Chapter 272: Freedom

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:36:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

If someone else had said those words to Rie Sakai, she probably wouldn’t have believed them to be true. If Masayoshi Kishimoto gave her such words, she would definitely not suspect them to be false, after all, the other party came from running a pachinko parlor. There were some unseemly things in this that not someone like her could have seen with her own eyes.

“If Meiling and I are harassed by debt collectors, we can choose to call the police.” Rie Sakai said out of the most innocent of thoughts.

“How many of the people who are really in the jungle are afraid of calling the police? If they were afraid of you calling the police, they wouldn’t be eating this bowl of rice.

They’re in the business of bloodshed, and they’re proud to have been in jail. According to them, if you have not been in jail, shot a gun or killed someone, you are not a real gangster.

Do you really think you’re watching a police drama? Once the police show up, the thieves either run away or throw up their hands in surrender.

Or do you watch the news where serious-looking policemen are interviewed by reporters and brag about their awesome deeds? Appearances and facts are totally different.

The biggest function of a police officer is to apprehend a suspected criminal, not to be able to stop someone from committing a crime in the first place.

Even if you call the police and they come, the fact that someone else can produce your parents’ loan paperwork prevents the police from making a direct arrest, and at best they can talk them down or stand around and watch.

Don’t think that the people who are really mixed up in the jungle are doudoune moncler, only fight and kill. Not only do they have professional lawyers as usual, but even the paperwork for loan shark borrowing will be made completely legal.

The relevant Japanese law states that as long as the interest rate does not exceed 36% per annum, it is all legal private lending. As for the underhanded, cut-rate interest and other tricks, it is another story.

Anyway, you can’t easily pick out the illegal ones on the surface. The fact that even the government recognizes the existence of the Japanese triads shows that they have a piece of the pie in the distribution of benefits.

After all, no matter how hard-hearted the government is, it can’t get rid of them all. There will always be some unlearned ones in every generation, one way or another. They are just like weeds, which cannot be burned out and grow again in the spring breeze.

In order to give back to the government so that they can survive legally, they naturally know what it means to keep the well out of the river.” Masayoshi Kishimoto really wasn’t trying to scare her Dao.

Sakai Rie couldn’t help but start shivering a bit after hearing that. How could she know the darkness of the other side of society?

“Don’t you be afraid. I will definitely protect you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“What about my parents, my little brother Shota, and my sister Meiling?” Sakai Rie didn’t forget about her mother and family just because she was safe said.

“The ones I just told you were the worst possibilities. Perhaps, things aren’t that bad?” Justice Kishimoto reassured.

“It’s better for you to personally step in and help my parents put things to rest once and for all! Sort of like I’m begging you.” Sakai Rie exuded a pitiful look and said.

Kishimoto Masayoshi used to think of making her earth down the seat to beg himself. Now, when he saw the other party’s weak and helpless look, he could no longer harden his heart.

Kishimoto Masayoshi thought for a moment, letting Sakai Rie take the initiative to kneel down to beg for herself was not just to kill her arrogance and innocence, not for the sake of a figure to force her to submit to her own feet, and then feel comfortable in her heart.

No matter what, she is his fianc茅e, even his future wife. He was not a psychopath, so there was no need to make her resent him.

It would be a tragedy if she drove Sakai Rie crazy, and when she was asleep, she bound all her limbs and then took scissors and cut off her flesh little by little, in the shape of what the heroine did in Ryu Murakami’s novel Cutting Skin’s Love.

“You can send a message to your parents, as long as they fulfill my one small request, I will not only help them settle all their debts, but also give them another 100 million yen in cash to keep for their retirement.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

Although Sakai Rie was a bit scared in her heart, her head was completely clear. She stared at him over and over with a very wary gaze.

“Even if I sold you and added a Meiling, it wouldn’t be worth more than a hundred million yen!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“So what did you say for me to relay your message to them?” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

“Isn’t there still a copy of the oath that our two families entered into in the first place in your parents’ hands? All that is needed is for them to take it out and give it to me.

A piece of paper that can be exchanged for more than a hundred million yen, there’s nothing as easy as that under the heavens, is there!” Masayoshi Kishimoto intentionally slowed down his pace of speech and said seriously.

“It’s that easy? You’re not lying to me, are you?” Sakai Rie said incredulously without bothering to think deeply at all.

“A gentleman’s word is a promise. Even though I’m not a gentleman, I’m a man of my word. Do you need me to swear in front of you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto erected the three fingers of his right hand and said.

Sakai Rie had originally always felt that that one oath was the chain that held her. In the past, she had tried to get rid of it by all means, but was unable to.

Now, he had taken the initiative to mention it, instantly loosening his own ties. For this reason, she was still rejoicing in her heart.

Sakai Rie’s unilateral thoughts were from her own practical standpoint, and there was no excuse for it. Once this was changed to Kishimoto Masayoshi’s actual position, it was all the opposite.

He thought that after he had withdrawn the Sakai family’s oath, from now on, there would be no more formalities that could restrain him.

After all, the higher one’s social status, the more important one’s reputation would become with each passing day. The ultimate goal of a person in the end was neither any kind of riches nor any kind of power, but rather personal prestige, a call to arms, for which countless people would be willing to die.

“No need to swear, I believe you. I will relay your words word for word to my parents to know. At that time, don’t regret it.” The corners of Sakai Rie’s mouth surprisingly couldn’t help but turn upwards as she said.

“You can rest assured. I definitely won’t regret it. Give me the stuff in one hand and you’ll be able to get the money in the other.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“After all these years of living with you, tonight is the most enjoyable I’ve ever had.” Rie Sakai said with an air of feeling a freedom she had never felt before.

“Me too.” A smile also appeared on Masayoshi Kishimoto’s face. He currently only hoped that this one thing would go smoothly Dao.

“Good night.” Sakai Rie took the initiative to stand up and was about to take her leave so that she could go upstairs to sleep Dao.

“Good night.” Masayoshi Kishimoto responded with a smile that didn’t change.

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