Chapter 289: Transformation

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On Saturday morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai sat face-to-face with breakfast in the small dining room on the first floor, as they always did. Ever since Sakai Mirei had moved away, even on weekends, it was just the two of them.

Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up his coffee cup in his hand and said, “Today, I can accompany you wherever you want to go. Or, how about I accompany you to Omotesando to do some shopping?”

Sakai Rie froze for a moment, then recovered. She raised her head, and her eyes were staring straight at Dao, “Did you do something to apologize to me? Now, you have a guilty conscience, so you thought of making amends.”

“Don’t think blindly. How could I possibly do something to apologize to you?” Kishimoto Masayoshi held his coffee cup with both hands was took a sip of coffee and said in a cloudy manner.

“You have committed a lot of previous offenses. Recently, not only did you come back late, but there were times when you didn’t return home at night. You can sleep alone? There are no other women lying around here?” Sakai Rie said without saying a word.

“I know that even if I try to explain it, you won’t completely believe what I’m saying. To take it a step further, even if I physically cheated on you, I still carry you in my heart.

You are the woman at the tip of my heart. Furthermore, as a woman of a rich man, you should learn to be accustomed to seeing. Look at the men who live here, there is no other woman outside?

Do you see any of the wives of other people crying because of this kind of thing? Not at all!” Justice Kishimoto said calmly.

“I am what I am, I can’t turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

“So, you’re completely unsuitable to be a wife for a rich man, after all, it’s the fact that even middle-class men can’t guarantee that there won’t be a time in their lives when they won’t cheat on their wives once in a lifetime.

You’re only fit to be a wife for the poor. Because only the poor have no money, so they can’t go out and fool around. Nowadays, women are too realistic. If a man has no money in his pocket, he is trash in their eyes.

It’s very difficult for a poor man to get a wife, that’s why they’ll treat you as a treasure in the palm of their hand. However, it’s unlikely that they will sell you secretly because of money.

Who made the poor people have too many bad qualities? They are either gamblers or alcoholics. Otherwise, they are addicted to drugs.

Alcoholism is not so bad. Once a person becomes addicted to gambling or drugs, the whole person will gradually be ruined. It’s a wonder that you’re not poor.

Besides, with my current value, even if I don’t go out to look for women, I’ll still be tempted and seduced by her. You also have to learn to stand above my position to understand my difficulties.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had a word for it.

Sakai Rie directly gave him a big blank stare and said the opposite, “Now, I realize that you’re really having a hard time.”

“Do you see strong males inside the animal world surrounded by a group of females? This is the way of heaven, the law of nature.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“You have to unleash your instincts as an animal, and I can’t do anything about it at all. In the past, there was a paper oath that could restrain you.

Nowadays, you can do whatever you like. I am also a person under the roof, and have to bow my head. You can kick me out if you’re not happy.” Rie Sakai shook her head.

“That’s a little bit like a tenant for you, it’s totally a landlord. It’s the landlord in me that feels like a tenant. I’m not at all like ordinary men.

They tend to want sex, not a relationship, generally dislike the process, and preferably get straight to the end, whereas I want a relationship, not sex, and like the process the most, and want to get to the end the least.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“So, you’re pursuing a platonic relationship? Truly I did not see that your heart would be so pure and noble.” Sakai Rie gave him another big blank stare and said, “Am I that easy to fool in your mind? You really are looking at me as if I were a three year old girl.”

“I’ve been with you for a few years now. There hasn’t been a single time that I’ve ever hinted to you about going to bed either!” Masayoshi Kishimoto perked up.

“Who knows what you think?” Sakai Rie threw her head up and said, dead set on denying this objective fact.

“Don’t you feel inferior because of that? If I’m not sexually interested in you in that one area, does it also show that you lack the femininity you should have?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he put down the coffee cup in his hand.

Sakai Rie was unmoved. She was confident in her looks and all that, after all, since she was a child, there was no shortage of boys who pursued her, as well as all sorts of flattering words.

Sakai Rie suddenly clapped her hands and said: “You’ve changed your mind, haven’t you? You’ve lost your sexual interest in pretty women and instead went out to find cute boys to fulfill your needs.”

“Why don’t we go upstairs and try it out now? You might as well check for yourself if I’ve changed my sex?” Justice Kishimoto countered.

“Let’s try it out, who’s afraid?” Sakai Rie said with her head held high.

“You’re not on the wrong medication, are you!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he looked at her with a strange gaze.

“Nope. Not only that, I didn’t even put sharp scissors under my pillow. This time, you should be relieved! If you’re still relieved, I can go to your room.” Sakai Rie said normally.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was instantly out of sorts. At first, the two were still theorizing if he was cheating on her. Right at the moment, she was suddenly proactive. This transformation above was just too fast.

“By the way, I almost forgot to talk to you about business. Tonight at 8pm, there’s a party at Hashimoto’s house, you must accompany me to it.

Last time, it was Mrs. Hashimoto who helped me out, and then allowed Meiling to enroll in school without a hitch.” Sakai Rie said in a serious manner.

“Okay. Anyway, I don’t have anything else to do tonight. It’s really too bad that you’re telling me about this at the last minute.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“Do I need to give your secretary a heads up so that I can make a reservation in advance? You really are a busy man. In the evening, I thought about talking to you, but I couldn’t even see you in person.

In the morning, I was busy making breakfast and going to Tokyo University of the Arts, so I forgot about it.” Rie Sakai said honestly.

“You’re clearly talking out of your ass again.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“Don’t bother with you. Not to mention that everyone lives above this area. Even if we’re just holding court, we should go, after all, the others did a favor last time.” Rie Sakai reminded.

Masayoshi Kishimoto naturally knew a what it meant to throw in the towel. The gathering was the reason for it, while in reality it was a vanity fair. This congregation of people who could be invited to Hashimoto’s house as guests would inevitably not be those who had not been carefully selected by the host family.

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