Chapter 242: Pregnancy (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:35:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

During lunch time, Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t eat out anymore, but instead came to Natsui Makoto’s place. Because of the start of high school, Sakai Misuzu was unable to continue working part-time within the company and went straight back to school.

The “little tail” behind him was no longer there. At the very least, he didn’t need to see her five days a week.

Sakai Misuzu had transferred to a private high school affiliated with Keio University, so she had to live there according to the school’s regulations.

The reason she managed to enroll in this prestigious high school was partly due to her own good grades. Any high school would never turn down an honor student, after all, it could help raise the school’s advancement rate.

What is the promotion rate? It’s how many people get into prestigious universities each year. That’s what the parents of the kids value the most, and what they are most willing to pay for.

The other side of the coin is the power of money and connections. Even if Sakai Meiling only studied for one year, tuition fees and other expenses were not something that the average middle class person in a small place could afford.

The role of the Rosary Society’s circle was fully utilized in providing connections. For parents without connections, trying to get their children into a good school, even if they tried their best and brought all kinds of gifts, it was still like a fly in the ointment.

Rie Sakai just mentioned it at a party, and immediately someone responded and offered to help. As for possessions and other things, others were determined not to accept them.

At first, Rie Sakai thought that she had met a good person, mistakenly believing that rich people were more noble in their thinking, but in reality, after Masayoshi Kishimoto’s point, she realized the truth.

The truth is simple: rich people are not like poor people who only care about their immediate interests. They were more long term in their thinking. It was just too low to accept property directly.

Not to mention the fact that her own family didn’t lack those three melons and two jujubes. The people who live here, any family in the society is the kind of hand in the hands of a certain amount of resources.

Today, you help me, then tomorrow it will be my turn to help you. With the friendship, owed a favor, the meeting will be much better to talk about.

At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto and Makoto Natsui sat face to face in front of that familiar dining table. Since he had called her beforehand to say that he was coming for lunch, she had prepared all of his favorite dishes.

“Have you been busy with work lately? You haven’t been coming to my place for lunch much.” Natsui Makoto made a complaint with a few grudging tones.

“Since you know all about it, why are you still asking?” Masaru Kishimoto snapped as he moved his chopsticks to eat.

“I’m looking to see if you lied to me.” Natsui Makoto said very seriously.

“I see that you’re afraid that I’ll have another new love and subsequently leave you out in the cold. Who let me have gotten you for good?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Natsui Makoto couldn’t help but show an embarrassed look on her face when he directly broke through the little secret in her heart. With a stiff upper lip, she said, “There is absolutely nothing.”

“It’s good that there’s nothing. I was worried that you were empty and lonely! It seems I was overly concerned. If you really feel that it’s hard to spend time at night without me by your side, you can go to a cowboy store and talk to a cowboy boy to relieve your boredom.” Justice Kishimoto chuckled.

“You might as well get on with your work! I don’t need you to worry about me blindly. Even on the nights when I don’t have you by my side, I don’t feel lonely.

Because of their company.” Natsui Makoto’s right palm was subconsciously placed on top of her belly, and an incomparably happy smile spread across her face as she said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t pay attention to this single action of hers, so he just buried his head and continued eating. He thought that after lunch, he would be able to take a nap here.

Natsui Makoto looked at him just eating, and said with a small amount of dissatisfaction, “Don’t you just eat! Aren’t you going to ask me what’s going on?”

“What kind of thing can you have? Oh …… is it hard to believe that your twentieth birthday is coming up? That is indeed a thing.

According to traditional Japanese customs, it also marks that you are no longer a child, but an adult. The day of your Bar Mitzvah, I will definitely squeeze out time to spend with you.

At that time, then hire you a small team of professional photographers is to follow you all the way, leaving all your best moments behind, not only presenting them among the video images, but also leaving them on top of a beautiful picture book.” Masayoshi Kishimoto thought of the bar mitzvah thing.

Japanese people, especially girls, valued the Bar Mitzvah at the age of twenty. They would usually choose to take a whole set of beautiful photos to make a photo album as a souvenir when they turned twenty.

The kind of albums like wedding photos are naturally not cheap. Many Japanese fathers, who are usually stingy, will pay such a fee for their daughters.

To a certain extent, it means that the child has become an adult and can live independently. This is naturally something to be happy about and celebrate.

“I didn’t mean to talk to you about this one thing.” Natsui Makoto said joyfully.

“Then what is the one thing you want to say to me?” Masaru Kishimoto said uncertainly.

“Why don’t you guess first?” Natsui Makoto was not in a hurry to tell him to know. She said with her left hand resting on her cheeks and her eyes full of happiness with a smile on her face.

“No guess. You’re almost twenty years old and an adult, stop being childish like a little girl.” Justice Kishimoto straightened up and said.

“Now, you are getting less and less of that kind of sentimentality from the past. When you were chasing me, how romantic you were! Nowadays, do you think that after chasing me into your hands, it has become irrelevant?” Natsui Makoto feigned unhappiness and said.

“That’s right, you really nailed it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh.

“Nasty.” Natsui Makoto said knowing that he was deliberately saying such things to piss himself off.

“For quite some time, I have a lot of things going on in my company and I’m very busy, so I’m afraid I won’t have much time to spend with you.

However, when you celebrate your birthday and Bar Mitzvah, I will definitely accompany you. On this point above, don’t worry about it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made a guarantee and said.

“Still counting on you to have a conscience. I’m now extremely serious about telling you one thing, I’m pregnant. It’s still twins.” Natsui Makoto announced in all seriousness.

Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly froze. It was only after he froze for a while that he slowly raised his head like a rusty machine to look at Natsui Makoto, who was sitting across from him.

“What was that you just said?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said mistakenly thinking that he had misheard.

“I’m pregnant. Or twins.” Natsui Makoto repeated saying.

“There can’t be a mistake, can there?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said incredulously.

“That’s right, do you need to see the examination report that the hospital issued to me?” Natsui Makoto stood up abruptly, looking a little agitated and said.

“Careful, sit down quickly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto signaled her not to get excited and said.

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