Chapter 246 Privileges

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:35:46
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Masayoshi Kishimoto put on his apron and cooked the food himself. He didn’t cook Japanese food, and really didn’t know how. Even the former owner of his own body, who was one of the more typical Japanese men, couldn’t cook.

The older the Japanese man, the higher the probability of not being able to cook. This is in stark contrast to Chinese men. Chinese men are from **** down to the common people, that generally know how to cook.

The older the Chinese man, the more he can do everything. Often do not cook that set of Chinese men, generally are after 80, 90 after the only child.

However, by the time they get married and have children, they gradually and slowly learn to cook. This is even if not for their own health, but also for the sake of the children, for fear of eating gutter oil.

Furthermore, Chinese men who can’t cook won’t be able to be warm men. If he can’t be a warm man, he won’t be easily welcomed by Chinese women.

Economical man only stays in Chinese women’s words, but in fact, their hearts still like the most rich handsome.

Masayoshi Kishimoto made three typical Chinese dishes. A braised pork, a Kung Pao chicken, plus a tomato and egg soup.

Natsui Makoto went from being incredulous at first to currently being in awe. She had completely failed to realize that Masayoshi Kishimoto could cook. After the three dishes had been served one after another, they could just start eating.

“How about trying my cooking skills? It’s been a long time since I’ve done it, so I’m quite rusty. However, it shouldn’t be difficult to eat.” Masayoshi Kishimoto showed one of the traits of rich Chinese men, only the woman he truly loved would he personally cook for her.

Otherwise, forget about it. That which can be solved with money is still solved with money. Why do you have to do all that trouble yourself?

Natsui Makoto was immediately moved. Not to mention whether it was hard to eat or not, even if the dish was poisoned, it would still be eaten by her.

Before eating, she still habitually showed the Japanese people’s respect for food and said “I’m going to start” with her hands clasped together.

After Natsui Makoto completed this ritual, she held the bowl in her left hand, picked up the chopsticks with her right hand and started eating. She first took a piece of braised pork and put it into her mouth to savor it.

As soon as her two rows of teeth bit into the braised meat, the gravy began to flow inside her mouth. The savory flavor of the meat, accompanied by a little sweetness from the sugar, was very pleasing to the taste buds.

“So delicious.” Natsui Makoto said as she slightly blocked her mouth with the three fingers of her right hand that was holding the chopsticks.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was well aware that Japanese girls from decent families had a notable trait, since they encountered something even more difficult to eat, they would not say it to their face.

Even if they clenched their teeth, they would eat it. Not only that, but they will also say “yummy”. In their opinion, this was one of the virtues of a gentle and virtuous woman.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t quite believe her, so he personally picked up his chopsticks and put a piece of his own braised pork into his mouth to taste it. In all fairness, it was still quite okay.

He knew that for Natsui Makoto, how well he cooked his own food was completely unimportant. What mattered was that he had made such a meal for her.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took another piece of braised pork and took the initiative to send it towards her rice bowl, ”You have to eat more. Nowadays, you’re not eating alone, but with three people. Whenever I have time in the future, I will come to your place and cook for you.”

Natsui Makoto looked fondly at him sitting across from her, but did not say anything. Her first reaction was to think that Masayoshi Kishimoto, in all likelihood, had felt guilty because of his conscience for not registering the marriage with himself, and then wanted to make amends for it.

In the beginning, she certainly couldn’t figure it out. As a traditional and conservative Japanese woman, how could she not get married? Or with the man she loved.

For the time being, it didn’t matter whether she got married or not. As long as he had himself in his heart and loved himself, that was better than anything.

“Don’t look at me like that. Nowadays, you are a pregnant woman, and rightfully enjoy privileges. Even if you ask me to go buy you fruit at two or three o’clock in the morning, I won’t have a second thought about it.” Kishimoto Masayoshi carried out an explanation when he saw her strange gaze and said.

Natsui Makoto said with a small mouth, “Are you doing this for me? You’re clearly doing this for the two children inside my belly.

After I give birth to the children, shouldn’t my privileges be taken back by you? Replace it with me being the one to serve you again.”

“Privileges held for too long then it would be easy to corrupt people. Besides, you gave birth to your children, so you have time to serve me, all of them went to serve them.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Even though I have suffered since I was a child, but to be able to live out having such a particularly good time has not made me a human being in vain. I’m content.” Natsui Makoto suddenly said with great emotion.

“You’re a person who is really too easily contented. These good times are yet to come!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without joking while sending diced Kung Pao chicken towards the inside of her rice bowl with a small spoon.

“What are you going to name each of our two children?” Natsui Makoto asked with interest.

“The boy will be called Good Handsome, Kishimoto Good Handsome. As for the girl, it’ll be called Good Beauty, Kishimoto Good Beauty.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with more than a playful smile.

“Is there someone who is a father like you? This name is too casual by you.” Natsui Makoto couldn’t help but chide him even though she knew he was joking.

“It’s not casual at all. It’s not only simple, clear, and straightforward, but it’s also rich in deep meaning. You can see from the name that my expectation for my son is to be handsome and like me. A daughter is to look beautiful like you one.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with an unchanging smile.

“Even I’m embarrassed to say I’m good-looking. You have a lot of cheek. You also have the nerve to say you’re good-looking?” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“Whether a man is handsome or not, it mainly depends on the pockets. Whether a woman is beautiful or not, it mainly depends on the inside. Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty in China, who was also known as the Poetry Immortal by later generations, had this line in “Concubine’s Thin Life”, which said, “If one uses color to serve others, one can get a few good moments.

It means that if a woman tries to dominate a man with her beauty, this idea is undoubtedly stupid.

Any woman will be old and gray, to your temples when the white, you can still through the beauty to bolt the man’s heart?

A truly intelligent woman attracts a man through the elegance and intelligence she exudes from the inside out, from the initiative of relying on beauty to the passivity of a man’s independent fascination, a woman who knows how to utilize the latter is undoubtedly intelligent.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with vigor.

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