Chapter 259: Borrowing Momentum (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:36:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On Saturday morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto, Rie Sakai, and Mirei Sakai, who was bound to return on the weekends, were sitting around the round table in the small dining room on the first floor.

“At first, I thought that Kyoko Fukada was a good woman. Now it seems that she’s not a good woman either. From start to finish, she’s full of heart.”

Sakai Meiling didn’t open the breakfast inside her own plate, but just stared at Kishimoto Masayoshi who was sitting next to her was having a go.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pretended to be deaf and dumb as he ate what was on his plate. He had a very important appointment today, and that was to play golf with the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, and the President of the Pachinko Club, Takahashi Kazuya.

Seeing that he was ignoring him, Sakai Meiling frowned and said, “Brother Justice, shouldn’t you explain to me what kind of a relationship you have with Fukada Kyoko?”

“Little girl, do I have to explain to you?” Kishimoto Masayoshi snapped.

Sakai Mirei’s little girl temperament bubbled up at once and said, “I love you so much with all my heart, and yet you’re secretly hooking up with Fukada Kyouko. Can you stand up to me?”

“I can stand up to my conscience.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked sideways at her and said, “Have you finished your homework yet? If you haven’t finished it yet, hurry up and do it after breakfast.”

“You still have a point.” Sakai Meiling acted as if she was greatly aggrieved and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto put down the knife and fork in his hands, stood up and said, “Not eating.”

Before he moved his steps towards the outside, he looked towards Sakai Rie again and said, “Today, at noon, I won’t be coming back for dinner.”

After saying that, he headed towards the door and drove towards a golf course that they had long ago made an appointment with. Golf was a type of sport that was more of a socializing tool than for exercise.

When they arrived at the place, Masayoshi Kishimoto parked his car in the parking lot outside the golf course. He pushed open the car door and got out. He closed the door with his hand, then ran to the trunk of the car and took out the bag containing a full set of golf clubs.

Masayoshi Kishimoto closed the trunk of the car, locked the car, put on the bag of golf clubs and walked straight ahead. As soon as he walked into the front lobby, he saw Kazuya Takahashi, who had arrived early.

Takahashi Kazuya took the initiative to welcome him and playfully went to pick up what the other party was carrying and said, “Chairman, I’ll do it.”

“Don’t come. Have you found a ball boy yet?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Takahashi Kazuya made an “OK” sign with both hands and said, “Everything has been arranged.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked up at the wall clock and said, “It’s still early, let’s go have breakfast together. This little girl Mei Ling even questioned me about that matter, causing me to leave the house without even having breakfast.”

“Who let you get on the cover once?” Takahashi Kazuya immediately realized that the “thing” he was referring to was Weekly Bunshun’s revelation of his underground romance with Fukada Kyoko.

“If I had known that things would become so troublesome, I shouldn’t have been invited to have that sushi meal with her.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

“I’m especially curious that Rie didn’t interrogate you like a murderer about the ins and outs?” Kazuya Takahashi couldn’t help but laugh a little as he said.

“You just fall into the typical category of gloating. Making a detrimental friend like you is truly a misfortune in my life.” Masayoshi Kishimoto lightly shook his head and said.

“Seeing as you’re so sad, then it must be Rie who didn’t make things easy for you. I deeply sympathize with you for what happened to you.” Takahashi Kazuya made a silent gesture and said.

“She had a brightly shining knife in her right hand pointed at me and had to make me talk. It made me ……,” Masayoshi Kishimoto made up.

“No way! Really, fake?” Kazuya Takahashi interrupted incredulously.

“So close you won’t see me standing in front of you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto held back his laughter and said it as if it were true saying.

“It really made me never expect Rie to be that ruthless. On the surface, she seems to be a beautiful woman with an elegant and gentle demeanor, but she is also capable of doing such extreme things.

For you to have a fianc茅e like her is simply a living hell. However, this is not your fault. It’s your father’s fault for setting you up with this marriage in the first place.” Kazuya Takahashi sympathized deeply.

“You have the balls to say that to Rie to her face once. It’s a safe bet that she’ll come to your door with a knife herself and reason with you slowly, too.” Masayoshi Kishimoto continued his performance saying.

“Even rabbits bite when they’re anxious. Let alone a human being. Rie really does love and hate you. A woman with such a single-minded devotion to you must be cherished!” Kazuya Takahashi turned his words around and said, “Did you and Kyoko Fukada really not have a what happened that night?”

“Is it that you want me to have something with her? Or don’t you want to?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said once he was done talking to him.

“It’s not a matter of whether I want it or not, but did you do it or not?” Kazuya Takahashi said, not believing that there was any such thing as a pure relationship between a man and a woman.

“Don’t talk about this one. The gift I asked you to prepare for Kitano Ryuichi, is it ready yet?” Masayoshi Kishimoto deliberately lowered his voice and said.

“Not only have I prepared a gift for him, but I’ve also arranged for a one-stop service for food, drink, and entertainment. The place to eat has been set up at the Kiraku Premium Japanese Cuisine Pavilion, after all, it’s the most reassuring and least likely place for news to leak out.

On top of that, I’ve also invited two geishas to perform and accompany us.” Takahashi Kazuya was of course well aware of the importance of the matter, and thus needed to give Kitano Ryuichi a high-profile reception as a way to show how much they valued it and how full of sincerity they were.

“You really don’t save the company any money!” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“Spending money is trivial. As long as the matter can be accomplished, it’s worth the money. What percentage chance do you think we have of winning?” Takahashi Kazuya said matter-of-factly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pondered for a moment and said, “It’s hard to say. Even if we smoothly take down Kitano Ryuichi, who is the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, it doesn’t mean that we’ll definitely get our hands on Roppongi’s old city renovation project.”

“I also know that it’s not just a matter of money, but there are simply too many intertwined various interests. If it’s so difficult, then why do you still have to be so bent on getting it done?” Takahashi Kazuya had both what he understood and what he didn’t, saying.

“Once we take the old city renovation project in Roppongi, it’s more than just an investment in a project, and the most important point is to let people know that our Hard Gold Group is extraordinary.

In the future, not only will there be more people actively looking for us, but dealing with various aspects, especially the government piece is going to be much more convenient than it is now. Do you understand?” Masayoshi Kishimoto made a point of saying.

Takahashi Kazuya said as if he had been enlightened after hearing this, “Borrowing momentum.”

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