Chapter 226: Tragedy

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Rie was expressionless in the face of the crying Satou Ryoumi. She had long predicted that the outcome of this current situation would end in tragedy.

As her best friend, she had kindly reminded her beforehand. However, the other party simply did not listen. Satou Ryoumi was to blame, and it really wasn’t wrong at all.

“Rie, please help me talk to Kazuhiko! I really, really love him. How could he do this to me?” Satou Ryoumi said as she pinned all her hopes on Sakai Rie.

“I can’t help you at all. The problem that needs to be solved urgently right now is not getting Inoue Kazuhiko to come around, but the question of whether to keep or not to keep this child inside your belly?” Sakai Rie hit the nail on the head.

“Rie is right. Yoshimi, you should stop harboring any illusions. Inoue Kazuhiko doesn’t even want his own child, so that’s already an indication that he definitely won’t marry you.

Nowadays, he is not even answering your phone calls. Did you go to him and make trouble? No! Think of it as buying a lesson in blood!” Watanabe Saki said in complete agreement with Sakai Rie.

Sato Ryoumi couldn’t listen at all, “Rie, I know you can help me. Kazuhiko will give face to your fianc茅 even if he doesn’t give face to you.”

“If you keep this up, then I’ll have to take my leave. It’s done, so why do you need to keep fooling yourself?” Sakai Rie was not pushing her luck at all.

Watanabe Sawaki chimed in, “Brother Justice is so busy day in and day out, he doesn’t have the time to ask you about personal matters like this. Taking it a step further, even if Brother Justice intervened to meet Inoue Kazuhiko on your behalf, it would only be to put pressure on him.

Even if you guys get back together and are barely together, it won’t make him look at you favorably. You’re about to graduate from college, and you haven’t even gotten one yet.

If you’re not anxious, I’m anxious for you. My opinion is still the same one, get rid of the baby inside your belly and start over.”

Satou Ryoumi touched her belly with her right hand and said, “This is my child!”

“The problem is that even if you give birth to him, then what will you do to feed him? I’m afraid that 40,000 yen per month government subsidy isn’t enough to pay for the child’s formula alone.

Even if your child is able to breastfeed exclusively, you’ll still have to use diapers. There’s no guarantee that your child won’t get sick or something in between.

If you have to take care of your child, you won’t be able to go out to work, so how will you make a living? Rent, utilities and everything else, which of these costs nothing?

And I haven’t even counted the cost of regular hospital checkups during pregnancy. Whether you’re having a baby or raising a baby, it’s not that casual or easy.

Once you give birth, it means the whole thing is out in the open. If you don’t get it right, you will have difficulty in getting your college diploma.

Not only that, I’m afraid that your family will feel ashamed when they find out about this, and not only will they completely cut off your financial resources, but they will also cut off their dealings with you.

Of course, it’s not impossible for you to have the baby if you insist on having it. In that case, you will have to seek help from an NPO (non-profit organization).

Giving birth to the child inside your belly is the last thing you can do for this child. As for the rest of her life, I’m sure it won’t be any better than when you were a child.

Many of the first children to be victimized and bullied by bullies in the school are from a situation like yours.” Watanabe Saki said in a serious manner.

Sakai Rie turned her body to look at Watanabe Saiki who was sitting on her side showing a face full of conviction. Inside her head, she hadn’t thought as thoroughly as the other party.

She only thought about the question of whether to keep or not to keep the child inside Sato Ryoumi’s stomach. As for the choice, it was still up to her to make the final decision.

Sato Ryoumi, while saddened, also felt that Watanabe Saeki was right. She was currently standing at an important crossroads in her life, but she did not know how to resolve it for a while.

“Saiki, I realized that you’re much more mature than me.” Sakai Rie suddenly lamented.

“I was also forced out by real life. In terms of my family’s financial circumstances, I’m even worse off than even Ryoumi. Not to mention you, Rie.

You’re in the sky and I’m on the ground, it’s completely incomparable. I’m not poor, but I’m barely making ends meet.

You don’t have to work after school, but I do, and I have to figure out how to pay for my allowance.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned from my years in college is that you can’t live in Tokyo without money. If you don’t have money, then you are nothing.” Watanabe Saki said seriously.

“It seems that I won’t be able to do much to help Ryoumi, instead you can help her.” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“Everything that needs to be said has been said and analyzed. We as her besties can only go so far. The final decision still rests with Ryoumi.

If she doesn’t listen, then the hard times have just begun. Even if Ryoumi gives birth to this child safely, there’s no guarantee that she won’t have other thoughts and regrets as the days go by.” Watanabe Saki put herself in her shoes.

“The child is Kazuhiko Inoue’s, I don’t believe he’ll dare not pay the alimony.” Sato Ryoumi said in a spirited manner.

“It’s not like you don’t know how complicated Kazuhiko Inoue’s social background and connections are. Not to mention the fact that he told someone to do something unfavorable to you.

All he has to do is bite the bullet and say that the child isn’t his, and even slander you for messing around, having affairs with other men or whatever, what can you do with him?

Even if he doesn’t run away, he can make it difficult for you to see his face. Even if you go to court to sue him, you may not be able to win. For you, the lawyer’s fee alone is a lot of money.

Kazuhiko Inoue has a lot of money, and he is not afraid to spend it with you, not afraid to stall you. He is able to wear you out and drag you to death. Instead of letting something like this really happen in the future, it’s better to have an immediate decision that hurts.” Sato Ryoumi said matter-of-factly.

“If it really comes to that, I can still ask Rie’s fianc茅 to do justice for me.” Satou Ryoumi was like a cooked duck with only a stiff upper lip.

“In terms of friendship, Brother Justice is definitely better than Kazuhiko Inoue. The relationship between him and you is nothing more than acquaintance. In terms of interests, it’s simply not something you can compare to.

What are those women who have no status or existence in the hearts of rich men? Sometimes, it is between men and men at the table for the exchange of glasses of wine.

Sometimes, it is a piece of his portable decorations. Sometimes it’s something he uses to pass the time of boredom. …… Instead, they’ll actually see you as a person. You should know that just by looking at Rie.” Watanabe Saki said seriously.

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