Chapter 265: A Friend is a Friend in the Slightest Way

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:36:38
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On Sunday morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto hurried out the door after breakfast. He didn’t drive and walked to the curb to hail a cab.

He got into the back seat of the car, told the cab driver his destination, and went straight there. Cab drivers in Japan are generally middle-aged and elderly, with a few young people.

The main reason why they are not popular with young people is that they have little future to look forward to. Thus, it becomes one of the last jobs for the silver-haired people to utilize their value.

Although Japanese cabs are notorious for their high fares, the drivers do not earn much. They are subjected to all kinds of management by the cab companies, which is also similar to the form of paying share money by cab drivers in mainland China. However, it is even stricter.

In mainland China in 1999, cab drivers were still a fairly good occupation for the lower-middle class people, and were even regarded as jobs with skills.

This would naturally make a lot of young people in mainland China feel funny twenty years later. As long as you are not brain-damaged and do not have any major physical disabilities, anyone can learn to drive. The rest is just a matter of whether you are willing to learn.

Currently, an ordinary car is still a luxury item for mainland Chinese at this time. At one time, there was also a time when some people had a driver’s license, but no car to drive the dilemma. If you want to have a car to touch, you have to find a relationship.

Many daughters of the common people’s families still prefer to find a cab driver as their boyfriend or future husband’s candidate, especially in small cities. In a way, this represents an early escape from poverty and the realization of a fully well-off life.

One of the preferred choices is the kind that has both his own business roof light and his own car. Charley, ordinary Santana, Jetta and other models are the main cab models in mainland China.

If a person is driving an individual cab, then it is inevitable that another person will be hired to work a 12-hour to 12-hour shift. People can rest, cars cannot. This person is usually either a family member, friend, or acquaintance, and very rarely will they hire a stranger.

You drive during the day, others drive at night. After all, driving a cab at night is more dangerous than driving a cab in broad daylight, and less money is made from soliciting passengers. If the father-son relationship, naturally the son to drive the night, the purpose is to let the old man rest.

This kind of individual business model in mainland China to the family as a unit in the long-distance running trucks above can also be completely get a relevant reflection.

When Justice Kishimoto arrived at the place, he asked the cab driver to park the car downstairs. He took out his wallet from his right pants pocket and looked at the meter while taking money from it.

After he had paid the fare, it was only then that he got out of the car and walked straight towards the high-class elevator apartment building in front of him. Door access didn’t even exist for him, simply telling Kyoko Fukada upstairs through the talking device downstairs and the door lock opened.

Masayoshi Kishimoto made his way through the lobby and then onto the elevator, heading all the way up. The elevator doors opened on the 21st floor, so he walked out, then turned left, and walked all the way to the one that had already opened its doors ahead of time.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto entered, he stood at the foyer and changed his shoes on one side, while on the other side, he was casually saying, “I even made a big detour in order to come to your place. Before going upstairs, I took another good look around, just in case there were paparazzi following behind me.”

“I apologize for the trouble those write-ups on top of Weekly Bunshun have caused you.” Kyouko Fukada said as she bowed towards him and said.

“It’s not the Weekly Bunshun that caused me the most trouble, but how did you voluntarily admit the existence of a romance between us?

This can’t all be something you made up and directed yourself, following that is so that you could completely pull me down to match your recent publicity efforts.” Justice Kishimoto asked tentatively.

“Excuse me, do I dare? In your hands, you hold 10% of the outstanding shares of our HORIPRO company, and for that reason, you are one of the top ten shareholders. You’re my boss!” Kyoko Fukada pursed her lips and said.

“What else would you not dare to do. The prettier a woman is, the better she is at cheating.” Masayoshi Kishimoto changed the shoes on his feet and walked along with her towards the interior saying.

“Thank you for praising me for being pretty. However, I don’t belong to the pretty type, but the cute type.” Fukada Kyouko turned back towards him with a guffawing smile and said.

“What did you call me inside your house for?” Masayoshi Kishimoto nonchalantly said as he sat directly on her pink sofa surface.

“You guess?” Kyoko Fukada said mysteriously.

“Can’t guess. If you have something to say, just say it!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he crossed his legs without haste.

Fukada Kyouko sat on his side and said, “I like you. I really, really like you.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s heart was calm and unruffled as he let out an “Oh” and said, “I see.”

“Why do you have such a reaction? Could it be that I am so incapable of catching your eye?” Kyoko Fukada suddenly said in disappointment.

“Even you yourself have said that you are of the cute type, not the pretty type. I for one like pretty type women.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“You must have said that on purpose.” Fukada Kyouko said with a frown on her face.

“Did I make a mistake like that? Friends make friends in the slightest. That’s exactly the kind of friends we are. If you need me to give you the necessary help and protection, no problem.

Or yes, it’s not out of the question that you want to be on that new movie, commercials, etc., and need me to make a statement to the top management of HORIPRO.”

Even if Masayoshi Kishimoto hadn’t been mixed up in the entertainment industry, he knew that this business looked glamorous on the outside, while in reality, it was a mess on the inside.

Fukada Kyouko blinked her eyes twice, and smiled without a face, “In your mind, I’m taking the initiative to approach you just for the sake of a good plan to conveniently rise to the top to become the face of the HORIPRO company?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not say a word. He knew that scheming women in terms of cheating men, not only only will only cry, but also sell misery, sell pity, and even sell the backbone and other routines are much more to go.

What’s more, they are still facing an actress. This increases the difficulty of recognizing whether one is false or sincere.

Fukada Kyoko took the initiative to lean sideways on his body, her head also leaned up towards his shoulder and said: ”Actually, I’m really quite thankful to Weekly Wenchun.

If it wasn’t for it spreading rumors about our relationship, I really wouldn’t have had the courage to confess to you and say what I just said.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto thought to himself, “Go along with it! There was no shortage of actresses’ relationships that broke up in a month. Any longer than that, it’s nothing more than two, three months, and they break up in less than half a year. Personal romances were utilized, and also belonged to the means of being able to increase one’s exposure.

“I’m the one who has a fianc茅e. Sakai Rie, this one person, you’ve also seen it before.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Love is selfish. As long as you are not officially married, then there are variables. Even if you get married, there’s no guarantee that you won’t get divorced.” Kyoko Fukada said with vigor.

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