Chapter 284 Love (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After finishing, Masayoshi Kishimoto did not choose to drive straight home. He walked alone on the slightly empty street, holding his cell phone in his right hand was attached to the top of his right ear.

Once the phone was connected, Masayoshi Kishimoto bluntly said, “I’ll be socializing late tonight, so I won’t be coming back.”

“Eh, got it. You drink less.” Sakai Rie was kind enough to carry out a reminder.

Masayoshi Kishimoto froze for a moment, not taking a moment to realize what was going on, before replying with a ‘yes’. In the past, Sakai Rie would have just given herself a “yes” and that would have been the end of it.

Just now, she had even said a word of concern, telling herself to drink less alcohol. Even if it was just a sentence like that, it made Kishimoto Masayoshi clearly feel a change in her attitude towards him.

However, if Sakai Rie knew that she was heading towards Natsui Makoto, I’m afraid that she would either go berserk or break down. Kishimoto Masayoshi suddenly felt a little bit of guilt towards Sakai Rie in his heart.

Having come to this point, he couldn’t go back to Nishimabu in the harbor area. He could only continue walking towards Natsui Makoto with a firm pace. Otherwise, he would only be able to sleep outside in the hotel tonight.

Natsui Makoto, who had not yet gone to bed, was sitting on the long sofa in the living room watching TV. When she heard the door lock, she reflexively stood up to see what was going on.

When the door opened, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked straight in. Her previous nervousness was instantly relieved.

Immediately, a three-quarter smile appeared on Natsui Makoto’s face, and she said in slight surprise, “What are you doing here with me if you don’t go home?”

“See how you say that with no level of sophistication. Could it be that this is not my home?” Masayoshi Kishimoto stood at the entrance hall, taking off the leather shoes on his feet to change into slippers while crying and laughing.

“I’m surprised! You don’t usually come back at this time of day.” Natsui Makoto said with reason.

“Afraid of me? Can’t it be that you’re hiding a gigolo in your house?” Masayoshi Kishimoto changed his shoes and walked straight inside.

“Bugger. Have you eaten yet? If you haven’t eaten, I’ll make it for you right now.” After Natsui Makoto scolded him, she still showed her usual care and consideration and said.

“I already ate a long time ago.” Masayoshi Kishimoto answered truthfully.

As he passed by her, Natsui Makoto smelled the smell of alcohol emanating from him, “You should be done with your socializing, right? I’m sure you didn’t eat well either. Why don’t I still make you something to eat?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat down on the long sofa with a happy smile on his face, “Don’t be so long-winded. You’d better come and sit down here. Let me listen to the children’s voices.”

Natsui Makoto turned her body sideways for a moment, and with renewed steps was able to walk to his side and sit down unhurriedly.

As soon as she did so, Masaru Kishimoto sidestepped and collapsed on top of the other woman’s legs, one ear pressed against her bulging belly and she began to listen for movement there.

“You guys grow up fast, I can’t wait to meet you.” Justice Kishimoto said happily.

“You’re that anxious to be a father?” Natsui Makoto pursed her lips and said.

“Could it be that you don’t want to be a mom soon?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“I want to, but it can’t be fast. This would be really bad if it’s too fast.” Natsui Makoto naturally wanted the melon to be ripe, rather than having the little life she was carrying in her womb become a premature baby.

Masayoshi Kishimoto certainly understood this reasoning as well, “In the future, it will be hard on you. You’re a mom who has to bring up two children by yourself. If you’re too busy, hire someone to help.”

“And you say that I have no level of speech. Aren’t you just the same? Is it hard to believe that I’m not working hard now? Not only do you need to walk slowly, but you also need to pay special attention to your feet.

How many steps I have to take every day, I’m walking. Even if I don’t go outdoors to walk, I will complete the set tasks at home. You also have to be extra careful on top of eating what you can and can’t eat.

I also listen to music every day for the babies in my belly. After they finish listening to the music, I have to talk to them for half an hour ……,” said Natsui Makoto, who was scientifically raising her baby exactly as described in the baby care textbook.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was tired of listening to her spiel, even if she wasn’t pregnant herself. It was hard work, but it was completely worth it.

From a utilitarian point of view, the two children inside Natsui Makoto’s stomach had allowed her to reap the glory and wealth of this life, successfully realizing a reversal of fortune and achieving a complete leap in class.

Except for the fact that she did not have a legal title, she did not lack in both material and spiritual things. Even if Masayoshi Kishimoto’s feelings for her faded in the future, he would still have the feelings of fatherly love for his own child, after all, blood is thicker than water.

Kishimoto Masayoshi suddenly sat up straight and said, “I’ll simply find you a maid! If you feel that the maids from the Philippines or Southeast Asia are not good enough, you might as well spend more money on hiring a maid from your own country.”

“I’m not going to spend this amount of wasted money! A twenty-four hour live-in maid like this, not only does she need to be fed and housed, but she also has to be paid an exorbitant amount of money for her work.

The monthly income I used to earn from my part-time job wouldn’t even be as high as the other party’s. Just thinking about that makes me poke my heart out.” Natsui Makoto’s instinct was to be heartbroken about money Dao.

“This matter is one thing and another. People move up, water flows down. Why do you keep holding on to your past life?” Masayoshi Kishimoto showed an inability to understand said.

“It’s probably because I was used to being poor in the past. Once I had a good life now, I was afraid of losing it.” Natsui Makoto said as she confessed what was on her mind.

Hearing her say that, Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that she still hadn’t fully gotten used to her current life. It was like a person who was constantly starving, even if they could eat every day, they would still start off with a binge, after all, what they were afraid of in their hearts and minds was not knowing if they would still be able to eat the next meal.

“I have been very content. Only a short while ago, I met a friend of mine, Tomomi Uehara. She’s not living a life to the point of displacement, but she’s certainly not living a good life either.

When I was in Tokyo, she and I lived similarly. Never ate expensive food, never wore expensive clothes, and never went to expensive places for entertainment.

Nowadays, she still looks like a normal person, but I’ve changed a lot. Recently, she is unemployed again.

Hey …… money this one thing is really strange. The people who obviously need it the most, often do not have it. People who obviously don’t lack it, on the contrary, there are more and more of them.” Natsui Makoto said with much emotion.

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