Chapter 228: Tokyo Television

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:34:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At 7:00 pm, Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived not too early or too late according to the address of the high-class French Western restaurant that Maki Iwasaki had called ahead to tell him.

As soon as he walked through the front door, he was stopped by the manager very politely, “Excuse me, are you Mr. Masayoshi Kishimoto, the chairman of the Hard Gold Group?”

“That’s right, I am.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“This way please.” The manager said as he gestured a direction with his hunched right hand.

Masayoshi Kishimoto followed the other’s lead before he was able to retrace his steps towards the interior. He stepped into the inner hall and saw that the decoration was not only high class, but also paid special attention to the details of the taste.

Naturally, he remembered the other day when Sakai Meiling had pestered himself for a French-style meal. If he were to bring the little girl here to dine, he would definitely make the other party completely happy.

At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto noticed that there were no other customers in the store. He deduced from this that it wasn’t that the business here was bad, but rather that the entire place had been taken over by Iwasaki Maki.

The fact that this grand young lady of the Iwasaki family was entertaining herself for the first time at such a high level really made him a bit flattered. In theory, all such things should be someone else who packs the venue to please her.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was brought by the manager to a round table in the very center. He pulled out a chair and sat right down, waiting for Onii-chan to arrive.

In a short while, Iwasaki Maki walked towards Kishimoto Masayoshi at a leisurely pace from far to near, accompanied by a butler and a personal maid on the left and right. Her attire really caught his eye as well.

Kishimoto Masayoshi had seen her valor last time, but this time he saw her noble and elegant side. He took the initiative to stand up. When the other party approached, he bowed slightly lower towards Iwasaki Maki out of courtesy.

At the same time, Iwasaki Maki stopped and bowed in return. Afterward, she was served by the butler before sitting down on a chair.

Masayoshi Kishimoto also resumed his seat and smiled awkwardly, “I’m sorry, I forgot to bring you flowers. To express my apologies to you.

Even though this meal is your treat, the bill must come from me. You won’t refuse to give me, a man, the chance to express my apologies to you!”

He paused here, his two-eyed attention was on the manager, and then added, “I’ll trouble you to mail the bill to the Hard Gold Group in Ueno, Taito District, for me.”

The manager didn’t dare to answer in person, so he had to look at Maki Iwasaki. She gave a slight nod of her head, meaning for it to be followed.

After the manager had such a clear reply, it was only then that he rushed at Masashi Kishimoto to make a formal reply, “Thank you, Chairman Masashi Kishimoto, for your care.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he raised his hands and “snapped” twice. In a few moments, a waitress delivered pre-dinner aperitifs to Maki Iwasaki and Masayoshi Kishimoto. The manager personally performed a service for the two important guests of this restaurant.

“Although this French Western restaurant is owned by Japanese and the chef is also Japanese, the flavor above is not inferior to some Michelin three-star French Western restaurants in Paris, France.” Iwasaki Maki introduced.

“I really don’t have any research on food, after all, I’m not from a blue-blooded background that’s been rich for three generations. The Dream of the Red Chamber, one of China’s four great masterpieces, illustrates an objective fact right in the book, that a person who really knows a thing or two about food is someone who needs to have an ancestor who has been rich for at least three generations.” Justice Kishimoto said matter-of-factly.

“I have seen quite a few men who engage in all sorts of pretenses in front of me. You are the only exception. I just love your frankness.” Maki Iwasaki said with a slight smile.

“I’m afraid that you personally called me here for more than simply having dinner together!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

After Iwasaki Maki gave a look to the male butler, he took the initiative to take over the manager’s job and said, “I’ll be serving here!”

The manager instantly understood that the guests were going to talk about something important. He was naturally not able to be present. Thus, after bowing very knowingly, he was silently escorted out by Iwasaki Maki’s personal attendant.

“You made a call to my father about collaborating to form a new company to act as a bridge. My father agreed to this one proposal of yours.

The new company will not only be a bridge, but it will have to be tangible.” Maki Iwasaki said as she held the wine glass with pre-dinner wine on top of her right hand.

“Your father left me nearly eight billion yen in cash, how do you want to play it?” Masayoshi Kishimoto, a man of understanding, said without beating around the bush.

“Then let’s set up a new company in media and entertainment!” Maki Iwasaki smiled.

“No problem. How much registered capital is needed? What’s the shareholding ratio between us? Is Mitsubishi or Hard Gold added above the new company’s name?” Masayoshi Kishimoto issued three questions in a row and said.

“This new company will carry out cooperation with you in my personal name, not only does it have no affiliation with the Mitsubishi Group, but it also has no relationship with the Iwasaki family.

If you insist on adding the word hard gold, I have no problem with that. In addition to the nearly eight billion yen you are holding, I will put up about two billion yen to make up the ten billion yen in equity.

You’ll likewise put up ten billion yen, and we’ll each take half of the shares. I know that you are fully committed to the Roppongi New Town project.

If you have any difficulties with the capital, you can also contribute less and take as much as you can. As for the shortfall of twenty billion yen, I will make up for it.” Iwasaki Maki put down the wine glass in his hand and said in a serious manner.

“A total of twenty billion yen in equity. Missy, do you have to play it so big?” Masashi Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“Big? I still think it’s average.” Maki Iwasaki said seriously.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s biggest knot was the amount of money that Eisuke Iwasaki had placed in his possession. Now, being able to get rid of it would remove a piece of his heartache.

When he thought about it, ten billion yen converted into soft sister coins, it’s just over 600 million soft sister coins (1:16). In the future, Si Cong’s father gave him 500 million soft dollars in one go to practice.

If he loses all of them, he will give him another 500 million. If he still loses, then let him obediently go back to work and don’t engage in any investment. In this way, Iwasaki Eisuke giving Iwasaki Maki ten billion yen at once was not too much.

“Since you want to play around, then I’ll play along with you! Our two families will each contribute ten billion yen. Your first target is staring at that?” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“TV Tokyo, whose head office is located in Roppongi, Minato-ku. It is the smallest of the five major privately owned terrestrial wireless stations in Japan.

TV Tokyo’s registered capitalization is 8,910,957,000 yen. We have twenty billion yen in cash on hand to make an absolutely controlling acquisition of it is no problem at all.” Iwasaki Maki came up with a no-brainer and said.

“I have no opinion.” Masayoshi Kishimoto wasn’t worried that the new company they established would be subject to a reverse takeover by TV Tokyo. After all, if the money wasn’t enough, they could still make another addition.

At the same time, he was sure that she would not be acting on a whim, but had gone through a process of back-and-forth consideration, as well as accepting the constructive advice given by her team of professionals. How could she fail in her debut as the Iwasaki family’s eldest lady?

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