Chapter 232: Sitting back and enjoying the benefits

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:35:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Brother Justice, why don’t you speak quickly! It’s urgent.” Sakai Meiling walked over towards Kishimoto Masayoshi. She turned around and sat on his left side, taking the initiative to reach out her hands to grab one of his arms and shake it vigorously.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t take it anymore and said, “Don’t shake it, if you do, I’m going to fall apart. Then I’ll start telling you the rest of the half.

A man named Lobo Campbell. Campbell, a Wall Street financier. He was a multi-industry investment advisor for J.P. Morgan Bank. For that matter, he actually made a serious reply.

Dear Boles, I read your post with great interest and I am sure many ladies have similar questions as you. Let me analyze your situation as an investment professional.

I make over half a million dollars a year and fit your criteria for choosing a spouse, so please believe that I am not wasting anyone’s time.

From a businessman’s point of view, marrying you is a bad business decision, and the reasoning couldn’t be clearer, so please let me explain.

Minutiae aside, what you’re talking about is really a simple transaction between wealth and looks. Party A provides the glamorous looks, and Party B pays the money. It’s a fair deal, and it’s all fair game.

However, there is a fatal problem here. Your beauty will fade, but my money will not diminish for no reason. In fact, my income is likely to increase year by year, while you are unlikely to get prettier and prettier every year.

Therefore, economically speaking, I am an appreciating asset and you are a depreciating asset, not only depreciating, but accelerating!

You are now 25 years old, in the next five years, you can still maintain a slender body, playful appearance, although slightly regress each year.

But beauty fades faster and faster, and if it’s the only asset you have, you’ll be worth very little in ten years.

In Wall Street terminology, every transaction has a position, with you dating belongs to the trading position (tradingl position), once the value of the decline should be sold immediately, and should not be held for a long time, that is, you want to marriage.

It sounds cruel, but for a material that will accelerate the depreciation of the value of the material, the wise choice is to lease, not to buy. Anyone who can make more than $500,000 a year is certainly no fool, so we will only date you, but not marry you.

So I urge you not to look hard for the secret formula to marry a rich man. By the way, you can instead find a way to turn yourself into someone who makes $500,000 a year, which has a better chance of winning than meeting a rich fool. I hope my repost was helpful. If you’re interested in leasing, please contact me.”

“Pithy, that man is so right.” Kazuya Takahashi laughed and said.

“Reality is often always harsh, and the truth is always hard to accept. How can someone with a high annual salary be a fool? For us to stand out, we must have something to offer.” Takayuki Nanno chimed in.

“You’re all just making excuses for playing with women.” Rie Sakai argued.

“Justice has all been covered inside the short story, it’s a simple fair trade between wealth and looks. Party A provides the glamorous appearance, and Party B pays for it, a fair trade and a fair deal.

In the course of this transaction, we have neither coercion nor enticement. This is the voluntary behavior of a small number of beautiful girls.

Stealing a chicken is like giving up a handful of rice first. Not to mention wanting to break through the class barriers and realize a kind of class leap. Everything requires a certain price to be paid.” Takahashi Kazuya spoke eloquently.

“I think my brothers have a point.” Sakai Mirei said thoughtfully.

“What end of the spectrum are you on, anyway? They insult us females like that and you still think they have a point. You’re stupefied!” Sakai Rie retracted her small hand from Kishimoto Masayoshi’s and educated her sister.

“You’re the only one who thinks they’re the ones insulting women, sister. How come I don’t feel it at all? Brother Kazuya said it well, there was neither coercion nor enticement, it was all someone else’s conscious and voluntary personal behavior.

This person wants to climb up the ladder, then inevitably he has to pay a certain price. If you don’t want to pay or take risks, how many people in the world are as fortunate as you are, sister?” Sakai Meiling said as she shared her personal opinion and stance.

“When is it your turn to educate me?” Sakai Rie said with a frown.

“I’m just objectively stating an established fact. Sister, if you feel that you have been wronged, then you can completely give up! Why do you have to occupy a latrine and not shit?” Sakai Meiling said bluntly.

Sakai Rie instantly became angry and stood up, just about to speak, but Kishimoto Masayoshi grabbed the lead and said, “Mei-Ling, how are you talking to your sister? No big no small.”

“Brother Justice, my sister has been spoiled by you. She was born in a blessed place and doesn’t know the blessings. I can’t stand to see my sister speak her mind.

I don’t believe she doesn’t have a clue about this in her heart. She is really noble, really backbone, really do not love you, can choose to leave your side in a dignified manner!

She has been pestering you. This pestering on two, three years have passed, is not unable to let go of you getting better and better, as well as her vested interests and enjoyment.” Sakai Meiling blurted out.

“You don’t want to provoke me with provocation. I am not going to fall for your tricks. That’s right, you’re right about everything. I’ll admit it all.” Rie Sakai, instead of making the nameless fire in her heart grow bigger and bigger, she instead rested her anger and resumed her seat and said.

At this time, Takayuki Nanno and Kazuya Takahashi walked towards the floor-to-ceiling glass window in unison. They did not want to get involved in other people’s family matters, but they also understood what was going on.

Two people in the heart is tacit agreement to think of a piece. It was really too hard for them to be caught in the middle of the Sakai sisters.

“Sister, why are you always like this?” Sakai Meiling’s expression showed as if she had been greatly wronged.

Sakai Rie took the initiative to reach out her hands to hold up Kishimoto Masayoshi’s face, and said in a clearly demonstrative tone, “He’s my Sakai Rie’s man, and I’m his Kishimoto Masayoshi’s woman.

Even if there are other women who like him, it doesn’t change this one objective fact. It is fated that the two of us are the happy couple who will grow old together.”

“Brother Justice, my sister is bullying me.” Sakai Meiling once again shook up one of Kishimoto Justice’s arms with both hands and pouted.

“Have you two had enough? You’re not afraid of Kazuya and Takayuki’s jokes.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Don’t mind us at all. Takayuki and I are just air, transparent people, so feel free to do as you please. Hey …… if you want to blame it, you can only blame the creation.

Then there’s the question of why Japanese law has to mandate monogamy. It would be nice if it was like the Arab countries where a man can have four wives.” Takahashi Kazuya turned back sideways and laughed out loud and said.

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