Chapter 230: Riverfish

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:35:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Near the end of her shift at noon, Sakai Mirei actively ran to the chairman’s office again. With her hands clipped behind her back, she smiled and said, “Brother Justice, I’m here again.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on top of his chair and looked at this little glutton and cried and laughed, “It’s good that your positive attitude towards work is half as persistent as your pursuit of food.”

“Lunch is only an hour away, so let’s hurry. It’s best to eat and talk over here. Today, I’ll take you to a great place in Ueno that specializes in riverfish.

This one is a good restaurant recommended by Tokyo TV’s food program.” Sakai Meiling’s mouth had already begun to produce saliva at an accelerated rate.

“You’re paying for it? Otherwise, we can do it on an AA basis!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said knowing that it was impossible.

“You have so much money, why should you be catty with me?” Sakai Meiling pouted.

“It’s not good for you to develop this one habit. Japan promotes the tradition of spending that men and women should also be AA.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“That’s for the average person, and you’re not the average person, so it wouldn’t apply at all. Besides, you’re an anti-traditional man.” Sakai Meiling said seriously.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was speechless. Of course he knew about the deliciousness of riverfishes, and he also knew that there was such a thing as fighting to the death to eat riverfishes. Although river herring would experience a certain amount of backward swimming, that is, from the sea and back into freshwater, it did not represent all river herring species.

There are two main types of river herring, one is called freshwater river herring and the other is called sea river herring. The latter is more flavorful than the former.

The risk that comes with this is that the sea triggerfish can be much more poisonous than the freshwater triggerfish. The most poisonous and tasty part of the triggerfish is its liver.

With the sophistication of artificial farming techniques, the toxins in the body of the river herring are becoming weaker and even absent. Even so, you can’t be too careful.

Moreover, the taste of the cultivated river herring is not as good as that of the wild river herring. The Japanese have long been known for their love of river herring, and have developed a taste for this fish to the extreme.

Seeing that Masayoshi Kishimoto was sitting still and looking indifferent, Sakai Misuzu couldn’t help but impatiently reach out her hands to pull him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out as soon as he was pulled up, “Open the way.”

Sakai Meiling walked joyfully at the front end, her smile even brighter than the cherry blossoms currently in full bloom. With her leading the way, it was into the one riverfly restaurant.

On a weekday, with fewer lunchtime meal times, the inside of this one store looked rather cold. For the store owner, the main thing is to do with the customers who come to the store to dine in the evening.

The established default rule of the Japanese store, when business is bad, it does not matter how long you sit, after all, it is still able to play a living advertising role for the store, popularity.

People, whether they are Japanese or from another country, like to flock to places of high popularity.

It is a common mentality among people that a crowded place means that the food is good. If there are not many people, nine times out of ten, the food will not be good.

This is especially true for restaurants. In 1999, when cell phone networks were not yet particularly developed, the concept of the Netflix gourmet restaurant had not yet arisen.

The only way people could get access to gourmet restaurants was to watch various food programs broadcast on television, word of mouth among friends and family, food publications, and their own discoveries.

However, Masayoshi Kishimoto liked the less crowded and quieter dining atmosphere the most. Of course, any owner of a restaurant would never like to have a cold and quiet atmosphere in his or her restaurant.

What they wanted was a sea of people in the store, a full house of fire. When the store is doing well, the dining time is set. After the time limit, there will be an upcharge.

This is true not only in Tokyo, but also in Hong Kong and many other cosmopolitan cities. This is true not only for a decent restaurant, but even for a roadside store.

Once again proving and illustrating that city life is all about money. At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto and Meiling Sakai sat side by side in front of the dining table, flipping through the menu was to start ordering.

After ordering, the shopkeeper began to serve the food according to the customer’s request.

One of the special features of Japanese cuisine was the ability to watch the chef cook in front of your eyes. Of course, high-class Western food also has this kind of cooking demonstration, after all, not afraid of being stolen. Cooking skills like this is not something that anyone can just look at and know how to do.

Even if there is any secret, usually in the subtle see real skill. For example, dipping sauces, soups, etc. above. The problem was that it was usually made in secret beforehand, and then kept in the store for backup and retrieval.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at the chef’s skillful technique, which could be considered to be in the realm of a butcher’s fish. In the hands of the other party, a lively river triggerfish was methodically, like a broken down, and then placed on the side of the plate also carried out a similar plating.

He understood that this is not completely not belong to the characteristics of this river puffer store, but the industry has a strict operational process requirements.

The river herring that was broken down had to be complete and every bit of it had to be in. Before the river herring dishes are sent to the diners’ table, they have to be carefully inspected by the chef, and even a little bit of them will be intentionally fed to the cats and dogs first.

That is precisely because the river herring is poisonous, every year there are people who eat river herring poisoning death, so the relevant chef on the job before, but also have to go through the examination. Only through the relevant examination, got the license to cook river herring, only to be able to do this kind of work.

Not long after, two dishes of riverfish sashimi were delivered to Masayoshi Kishimoto and Misuzu Sakai respectively. Sakai Misuzu held her chopsticks horizontally with her hands clasped together, and blurted out in a very Japanese style, “I’m going to start.”

After she finished speaking, she took the chopsticks in her right hand and started eating. She picked up a slice of white, transparent river triggerfish and dipped it in the dipping sauce, then held it in her left hand under the chopsticks and brought it into her mouth to savor it.

When Sakai Misuzu chewed a little, her tongue immediately transmitted the flavor to her brain. The delicious flavor of the riverfish was to make her eyebrows immediately smiled in the shape of cashew nuts.

Although Masayoshi Kishimoto also ate a slice, he didn’t show the same expression as her. His objective evaluation, it was okay. In his own opinion, the biggest gimmick of the riverfish was that it was poisonous in itself, and eating it required taking a certain risk.

So it gave more reverie. The little girl was also nonchalant, and when ordering the river puffer, she chose the wild river puffer instead of the artificially raised one.

“Brother Justice, do you think I’m vain?” Sakai Meiling asked in a cold voice.

“Nah. A girl still needs to undergo a necessary enrichment. It’s really easy to be cheated by men when you’re shallow-eyed. A boy needs a poor upbringing so that he can understand the importance of personal struggle. A man must rely on himself.”

Justice Kishimoto was not joking at all. He immediately thought of the Taiwanese girls he had come into contact with in his previous life. He remembered clearly that upper-middle class Taiwanese girls were really different from the same upper-middle class girls in mainland China.

The former gives people the feeling of being very knowledgeable, treating and speaking to others in a proper manner, and quite educated. The latter, the post-80s generation, lacks internationalization in comparison.

No matter whether they have studied, or how to package, there is more or less a taste of earth. With the post-90s and post-00s growing up in a good economic environment, this internationalization gap is beginning to be shortened.

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