Chapter 286: Local Specialties

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:37
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In Japan, not only are there PR girls in Tokyo’s Ginza clubs, but there are also PR girls in Osaka, Yokohama, and other major cities. Club girls do not belong to the category of custom women.

On the stage, they do not sell their bodies, but unlike Geisha, they do not focus on selling their art, talent, or temperament. Their main job content is to accompany the guests to chat.

The customers’ consumption is basically focused on drinks. If the guests have other needs, the store will also send someone to buy the guests want to eat from outside.

Female publicist looks beautiful and lovely is not the second, the most important thing is to be especially good at talking, feel the psychological state of the guests.

The best of them are not only effective as psychiatrists, but can also have a healing effect. Some people often come to patronize their favorite stores just because of a certain female publicist.

They don’t necessarily want to sleep with each other in private. What they want is a kind of spiritual relaxation and healing. The richer and more powerful men are, the more they have this kind of strong demand.

Of course, there is no lack of men who want to go to bed with a female publicist to do that. As a result, the game becomes often related to money.

The publicist’s tactics and tricks are so varied that they can make a man’s heart grow fonder. They will keep them in the loop, so that they can be seen but not eaten, and they will keep patronizing the store and ordering high-quality drinks at her urging, causing some men to go into debt and fall into deeper and deeper debt.

Normally, Ginza’s female publicist is not an ordinary salaryman can afford to consume. Therefore, the main group of people who can often come to this kind of place to spend money in the evening are men who have some family background, if not the rich. At least the wealthy middle class or the middle management cadres in large companies.

This kind of store also likes to do business with familiar customers. Some of these stores would not accept new customers who were not introduced by familiar customers.

Therefore, Masayoshi Kishimoto’s absence for more than a month triggered Nao Fujie’s nervousness, fearing that her store’s familiar customers would be poached by other stores; after all, there was a great deal of competition and secret rivalry in their line of work.

The average level of education of female publicists is relatively high, and many of them have received higher education from universities. There is no lack of master’s degree and doctoral degree holders. They take the initiative to choose to engage in this kind of work, but also not self-indulgent.

Even if the income is indeed higher, the competitive pressure in this line is also very great, and the elimination rate is very fast. Some stores have also implemented a final elimination system, after all, the performance of every female publicist in the store is clearly posted on the wall above their dressing room.

There are very few female publicists who can work past the age of thirty. To say that they were utilizing their youthful years to exchange for money was too biased.

Some of them want to utilize such a platform so that they can have a chance to be among the upper class of the society. Even if they don’t succeed, they have seen the world.

At the very least, they have seen what it means to be a powerful, rich and influential man. Their existence in Japan is like that of a socialite in the developed capitalist countries of the West.

After a certain age, a publicist would either use the money she had to open a store or a small bar or something like that.

Only the kind of publicist who didn’t have any money saved up, and even had a lot of debt, would degenerate into working in a custom store.

In Japan, working as a publicist, especially in Ginza, is not a shameful job, and is openly recognized as such.

Thus, it will be envied by many people, after all, not any woman can do it. This selection mechanism above the strict will not be less than the selection of flight attendants.

Like Phoenix this kind of looks of women, absolutely can not do female public relations. The greater the fame within the circle, the higher the grade of the store’s acquaintances, the higher the quality of the female publicist will follow.

Politics, military, culture, art, literature and so on, a qualified female public relations even if not proficient, should know a little, two, can do to pick up the conversation, and guests to talk together, rather than men and women sorority above the set of one, two, three, I do not know, you’re great, up posture.

After the professors were seated one after another, Fujie Naoe let the female publicists in the store sit in the middle of the two professors one by one.

As for the male waiters in the store, in addition to serving drinks and snacks, they were carefully mixing drinks for the customers.

In such an ecological world, although the status of Japanese men was generally high, the male waiters working here were the lowest of the low.

They never expect to be looked at by a female publicist, nor do they dare to take the initiative. They have high standards, but they can’t look at such men.

Furthermore, this was something that was not allowed by the rules of the trade. The price for making a mistake was a light beating, and a heavy one was having one’s arms and legs broken, or even losing one’s little life.

“I invited you all here just to get to know each other. I am not originally from Tokyo. My hometown is in Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku. I don’t have anything to give everyone for the first time.

It would be a bribe if I gave you something expensive. I’ve been a coward since I was a child. You don’t know I’m scared to death of cockroaches.

It’s just some cheap stuff, a little local specialty from Shikoku Kochi. A slight token of appreciation, I hope you won’t mind.” Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his hand towards Nao Fujie and said.

Fujie Nao hurriedly led the people in the store to bring out the things that had been prepared beforehand, and personally delivered nine identical things to the professors’ hands.

Prof. Watanabe directly in public to the box lid to suddenly open, and then picked up the top layer of a Japanese-style steamed bun, then saw a box full of cash.

“This is my favorite kind of Japanese steamed bun.” Professor Watanabe was surprised before he could finish his words, “This ……”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not flustered at all and calmly said, “Professor Watanabe, as far as I know, your son is studying at Stanford University in San Francisco, USA.

With your income to support him, it is also a real effort. Consider this as a small token of my appreciation. Coincidentally, one of the offices of Hard Gold Capital, a subsidiary of Hard Gold Group, is also in San Francisco.

Nowadays, no matter whether they are graduates of non-famous schools or famous schools, the jobs are not very good. After your son graduates, if you want to, you can either stay in the United States and work in San Francisco or come back to Japan to work.”

He paused intentionally when he said this, and opened the window of the sky by continuing, “The contents of the boxes in your respective hands are exactly the same.

Professor Yamazaki, I wish you and your wife thirty years of marriage. Professor Sakurai, I would like to congratulate your daughter on her happy wedding ……”

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