Chapter 245.

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:35:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After Masayoshi Kishimoto and Ryosuke Natsume parted ways, he didn’t return directly to his home in Nishimabu, Minato District, but instead went to a large shopping mall to do some sweeping.

He bought the things and carried them in large bags on top of his hands before he drove to Natsui Makoto’s place. His own woman is pregnant, this heart can not help but have more attached.

Natsui Makoto not only saw him again in one day, but also saw him buy a lot of things. While she was very joyful that she and Masayoshi Kishimoto were able to be together again, she said quietly, “Is this something you bought for me, or for those two little ones inside my belly?”

“You can both use it. You eat the flavor, they absorb the nutrients.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he placed a large pile of supplements on top of the glass coffee table in the living room.

“Don’t try to coax me with flowery words. I know that you’re all because I’m carrying your child in my womb. I’m sort of blessed with them.” Natsui Makoto snapped.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to pull her right hand is sitting together on top of the long living room couch. He then lay down on his side and pressed one ear against the top of her belly to listen for movement.

“Did you hear anything?” Natsui Makoto pursed her lips and said.

“Nope. Is it hard to believe that they’re sleeping?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Fools. They haven’t even taken human form yet! Right now, it’s just two developing embryonic cells.” Natsui Makoto laughed foolishly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not get up at that, still enjoying himself. Even if he didn’t hear anything, he felt that he had heard a something.

He closed his eyes slowly and mysteriously said, “We are communicating telepathically.”

“Have you sensed another one yet?” Natsui Makoto asked with a wide smile.

“One said that she wants bird’s nest, and the other said that he wants gum. I bought both of these for a pair of my sons and daughters.

It seems that my sons and daughters and I are truly in tune with each other. This is ample proof that the two of them are truly my own children.” Justice Kishimoto laughed beautifully.

“How do you know that they must be dragon and phoenix babies? You’re simply more powerful than an ultrasound. There’s only a one-third chance that the situation you mentioned is possible.

As for the other two-thirds, there’s a one-third chance of two sons and a one-third chance of two daughters among them.” Natsui Makoto explained seriously.

“There’s really no point if you really give birth to two children who look the same. It takes a son and a daughter to make up a good character among the kanji.

They’re good, we’re good, our family is good. That’s happiness. Otherwise, when you bathe them, you’ll get confused.

Even if it’s clear that you’ve finished bathing the children, you’ll only be bathing one child twice, while the other child is not being bathed at all.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smirked.

“Am I as stupid as you make me out to be? Even if they were to look exactly the same, I’d be confused with two children I gave birth to myself?” Natsui Makoto raised her hand and then lightly smacked him, saying.

“Anything is possible.” Masaru Kishimoto snapped.

“My belly would just get bigger every day. When I get married, I’m worried that the wedding dress won’t look good on me.” Natsui Makoto said thoughtfully.

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly pretended to be deaf. He clearly heard the other party saying one thing or another, yet he didn’t show any attitude at all. However, this was something he would need to face sooner or later.

“For our wedding, do you think a traditional Japanese style would be better? Or is the Western style better? I know you are interested in Chinese culture.

Even if we make our wedding Chinese style, I don’t have any problem with it.” Natsui Makoto said as she began to ask for his opinion.

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened his eyes and got up to sit up straight. He looked at her sideways without a meticulous smile on his face and said, “Why do you have to get married?

Isn’t it good for us to be together like this? If you feel insecure being with me like this, I’ll just transfer this set of houses into your name.”

“You do know that when I was initially with you, I didn’t even want these things from you.” Natsui Makoto lifted her right index finger was making a scratching motion and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to pull up her hands and tenderly said, “I know.”

“If you’re not sure, I can sign a prenuptial agreement with you. Even if we get divorced in the future, we won’t share your property.” Natsui Makoto said in a serious manner.

“I’m hungry, is dinner cooked yet. If there’s no cooking, we’ll go out to eat. What do you want to eat?” Masayoshi Kishimoto began to intentionally change the subject and said.

“Are you unwilling to marry me?” Natsui Makoto didn’t go along with him, but instead pressed forward and said.

“I just can’t understand you, why do you have to get married? What can that piece of paper mean? Nowadays, there are more and more people who get divorced after a short time of marriage.

The foundation of a strong relationship between a man and a woman is not based on a piece of paper alone, but on the deep feelings that they have built up for each other.

Some people in love, great, great. When not in love, not only the same way, but also become enemies. Why bother? Why suffer?” Justice Kishimoto reasoned and laid out the facts.

“I just want to get married.” Natsui Makoto said in an extremely rare display of her resolute attitude.

“If you have to be so insistent, then we can’t talk anymore.” Masayoshi Kishimoto let go of both of her hands and said.

As soon as his words fell, he followed suit and stood up, moving his feet to walk away. In his heart, he was very clear that he couldn’t give Natsui Makoto a marriage.

Kishimoto Masayoshi had just taken a few steps when Natsui Makoto stood up suddenly. She stretched out her arms from behind him and hugged him.

Natsui Makoto’s side face was pressed against his back, and both hands were clasped around his waist, not letting go. Her eyes followed suit, and her voice choked a bit as she said, “I don’t want to go.”

Kishimoto justice had to stop down, for a moment really do not know what to do. She was deeply in love with herself, if she was really heartless to go, but also afraid of any accidents. Moreover, he could not do it.

At that time, not a body a life, but a body three lives. Not only is it useless to regret, but it will also cause a lifetime of spiritual damage and psychological shadow that can not be erased.

“I really can’t give up.” Natsui Makoto said and couldn’t help the two lines of hot tears flowing out from inside her eyes, saying.

Kishimoto Masayoshi put his palms on the backs of her hands and said, “I can swear that I, Kishimoto Masayoshi, will never abandon you or your child. We’ll raise our child together.”

“If I just want a wedding formality, that’s always okay, right?” Natsui Makoto asked with a sob.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pondered for a moment and said, “Okay, I can grant you this one request.”

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