Chapter 224 Strength (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After Nanno Takayuki left, Kishimoto Masayoshi sat down on his office chair. He took out a bunch of keys he had with him, and selected the one that could open the center drawer.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pulled out the drawer and took out the cell phone that he and Eisuke Iwasaki used to talk on exclusively. He didn’t look through the phonebook on top of the cell phone, and with the memory inside his head was able to accurately enter a string of numbers, and then dialed the other party’s number.

“I’ve received the package. Thank you for the gift.” Masayoshi Kishimoto held the cell phone in his right hand next to his right ear and said in a serious manner.

“Did you like it?” Iwasaki Eisuke asked calmly and unperturbedly saying.

“Very much like it. In the future, I’ll have to rely on you to take care of me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made it clear that he was officially accepting the other party’s enlistment saying.

“A small gift is nothing. A famous horse matches a hero. If there’s anything you don’t know about horses, you can ask Maki. Afterwards, I’ll send you her cell phone number by text message.” Iwasaki Eisuke said in a cloudy manner.

“Thank you so much.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was a little bit thorough, and completely understood that it was the other party who was creating the opportunity for more contact between himself and Maki Iwasaki.

It would be best if the two could genuinely come together. After all, in the eyes of the Japanese, the sincerity of any kind of cooperation was not as reliable as a marriage.

Even if he and Iwasaki Maki didn’t work out, he would still be able to let himself feel that high regard from Iwasaki Eisuke. From this, it can be seen that the other party’s means of enlisting talents is extremely skillful.

For this reason, Masayoshi Kishimoto, while not expecting it, was able to understand the other party’s feelings of wanting to reclaim the No.1 spot. With a background like the other party’s, he was almost perfect.

If an individual did not have a direction to pursue and strive for, living would be too boring. A real man likes to fight for what he wants.

Their own hard gold group in just two, three years time to develop and grow up, and such growth speed can be said to be extraordinary.

“We’ll stop here with the polite words. Have you decided to participate in the bidding for Roppongi’s old city renovation plan?” Iwasaki Eisuke cut to the chase.

“I have the heart to do so, but I’m afraid I don’t have the strength.” Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling glass window, looking off into the distance with both eyes in thought, “Am I able to ask you a question?”

Iwasaki Eisuke succinctly said, “Feel free to ask.”

“The Mitsubishi Group also has construction companies under its umbrella. Could it be that you guys aren’t participating in this bidding?” Justice Kishimoto asked curiously.

Iwasaki Eisuke spoke eloquently, “I knew you would ask such a question. Marunouchi in the Chiyoda district is owned by our Mitsubishi Group. If we were to get involved in Roppongi in the harbor area again, it would also break the existing balance of the cut-off with the other five major zaibatsu.

A large-scale arms race is something we all don’t want at the moment. At present, although the Asian financial turmoil has passed, but Japan’s domestic economy has not fully recovered.

Whether it is the financial sector or the political sector, everyone has been still committed to the domestic economic recovery. Even if we Mitsubishi Group finally won the Roppongi old city renovation plan, it does not mean that we have won.

Just because we have an advantage in one project, we have to make concessions and give up on others. This is where the trade-offs come in.

Not only the Japanese government, but also the U.S. government does not want to see a dominant situation in Japan. Our Mitsubishi Group was dismembered by the Americans after World War II.

After decades of hard work by the Mitsubishi people, it was only with great difficulty that we were able to maintain the alliance we have today. If we are dismembered once more, I’m afraid it will be difficult to rise again.”

He said here was a slight pause, and then said, “You should know Go! Not only do you need to look at three moves for each move, but you also need to anticipate where your opponent will land his pieces.

Don’t worry, don’t have any worries. I will secretly advocate for you and the bigwigs in the financial world to make a plan that no one will get involved in Roppongi Hills. The Japanese financial world needs fresh blood.

As for the rest of the matter, it depends on your true ability. If you can establish Roppongi in the harbor area as the future home base of the Hard Gold Group, then you and your company will have raised a flag in the Japanese financial world.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto believed that his words were true, but he didn’t believe all of them. He didn’t want to become a pawn in the other party’s hands, much less a pawn to be eaten.

He also had the self-awareness that he currently did not have the strength to become a chess player capable of playing on the same field as the six major Zaibatsu. Since the bigwigs of the financial sector do not intervene in Roppongi’s new city plan, then he has a lot less to worry about.

In addition to the six major plutocrats in Japan, there are many other construction companies, large and small. This also includes the construction companies controlled by the gangsters.

Masayoshi Kishimoto is convinced that the Japanese government will not give Roppongi such a landmark area of the old city renovation plan to the construction company controlled by the gangsters. The fact that he himself was not a kangaroo man also meant that he could make a bid.

“I don’t suppose you’re having difficulties with the funds above! If so, in addition to the nearly eight billion yen I placed with you that can be utilized, you will also be given the necessary loan assistance if you go through the normal channels of the Bank of Mitsubishi.”

Even if Iwasaki Eisuke knew that Kishimoto Masayoshi had a certain amount of leverage in his hands, he would not know exactly how much he would have. Thus, he naturally thought of the funding gap problem that the other party would encounter and said.

“Thank you, it’s truly not necessary. As long as you bigwigs in the financial world don’t get involved to have a competition with us, then I’m much more solid in my heart.

I was wondering if I could use the money you have with me to cooperate in setting up a new company. At that time, you will send another trusted person over.

The advantage of this would be that it could be used to cover our ears on the one hand, and on the other hand, it would be an intermediate bridge for both of us to easily communicate with each other.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto had always felt that the sum that Eisuke Iwasaki had placed in his possession was a time bomb. He wanted to remove it on that account Dao.

“I will seriously consider this one proposal of yours. You really don’t have a problem with funding? The amount of money to be utilized on top of Roppongi’s new city plan is not a small amount.” Iwasaki Eisuke said half-heartedly.

“Just in terms of the amount of money to be used, the Hard Gold Group alone is more than enough. If I couldn’t even come up with this amount of money, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be so optimistic about me!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said confidently.

Iwasaki Eisuke laughed and said, “I like dealing with smart people. Then I’ll wait and see what you do in the future. I hope you won’t let me down.”

“I will do my best to take down Roppongi’s new city plan.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was also extremely eager to use his own strength as a banner road within his heart.

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