Chapter 291: Calculations (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:51
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After the Onada couple left, Masayoshi Kishimoto slightly turned sideways to Rie Sakai and said, “I think that you are perfectly capable of taking up the position of vice president of the next Rosebud Society.”

“Don’t, I don’t want to get involved in a fight between them.” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“Hearing you say that, Chairman Oda was intentionally pulling you in just now.” Masayoshi Kishimoto held a glass of red wine on top of his right hand, gently doing a clockwise swirl as he said.

“I’ve long heard that that hospital of the Onoda family is experiencing poor management. Tomorrow afternoon, Prof. Onoda will come to your home to look for you nominally for afternoon tea, but in reality, nine times out of ten, he will talk about financing matters.

Who made you the God of Wealth in everyone’s mind (the God of Wealth in Japan is Ebisu)? If the Onda family is not able to get out of this business crisis, the position of president of the Rosebud Society will definitely not be held by Mrs. Onda again.

As of now, the most competitive one is Mrs. Honma, one of the vice-presidents. At the same time, Mrs. Hashimoto also wanted to get to the top, so she formed an alliance with Mrs. Honma. After it was accomplished, Mrs. Honma became the new president, while she became one of the vice presidents.

If the Onoda family can get out of this management crisis, then I’m afraid that Mrs. Onoda will go on to become the president of the Rosebud Society, after all, she is also inextricably linked with the wives of some of the most prestigious families in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

In my opinion, the reason why Mrs. Hashimoto invited Mrs. and Mrs. Onoda to this party tonight is that she wanted to find out the truth, and she also thought that the Onoda family might be able to come out of the management crisis. Doing something is a good way to meet someone later.” Sakai Rie said truthfully.

“I didn’t realize that your Rose Society is also a place of factions, comparable to the struggles of the women in the Ooku in the past.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as soon as he tilted his head back and took a sip of the red wine in his red wine glass.

“Didn’t you tell me that yourself? Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are interests. Where there is interest, there is right and wrong, where there is right and wrong, there is love and hate.

Where there is love and hate, there is strife, and where there is strife, there are factions. Where there are factions, there is politics, and where there is politics, there are transactions. Where there are deals, there are feuds, and where there are feuds, there are people.” Rie Sakai spoke eloquently.

“Did I say that?” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed and said.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. You’re the one who pushed me into this place of wrongdoing that is the Rosebud Society. I can’t even get out of it even if I want to.” Rie Sakai glared angrily.

“Your more experience within the Rosebud Society will also lay a solid foundation for you in the future. Reality is not a fairy tale where people are kind and they will be helped by fairies, thus winning everything.” Justice Kishimoto said meaningfully.

At this time, the Nagayama husband and wife duo also walked from far and near in front of Kishimoto Masayoshi and Sakai Inside. The two sides briefly exchanged pleasantries and pleasantries.

“I’m afraid that there will be a major change in the next reelection of the Rosebud Society.” Mrs. Nagayama said casually on the surface in a cloudy manner, while in fact saying with a sense of purpose.

“Could it be that the Vice President is trying to progress a little further.” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to. Nowadays, everyone knows that the most popular candidate is Mrs. Honma. However, I will never support her as the new president of the Rose Society.” Mrs. Nagayama made one of her positions clear saying.

Sakai Rie understood that this was another person who had come to pull her own strings. Her original intention was to stay alone and hide far away from right and wrong. However, the more she wanted to stay out of it, then the less she would be able to do so.

She had already become a force to be reckoned with, after all, she was young, so naturally, she would get close to the young ladies inside the Rosebud Club, and her relationship was quite good.

“Actually, I think you can step forward to run for the next president. At that time, it would be good for the Rosebud Society to become energized!” Mrs. Nagayama tried.

Sakai Rie wasn’t stupid, and could not be unaware of the fact that Japan was a society that ranked people according to their seniority. Even if she ran for the election herself, she would at most be able to gain the votes of the young ladies.

However, most of the people in the Rose Society were middle-aged ladies. How could they possibly sit idly by and let themselves, a young woman in her early twenties, be in charge?

Sakai Rie had the self-awareness that even if she had Kishimoto Masayoshi to back her up, she still had the problem of not having enough seniority. In addition to the daily activities of internal members of the Rosebud Association, it will also associate with other organizations outside.

This required solid relationships and connections the most. Otherwise, the grade will be lowered. The Rosebud Society is nothing more than a civic association in Nishimabu, Minato-ku.

There are many other civic associations formed by wealthy people in Chiyoda, Chuo and Setagaya wards. The presidents of these associations were all socialites.

They were people who didn’t have anything specific to do, but what they did belonged to a game called wives’ diplomacy that was being played by the upper class.

“Don’t you be silent. Is it because you can’t trust me?” Mrs. Nagayama only saw that Sakai Rie was smiling without saying anything, so she couldn’t figure out what kind of path her mind was thinking.

“Letting me lead is something that can never be done. I just need to run after you all. No matter who becomes the next new president of the Rose Society, I will support her.” Rie Sakai calmly said.

“What if I’m the one running? I’m only talking about if, would you support my candidacy?” Mrs. Nagayama said with a semi-open heart.

“Is it hard to believe that the theme of this party Mrs. Hashimoto is throwing is a canvassing party?” Rie Sakai said with a harmless and conciliatory smile.

“I know Mrs. Hashimoto did you a favor in the first place. Are you planning to take her side?” Mrs. Nagayama said as she opened her mind.

“I’ve already said that I’ll support whichever of you is elected as the next president of the Rosebud Society.” Rie Sakai made her neutrality clear and said.

“You’re not lying to me, are you?” Mrs. Nagayama said not quite believing it.

“What’s in it for me if I lie to you?” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“I’m just saying it. And why should you take it seriously. I still think you’re best suited to run for the presidency.” Mrs. Nagayama said with a mouthy snort up.

Sakai Rie just laughed and shook her head without further comment. She was thinking in her mind at the moment that she wasn’t going to be the target of an arrow. If she was really foolish enough to listen to the other party’s words and come out to run for the election, then she would inevitably incur the hostility of other people.

At that time, it would be much easier for Mrs. Nagayama to find herself again to talk about an alliance. Of course, one would not be the president, but at most a vice president. The president would then become the other party.

Instead of that, it would be better to accept Mrs. Oda’s invitation to help with the election. If she won, she herself would be one of the vice presidents, and she wouldn’t be a target yet.

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