glance, he noticed the gold badge representing a full member of the Horse Guild pinned on top of Masayoshi Kishimoto’s jacket.

“Huh, an upgrade?” Nanno Takayuki hurriedly put his feet up to get closer to see it.

“Still upgrading, I’m fretting!” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed bitterly and said.

“Even if you’re fretting, you’re still happy. How come this kind of sorrow is not my turn? I don’t care, some other day, you must bring me to the horse training area’s racecourse to see the world. After living for so many years, I haven’t been there even once.” Nanno Takayuki laughed.

“By you saying that, it’s as if the racecourse is such a high-class place. If you want to go, you can go anytime!” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Even the grandstands of a racecourse are divided into three, six, nine classes, just as the social pyramid is exactly the same from the bottom up. The lower you are, the more people there are, and the more seats there are.

The higher up the pyramid, the smaller the number of people and the fewer the seats. What’s the point of sitting on top of a public viewing platform?

Now, you’re an official member of the Club, which means you can go in and out of the exclusive VIP boxes. I’m going to stand at the top and enjoy that marvelous feeling of overlooking the panoramic view of the stable.” Nanno Takayuki raised the palm of his right hand and crossed it from left to right.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood him perfectly. With horse races as fast as the wind, hundreds of billions of dollars in betting, and a class condensed into a single racetrack, there could be no sport more stimulating to the male adrenaline than racing.

The modern racetrack is the perfect embodiment of class differentiation, and that class begins in the most common visitor’s area. The average citizen, the middle class, can only watch horse racing in the visitor’s area.

The visitor’s area looks similar to the spectator’s area of a soccer stadium, enjoying the impact of the crowds and the rumble of the racehorses rushing by.

Those who did great things were in the members’ area, but by no means could just anyone become a member. He had seen a documentary about the Hong Kong Jockey Club in his previous life.

The membership quota was strictly controlled not to mention that the entry fee was HK$150,000, plus a monthly membership fee of HK$8,500, and there had to be an introduction from a specific old member.

No introduction? The entry fee is HK$600,000 and the monthly membership fee is HK$22,000, otherwise no one will play with you. The most hardcore player in the membership system is of course the horse owner himself.

There are only about 1,000 of them in the whole of Hong Kong, and they have to apply and wait for three to five years before they can enjoy more services and spend even more money.

Many upper class people not only enjoy horse racing, but also dress up, light up cigars and enjoy top services in private boxes at racecourses, which is a game of power and capital in the course of conversation and laughter.

Furthermore, take the British Royal Ascot racecourse. Private boxes cost about 15,000 pounds a day, and top hotels can’t compete.

Therefore, horse racing is not only a sport, but also a social scene for the upper class, affecting politics, capital, fashion, and culture in all fields.

“Have your Personnel Department personally make a call to Yamaguchi Katsuhei in Seoul, South Korea, and have him come back to report on his duties.” Justice Kishimoto changed the subject and said seriously.

“You’re really determined to get the Roppongi New Town program going?” Takayuki Nanno confirmed.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t admit it head on saying, “We’re both amateurs in construction. I always have to listen to what the insiders have to say!”

“Understood.” Takayuki Nanno responded with a full mouth.

“By the way, don’t make a big deal out of it. Just call Katsuhei Yamaguchi personally and tell him. If he wants to ask you one, two, three, then you can just deal with it lightly.

Nowadays, I don’t want to make a scene.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had already heard from Mirei Sakai’s mouth that the group company had begun to talk about various things internally.

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