Chapter 276 Sense of Belonging (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:08
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Masayoshi Kishimoto was not optimistic that the Sakai couple would be able to pay themselves back in the future, and instead felt that it would cause them to sink back into the mud. From a certain point of view, it would be completely favorable to himself, after all, it was a matter of getting things done for less money.

When the time comes, one will not be like Sun Shaozu to Jia Yingchun in Dream of the Red Chamber. It was her father, Jia Pi, who owed the Sun family 5,000 taels of silver and couldn’t pay it back, so he married her off to the Sun family, in effect taking her against the debt.

Soon after her marriage (one year later), she was abused by Sun Shaozu and died (“a load of yellow sorghum”), signaling that the Rongguo House had begun its gradual decline.

However, if it is mixed with the emotional account in it, it is not so calculated. Who let himself to Sakai Rie have real feelings? She also had true feelings for herself.

When the Sakai family is on the verge of bankruptcy again, will you save her or not? If one stood by and watched them die, it would inevitably negatively affect their feelings for each other later on.

Kishimoto Justice laughed a little, and with his right hand erected two fingers, he said: ”Originally simple things have been complicated by you guys. How about this?

I don’t care how much debt you guys have, and I’m no longer talking about the one hundred million yen pension. I’ll offer 200 million yen in cash to directly buy this piece of paper oath you guys have in your hands.”

“Brother Justice, really? It’s really too good to be true. This way, instead of our family not having to go bankrupt, we’ll be able to have money again.” Sakai Shota responded first with excitement.

Aside from him, the remaining four members of the Sakai family understood that this was considered to be a case of having opened the windows of the sky in speaking the truth.

“Mom, why don’t you say something! Hurry up and agree.” Sakai Shota urged.

“You shut up. Say one more word and I’ll beat you up.” Sakai Masao looked angrily at his youngest son and said.

Thus, the frightened Sakai Shota was hurriedly silenced. He did not understand what else his parents had to hesitate about. In his own mind, it was just pie falling from the sky.

At the same time, Masayoshi Kishimoto also saw that Sakai Shota would not be able to become much of a success in the future. When the family was facing a difficult time, this kid thought of himself first, but did not think of working together with the family to tide over the difficult times.

Now, this once the turn of events, regardless of whether it is a trap, or how, began to ignore it. Although he was young and didn’t know much about things, he was able to see that his nature was that of a selfish and self-interested person.

“Justice, are you that desperate to have that oath on our hands?” Aiko Sakai asked tentatively.

“No.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied succinctly.

“Just give us the truth, is it true that you don’t want to marry our Rie, but instead want to marry that one actress called Kyoko Fukada? This oath in our hands is the obstacle in front of you.” Sakai Masao said bluntly.

“You guys are really overly concerned. It’s not that I don’t want to marry Rie, it’s that she always feels forced to be with me by the constraints of this paper oath.

I will burn this duplicate oath in front of you all. From now on, Rie is free.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“I object. I am firmly against it. The oath book doesn’t just involve my sister Rie alone, but it also has my share in it. I don’t agree to settle it just like that.

If my sister doesn’t want to marry you, that’s her business, and no one is forcing her. I’m willingly not marrying Brother Righteousness.” Sakai Meiling stood up boldly and said.

“Justice, is that really what you think?” Aiko Sakai didn’t bother with Meiling first. She couldn’t believe that what he said could be true. Crowning it as giving Rie freedom, I’m afraid it’s true that he’s giving himself freedom.

“It’s up to you guys to believe it or not. Anyway, I believe it is. If you guys haven’t thought about it, you can think about it again nicely.” Kishimoto Masayoshi’s expression above was showing a serious look as he said.

As soon as his words fell, he stood up and went upstairs. Shortly after he entered the study, Sakai Rie alone followed him in.

“If you think I’m a burden, just say so explicitly. Whoever you want to marry is your freedom. It’s not like I’m begging and dragging you to death.” Sakai Rie said indignantly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto turned around and sat down, and with a raise of his hand, he signaled her to close the door to the room before saying anything. Sakai Rie, angry as she was, did as she was told.

“What can your parents do with the money when it’s in their hands? Have you asked carefully enough? If they continue to pour money into it in order to try and keep the folkloric inn that was handed down to them by their ancestors, it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

If they fail again, they’ll be back to where they are today. At that time, your parents will come back to me, so what do you think I should do?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

After Sakai Rie heard him say this, her anger was extinguished by more than half. Even she knew that there was no such thing as saving once and returning the favor.

“So what do you say?” Rie Sakai approached him, genuinely seeking advice.

“It’s done, I mean for your parents to give up that folkloric inn that was passed down from their ancestors once and for all. The idea, the history and all that, is all a bunch of hocus pocus.

The more you can’t make a decision and give it up, the deeper you’ll fall into it. In the end, you will be forced to give up. Instead of that, it would be better to be ruthless about it.

As for the next step, the first thing to do is to settle all the debts of your Sakai family. Then, your parents should forget about all the successes and glories of the past, and start from scratch with a job that is as normal as they can manage.

Finally, if you trust me, you can buy my company’s stock with your spare money. That way, you’ll get dividends at the end of the year. Your family will have money to spend for the rest of your lives.

Even if you don’t get to be rich and famous, you’ll still be able to be able to retain your status as a wealthy middle class person.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said squarely.

“You’re not lying to me, are you?” Sakai Rie half-heartedly said.

“Which end of the spectrum are you on, anyway?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“I’m on the Sakai family’s end. No, it doesn’t seem right that I’m on your …… end either. I’m neither on that end. I’m all confused by you.” Sakai Rie suddenly held her head in her hands and was really a bit confused.

Kishimoto Masayoshi was delighted to see her in this state. This showed that Sakai Rie’s heart was very clear, and that she had remembered all the good things that she had done to her in her heart.

Even if her mouth above dead not admit, also does not prevent to its in the depths of the heart to admit, personal indeed eat Kishimoto family these years for nothing, spent Kishimoto family some money, etc., received a great favor.

Not only that, but even though she was rich and powerful, she was still the daughter of the Sakai family, so naturally she could not forget her mother’s family.

Thus, she was in the midst of a conflict of belonging. Should she side with the Sakai family, or should she side with the Kishimoto family?

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