Chapter 277: Family Conflict

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Rie Sakai walked out of the study on the second floor alone, and descended the stairs to the large living room on the first floor. Looking at the expectant eyes of her parents and brother, she knew that the three of them had pinned all their hopes on herself. Only her younger sister, Sakai Meiling, was the only one who completely displayed a look of absolute disagreement with handing over the oath.

“How did it go?” Sakai Aiko was really not sure in her heart.

Sakai Rie was in no hurry to reply. She sat back down on the right side of the single sofa, and her eyes focused on her parents, “Mom, Dad, tell me honestly, after you get the money, what’s the first thing you’re going to do?”

“Do you still need to ask? Of course we are going to make a debt repayment. It’s only natural to pay what you owe.” Aiko Sakai blurted out.

“Besides that one thing?” Rie Sakai leaned her body forward in the direction of her parents, wistfully fearing that Masayoshi Kishimoto himself had told her the truth about the matter.

“Definitely to get the folkloric inn that your grandparents passed down to me up and running again and reopen for business. You have to believe that mom is not going to fail again.” Aiko Sakai said seriously.

Sakai Rie’s body weight fell backward, showing a greatly disappointed expression. All of this had been brought home to Masayoshi Kishimoto.

She quickly adjusted her state of mind, and presented one of the best solutions he had explained to her, “The debt naturally has to be paid off. However, some of this money will not pass through your hands, and I will pay it off one by one.

In addition, the remaining money, will not be handed over to your hands, but by me to buy the shares of the hard gold group, that is, his company did not publicly issued internal stock.

In this way, you can have dividend income every year. The money from the dividends will still not be given to any of you, but I will pay a certain amount of money in the form of living expenses on the first of every month into mom’s bank account. If you encounter special circumstances, such as being sick and hospitalized, I will give you more money.”

“This is definitely not something you can come up with. Did Justice tell you? Are you from that end of the family or not? Is it the daughter of our Sakai family?”

After Sakai Aiko heard her eldest daughter say these words, she immediately voiced her opposition, after all, it was the fact that there was no more extra money for her to put her ancestral folk inn back up. Thus, she also sent out three questions in a row.

Sakai Rie immediately felt that she was caught in the middle and was not pleasing both ends. At that moment, it was the first time she felt so embarrassed about her status.

Her mother’s family felt that she had sided with the Kishimoto family, while Masayoshi Kishimoto felt that she was still the daughter of the Sakai family.

“That’s right, he was the one who gave me the word. However, I feel that this one solution is the most proven. In terms of management and investment talent, mom is definitely not a fraction of what he is.

What’s wrong with turning money into shares of his group of companies, and being able to sit on a certain amount of income every year without doing anything?

In my opinion, the risk of the Hard Gold Group closing down is much lower than Mom’s laborious efforts to run the Ancestral Folk Inn.

Furthermore, I’m not on either end of the spectrum. I’m standing in the middle of you, on my own end. Finally, I am the daughter of the Sakai family.

If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be looking out for your future lives. Just because you guys were able to get the money this time doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get it next time.” Sakai Rie said as she answered her mother’s three questions in a row.

Sakai Aiko was still stubbornly unable to let go of the folk inn she inherited from her parents, after all, from a personal emotional point of view, not only did she have too many memories there, but she couldn’t afford to let it die in the hands of her generation.

Therefore, she tried to save it by all means. Even if she knew full well that it was a dead horse, she was still holding on to it.

“This is the final plan that Justice asked you to relay to us?” Sakai Masao was the first to taste another layer of meaning in his eldest daughter’s words and said.

“Sort of! As of right now, other than the fact that he will take money out to you, who else will lend you money? My daughter, I will say one thing that should not be said, so don’t be obsessed. He still means the same thing he said earlier, two hundred million yen.” Sakai Rie said in a serious manner.

“Sister, you are really too cunning. Even if you were to step in and settle the tens of millions of yen of debt owed by mom and dad, there is still more than a hundred million yen of cash in your hands.

Even if you exchange the remaining money for internal stock in the Justice Brother Group of Companies, it will still be managed and distributed by you. In the future, it’s up to you how much you want to give each month.

If you’re not happy, are you not going to give it to us? Or, is it less to give. Even if you misappropriated the money in here, we won’t know.” Sakai Meiling argued.

“If you don’t trust me, you can absolutely conduct a supervision of me! Or else, we could simply put the shares into a trusteeship.” Sakai Rie said frankly.

“Sister, sister, you make it sound like you’re the one in charge. Why does everything have to be done according to your wishes? Even if this oath can be exchanged for 200 million yen from Brother Masayoshi, it should be divided equally among the four of us, excluding Shota, after our parents’ debts have been settled.

Don’t you forget that I likewise have the same chance as you to be able to marry Brother Justice.” Sakai Mirei presented an idea of her own saying.

“On what grounds am I being cast aside? I’m also a member of the Sakai family. Even if it’s to be divided equally, there should be a share for me. I also don’t agree with what Big Sis said about buying stock in escrow and splitting the dividends.

I’m in full support of splitting the money directly. Dividing the remaining 100 million yen or so by five is the most reasonable thing to do.” Sakai Shouta had already started attending the third year of national school. He was still very sharp at the basic four operations himself.

With a little mental arithmetic, he was able to figure out that he would be able to share several tens of millions of yen in cash from it. That much money was his own. With this money, he could buy whatever he wanted in the future and spend it however he wanted, it was really great.

“Who are you to take this money? It’s not like it’s mom and dad’s inheritance, it’s the money from the oath book. What business do you have within the contents of the oath book?

Are you a daughter? Are you able to marry Brother Justice? The only reason Mom and Dad can share the money is because they contributed in it in the first place.” Sakai Meiling snorted.

“I just have to have it. Otherwise, I’ll go to court and sue you guys.” Sakai Shota said in an emotional state.

“Go, hurry up. I’d like to see if the court will award you a yen?” Sakai Meiling said in disbelief.

“Alright, each and every one of you shut up.” Sakai Masao never thought that because of this one thing it would lead to a serious family conflict said.

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