Chapter 260: Golf

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:36:25
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Pachinko General President, and Kitano Ryuichi, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, each appeared on the golf course. They were each followed by a person from their inner circle.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto and Kazuya Takahashi arrived from the other side to meet them, General President Pachinko personally took the initiative to introduce them, “This is Masayoshi Kishimoto, the chairman of the Hard Gold Group that I mentioned to you.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto took out the box of business cards he had prepared long ago, pulled out a business card from it, and presented it with both hands in front of Ryuichi Kitano.

When Kitano Ryuichi saw Kishimoto Masayoshi, who was less than thirty years old, he immediately thought highly of the other party in his heart. Such a young man, in addition to being able to ask Pachinko’s General Manager to make a match, which shows that his ability is not extraordinary, but also operates and manages a group of companies.

Kitano Ryuichi took the business card handed out by the other party and smiled, “Chairman Kishimoto is really young and promising. At your age, I was only a director of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation.”

“I was merely a bit lucky. As for you, that belongs to the thick and thin.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said extremely modestly.

“Luck is also a manifestation of strength. Coming from a good background and having a high starting point, one could instead use not to take too many detours and not to have to fight desperately at one level.” Kitano Ryuichi expressed his personal opinion saying.

“As a man one should fight. The only thing and honor you can fight for by yourself, that’s strength.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had not only read his profile ages ago, but had also done some targeted research.

He knew in his own heart that Kitano Ryuichi did not come from a good background. He was able to climb up from the middle of society to a high position, and then obtained today’s social status, even if it is not all rely on the individual to fight out with a knife and a gun, but also really reacted to its superiority.

“I like the way you say that.” Kitano Ryuichi smiled, first handing over the business card he had received to his secretary, and then gesturing for his secretary to give Masayoshi Kishimoto one of the business cards of the Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the card and glanced at it, knowing that this was a good start, after all, the business card of a senior government official was not something that could be given casually.

He slipped the card into the right pocket of his jacket and said, “You’ll be the first to tee off!”

Kitano Ryuichi, of course, knew that he was the main character of today’s party, so he said, “Then I’ll take the honor.”

“It stands to reason that you should be the one to tee off first.” The Pachinko General President said helpfully.

A caddie hurriedly walked to the teeing off point then squatted down and stuck the seat directly inside the lawn before placing a ball firmly on top of that to go. After he finished standing up, he quickly dodged to the side.

Takashi Kitano, as soon as he did, raised his hand and took the club he had chosen for him from his secretary’s hand. He stood not far from the teeing ground, gripped the club with both hands, swung hard, made an arc, and hit the white ball far away with a “Dang” sound. Both of his eyes were watching the ball as it arced through the air and landed on the ground.

“Justice! Today, you’ve met an expert.” Pachinko Chief naturally knew that the role he should play today was to bravely act as a green leaf to set off the others’ path.

“I’m not much of an expert. Don’t flatter me.” Kitano Ryuichi walked to one side slowly and calmly said.

“Modesty is a virtue, but excessive modesty is hypocrisy. You’re the best among our old friends who play golf together from time to time.

That’s definitely the big truth from me, isn’t it? Even you cannot deny this bit of objective truth.” Pachinko General President knew what to say and what not to say.

Especially in a situation like this, it would be foolish to say something without a shadow. The only way to do so was to infinitely amplify one of the other party’s strengths or advantages on top of having a shadow, causing the other party to not feel like they were being patronized when they heard the words of ass-kissing, but rather as if they were floating in immortal music.

“Then I am really lucky today. This following the two of you is able to learn so many things.” Masayoshi Kishimoto immediately said in a sing-song manner.

“Whether it’s learning to play golf or learning something else, you should properly follow Kitano-kun.” General President Pachinko smiled.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said three ‘yes’ words in a row.

At this time, the caddie immediately ran over after seeing the ball being hit. He skillfully squatted down and placed the ball holder, then took out a ball and placed it on top. After this was done, he got up and flashed to the side again to wait.

“Justice, you come to tee off as well.” The Pachinko General President said in a polite manner.

Masayoshi Kishimoto fully understood what it meant to drink from a well and said, “It’s still your old man who will open this one. If you don’t open it, then I won’t be able to play.”

General Director Pachinko was trying him out just now to see if the other party was a person who wanted to cross the river or not? He was quite satisfied when he saw that the other party still maintained a humble attitude, he hadn’t looked at the wrong person after all.

“Then I will not be polite.” With a lift of his right hand, a golf club was handed over to him by the man who had followed him.

With a standardized movement, he swung out the club, and the ball was sent flying, arcing high in the air before it landed on top of the turf on the far side.

As soon as the caddie saw the man move away, he went back to his job. He had been doing this kind of thing for a long time, and became quite numb.

After all, it was a very simple and repetitive job. The money one made was nothing more than a relatively high hourly rate, and that was all.

Golf, an upper-middle-class sport, was completely out of his league. The irony of the situation is that he can’t afford to play golf as a caddie.

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood in front of the teeing off point with a golf club and swung the club, causing it to graze the turf and send the ball flying.

He really wasn’t intentionally letting go of the ball, but he really didn’t play as well as Pachinko Chief and Kitano Ryuichi. These two old men had each played golf for several decades.

Even if his own two lifetimes of golfing experience were added together, he was still not as good as either of them.

“I dedicate myself.” Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that the ball he had hit did not fly out in a beautiful overhead arc.

It was not like Kitano Ryuichi didn’t know in his heart that hitting the ball was only one aspect, while the other most important aspect was in the communication between the two sides.

He had expected to talk about things must be about Roppongi’s old city renovation plan. Before this, there had been several invitations sent from several directions. It was either golf or dinner.

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