Chapter 252 – Vice Minister

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:36:03
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Golf in Japan is not limited to the rich. One of the two favorite sports of the Japanese middle class is golf and the other is skiing.

Before the Japanese economic bubble burst, full members of the club would actively start preparing a golfing outfit as soon as they joined the club.

It was instilled in their minds that they would be able to be called by the president of the company to play golf with him one day. Other than that, it is necessary to play golf with clients.

Even though it was 1999 and the Japanese economic bubble had already burst many years ago, it was difficult to change the mindset inherited by young people who worked in large companies and important government departments.

Kazuya Takahashi did not show any joy when he heard the chairman say golf. He was calm inside. In his opinion, does the relationship between the two of them as youngsters need to be brought closer in the form of a golf game?

“Playing golf? Is there still a need for this one between us? Could it be that you still feel bored and need to find me to keep you company?” Takahashi Kazuya asked rhetorically.

“Not to play golf with me, but for the two of us to go together with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (one of the central ministries in Japan, formed by the merger of the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Construction, the Hokkaido Development Agency, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Tourism in the 2001 reorganization of the central ministries, whose scope of business includes national land planning, rivers and rivers, urban areas, residential areas, roads, harbors and ports, railroads, airways, and the management of construction and maintenance of governmental buildings). (construction and maintenance management of government buildings, etc.) play golf.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said truthfully.

Kazuya Takahashi instantly responded, “No problem. However, you did give me a heads up, should I win? Or should I lose?”

“Fight as you should, and play as you should. Otherwise, it would just be too meaningless. Besides, the other side isn’t a fool, so intentionally losing a game to him will enable us to smoothly obtain Roppongi’s old city renovation plan?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a nonchalant manner.

“Who’s that guy we’re playing with?” Takahashi Kazuya was curious to know in advance the man’s true identity and what official position he held within the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, he said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto trusted him completely, so he didn’t hold back, “Kitano Ryuichi, one of the two vice ministers of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation, and Tourism, and one of the facilitators in charge of Roppongi’s Old Town Renovation Plan this time.”

Takahashi Kazuya was surprised and said, “You really have energy, even a character like Kitano Ryuichi was able to get an appointment by you.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto said honestly, “It wasn’t that I was able to get Kitano Ryuichi, but it was all thanks to the help of Pachinko’s General Director.

According to what the General Director told me, when the two of them first met, Kitano Ryuichi was only a small section chief within the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation.

The reason why the other party was able to sit atop the current position of Vice Minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation was because he relied on a lot of help from the General President.”

“Political cash.” Kazuya Takahashi’s first response said.

“Not only political cash, but also connections. The entire pachinko industry generates 4% of all Japan’s GDP every year.

That’s hundreds of thousands of related employees in Tokyo alone. This force is an existence that no politician would ignore.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“That’s the way it is in Japan, the financial world and the political world have always been inextricably linked in all sorts of complicated relationships. If politicians want to rise to power, they naturally can’t do so without the support of some people among the financial sector.

The financial sector also needs people who can stand in the foreground to advocate and serve their own interests. Bigwigs from all walks of life have advocates, and it’s not limited to the zaibatsu at all.” Kazuya Takahashi lamented.

“Not only does it play out that way now, but it used to play out that way. In my opinion, it’s just a change of scenery. I’m sure there will definitely be others besides us, the Hard Gold Group.

We’re just playing by the established rules of the game, and it’s not like we’re breaking the rules or breaking the rules of the game.” Justice Kishimoto had a word to say.

“Do we need to prepare some gifts?” Takahashi Kazuya reminded.

“Gifts are certainly necessary. It’s absolutely impossible for us to give our first meeting gift to the other party. Otherwise, it would be too rude.

This matter will be handled by you personally. The gift should not be expensive, but should have a good meaning and indicate that the person will be able to go further in the future.

Kitano Ryuichi, who is now exactly 60 years old, has reached the legal working retirement age in Japan, but for a politician, this is completely meaningless.

He is still quite young and has a considerable advantage in terms of age. I would venture a guess that Kitano’s ambition as Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism will not stop here.”

“You mean that Kitano Ryuichi wants to remove the word “vice” from Vice-Minister and then become one of the Cabinet Ministers.” Takahashi Kazuya said seriously.

“BINGO, that’s what I mean when you say that. Kitano Ryuichi wants to become the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, then he will inevitably need more political donations and supporters.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“The problem is that the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism is a prime ministerial appointee. That’s not something that’s within our reach, is it?

Not to mention that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has the second highest number of staff after the Ministry of Defense (since the Ministry of Defense includes the Self-Defense Forces), and ranks second among the staffing of Japan’s central government agencies.

The importance of the position of Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism in the Cabinet cannot be overstated.” Kazuya Takahashi was a bit confused.

“Whoever the Prime Minister appoints to that position is a realistic consideration of various factors. It is impossible for him not to balance the interests of all parties within and outside the party.

Otherwise, the prime minister’s position would be unstable. Every now and then, something will be done on purpose. Although we cannot influence the Prime Minister’s appointment of the next Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, we can give considerable support to Kitano Ryuichi.

As long as he feels that we are valuable and can be a help to him on his political path, that means we are halfway there.

Five years later, ten years later, fifteen years later, or even twenty years later, we will also be the support of his faction. After all, politics is a very expensive business.

As for the other half, we’ll need some good luck in addition to taking care of the panel. There are ministers, prime ministers, and others above Kitano Ryuichi, the vice minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation, and Tourism.

In the event that some bigwig directly intervenes or that Kitano Ryuichi makes another political deal with someone in the shadows, that’s something that’s entirely possible.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t just think of utilizing the power of the General Council and the pachinko industry, but also the power of the Mitsubishi Group’s Iwasaki family.

The Iwasaki family had the power to influence the entire political world of Japan. He would only use it as a last resort, after all, he insisted on the principle of not relying too much on it, so as not to become subordinate.

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