Chapter 238: The Sakai Couple

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:35:23
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While Masayoshi Kishimoto’s career was in full swing, the Sakai family in Kochi Prefecture was on the verge of falling into a financial predicament.

Although the Asian financial turmoil had already passed, the actual feeling brought about by the economic recovery had not been felt by the vast majority of people.

Who would travel without money in their pockets? Aiko Sakai’s traditional inn could no longer sustain itself and was about to close down.

Meanwhile, her husband Masao Sakai’s local bank in Kochi Prefecture is also struggling. After all, local banks and the local economy go hand in hand.

If the local economy is not doing well, and businesses are closing down one after another, it will naturally have a negative impact on the local banking industry.

Whether it is a bank or any company, the most direct and effective way to balance the financial income statement in times of business difficulties is to lay off employees.

Whenever there are layoffs within a Japanese company, the first choice is to lay off the older employees who are over forty years old, have little connections, little track record, and little skill …… but are receiving higher paychecks.

Sakai Masao is located in the list of layoffs. The reason he knew in advance was that he had been called in for an interview by the Personnel Director.

The Minister of Personnel’s message could not have been clearer, that is, he was told to hurry up and look for his next job. How easy is it to find a job when the overall economic environment is not good and the local economy is not doing well?

Even young people in their twenties in Kochi Prefecture had a hard time finding jobs locally, so what else could an old man like him, who was over 50 years old and had no skills, do?

Sakai Masao from undergraduate to the present day, even if never once late and early retirement, but also year after year was named advanced staff, but also can not be spared.

At this time, Sakai husband and wife sitting face to face in the middle of the living room at home. He looked at her, and she looked at him, but there was nothing to do.

“If there’s really no other way, you go talk to Justice. Nowadays, he’s a marvelous big shot.” Aiko Sakai had to fret about her future livelihood and said.

“It’s not appropriate for me to go, right! It’s better for you to go! On top of certain things, it’s much more convenient for a woman to step in than a man.

You don’t have to talk to Masayoshi directly, so you can give Rie a head start and then let her go and blow the whistle on Masayoshi.” Sakai Masao really couldn’t let go of his face. Even if he didn’t have much money, he was at least Masayoshi Kishimoto’s prospective father-in-law.

In his opinion, as long as the individual had not begged lowly, then he would be able to maintain the majesty that should come with being an elder. On the contrary, it was a different matter, after all, it was a matter of taking the shortest of hands and eating the softest of mouths.

“This daughter of yours, I’m afraid that she has long since left us behind. She definitely doesn’t care about our deaths or lives.” Sakai Aiko blurted out.

“What do you mean by that?” Masao Sakai said without knowing what he meant.

“A long time ago, I told Rie about the difficulties of running the Ancestral Folklore Inn, and explicitly told her to talk to Masayoshi, hoping to get an investment from him, and then to tide over the difficulties.

Guess what Rie answered me in the end?” Sakai Aiko was the one to tell a truth that her husband didn’t know and said.

“This dead child hasn’t even officially married into the Kishimoto family yet, and she’s already bending her elbow towards her husband’s family. Why didn’t you tell me earlier to know?

Starting next month, don’t send her living expenses. Then again, just don’t send tuition in the future either. Let her know a power.” Sakai Masao suddenly fumed.

“It’s not like I haven’t thought about the financial discipline you’re using against Rie with this move. Nowadays, Rie has long since lost sight of the little money we give her. Not only that, she doesn’t even lack money.” Aiko Sakai laughed bitterly.

“She doesn’t lack money, so where does she get her money from? Did she steal it, or did she rob it?” Masao Sakai was a bit exasperated and said.

“Where else could Rie’s money come from, isn’t it all Justice’s money? Don’t you, by any chance, listen to what Mei-Ling gabbles about every time she returns home from Tokyo?” Aiko Sakai reminded.

“Damn, after raising Rie for twenty years, I can’t believe I raised a white-eyed wolf. If I had known it would end up like this today, I shouldn’t have personally sent her to the Kishimoto family in Tokyo in the first place.” Sakai Masao said indignantly.

“My dear, I know you’re in a bad mood because of the bank layoffs. However, Rie is our daughter after all.

Besides, it’s not like you don’t know about her clean-cut personality, she’d rather bend than break.” Sakai Aiko in turn was a bit more sensible than her husband and said.

“Now, you guys regret it? If I were Brother Justice’s fianc茅e, I would definitely help you guys.” Sakai Meiling suddenly opened her bedroom door and walked out from inside her room and said.

When the Sakai couple saw her appearance, they were immediately stunned. They hadn’t expected their second daughter to be inside their home and mistakenly thought that she was still staying in Tokyo.

Aiko Sakai looked towards Meiling Sakai and asked, “When did you come home?”

“I arrived home before you guys came back.” Sakai Meiling said truthfully.

“You heard everything I said to your father?” Aiko Sakai asked knowingly.

Sakai Meiling didn’t make any denials and said, “I heard everything. All you guys are saying is that you want Brother Justice to help you out!

However, you’re too embarrassed to open your mouths directly to him. So you thought to ask my sister Rie to give Brother Justice a good talk.

I didn’t realize that my sister wouldn’t do that favor. Instead, I can go in front of Brother Justice for you and tell him about our family’s practical difficulties.”

She said here with an intentional pause, and then said, “I have a small request for you. In fact, it is not a difficult task for you, but just to go before Brother Justice and objectively state an established fact.

The marriage contract between the Sakai family and the Kishimoto family doesn’t say that it has to be my sister who marries Brother Justice, so it’s the same for me.

It wouldn’t be any loss to the Sakai family. Both I and Rie are daughters of the Sakai family. For you, there is a fundamental difference.

If I were to marry Brother Masayoshi instead, I would definitely help my mother’s family all the time. You’ll have endless happiness in the future. Not only you, but also my little brother Shota will benefit from me.

Besides, I’ve always thought that my sister wouldn’t want to marry Brother Justice. If she doesn’t want to, then don’t force her! Besides, Grandpa did say on his deathbed that if Rie didn’t want to marry Brother Justice, I could take her place.”

“When Meiling puts it like that, it’s not a bad idea.” Sakai Masao began to have disappointment in his eldest daughter, and it was only then that he moved to say.

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