Chapter 292: Business

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:54
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One after another, people came to greet Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai, as well as to chat a bit. As the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Hashimoto also appeared to the left and right of Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai.

“Rie, who are you going to support in the next general election for the president of the Rosebud Society?” Mrs. Hashimoto asked as she opened the door.

“I’ll support you.” Sakai Rie smiled and said.

“If you really have the heart to support me, you might as well support Mrs. Honma. At that time, if Mrs. Honma is elected as the new president of the Rosebud Society, then you and I can each be candidates for vice president.” Mrs. Hashimoto showed a pushy look and said.

“To be honest, I think Mrs. Oda has managed the Rosebud Society fairly well. If I have to say what’s bad about her, and what makes me uncomfortable, it’s nothing more than the fact that she’s a bit self-conscious about the name of a four-generation medical family. It’s not like the Kishimoto family is just a bunch of thugs.” Sakai Rie said, half-seriously and half-jokingly.

“You’re really too modest. The Kishimoto family is a famous family in Kochi Prefecture in Shikoku. This ancestor was even a daimyo at one point.” Mrs. Hashimoto said what she had learned from the Weekly Bunshun.

“Our old family is just a small place in the countryside, it’s not worth mentioning.” Sakai Rie never hid her and Masayoshi Kishimoto’s true origins.

Since her people believed in what was written above in Weekly Bunshun, she went along with it. Why bother explaining too much about something that was to her advantage?

The source of her self-confidence was that she herself was outstanding and talented, and she believed in the same saying as Masayoshi Kishimoto, that heroes don’t ask where they come from.

In her own opinion, what family she was born into and what place she was born in was not at all a factor that could be controlled by an individual; it was, after all, a random arrangement by the heavens. However, what kind of person one wants to become, that is a factor one can have some control over.

“Kishimoto-kun, they women like to talk about their women’s topics, so us staying here is just getting in the way. How about we men just go and talk about what we men talk about amongst ourselves?” Mr. Hashimoto said in a serious manner.

Masayoshi Kishimoto responded with a “yes” and moved his feet to follow the other man as he walked unhurriedly in the other direction.

“Rie, don’t worry. My husband won’t bring your fianc茅 down. What do they men have to talk about? It’s nothing more than some business talk.” Mrs. Hashimoto said in a cloudy voice.

“I don’t know anything about business matters at all. I never ask about his business either.” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

“You trust him that much?” Mrs. Hashimoto asked incredulously.

“If you don’t trust, what can you do? I can’t do it by crying and hanging myself. You must have a lot of trust in Mr. Hashimoto.” Rie Sakai said with a casual tone.

“I’m not asking for much. As long as the legal wife above the law is me alone. As for the rest, as long as he doesn’t go too far and blatant, I’m perfectly fine with turning a blind eye.

People outside look on with bated breath at how glamorous some of us who are celebrity noblewomen are, while in reality, the bitterness in our hearts is not something they can understand.” Mrs. Hashimoto said with a slight sigh.

Although Sakai Rie nodded her head to cater to her, in her heart, she was thinking, “If you really feel bitter, you should have taken the initiative to give up your position! I’m afraid it’s still a matter of not being able to give up.

I’m afraid I can’t give it up. At that time, I do not know how many women will break the head to carry out a scramble. For the general public, the biggest pain in life is not having money.

I don’t know how many people in this world wish to live a rich life, but not able to. Even if they got up earlier than a chicken and slept later than a dog, the number of people who just mixed a subsistence level was just too many.

“What about your plan to support Mrs. Oda’s re-election?” Mrs. Hashimoto suddenly remembered another whatchamacallit.

“I didn’t say that. However, I can reveal to you the definite news that tomorrow at three o’clock in the afternoon, Professor Onoda will come to see Justice for afternoon tea.” Sakai Rie said with the intention of selling her such a favor.

“Really?” Mrs. Hashimoto’s head spun to know that it wouldn’t be as simple as just having afternoon tea said.

“Why don’t you and your wife come along? At that time, I can prepare more.” Sakai Rie smiled.

“What does your fianc茅 mean?” Mrs. Hashimoto asked eagerly.

“That I’m not sure about. As I told you earlier, I never ask about his business. If it involves business matters, I will be even less likely to ask about it.” Sakai Rie calmly said.

“If Kishimoto-kun had provided a sum of money to the Onoda family, then it would have been able to give them a reprieve. However, you have to realize that the Onoda family’s hospital has always been poorly run, and is already at the point of dying.

Even if it breathes a sigh of relief, it will only be a flashback before it dies. It would be better not to give the money rather than throw it in for nothing.

Your family really wants to make an investment, then it would be a good idea to put the money into Mr. Honma’s company instead.” Mrs. Hashimoto tried to convince her saying.

“I really didn’t see that you know how to invest, Mrs. Hashimoto.” Sakai Rie guffawed.

“When it comes to the way of investment, Kishimoto-kun is a great expert. How dare I show off in front of him? If this saves the Onda family hospital, then Mrs. Onda will in all probability continue to be re-elected to the position of Chairman.

At that time, the only way she’ll be grateful to you is to give you a vice-presidency. With you, me, and Mrs. Honma standing together, even though you will only be able to be a vice president, there will be a bond between the three of us.

After Mrs. Honma has served two terms as president, I will take over as president. After I serve two terms as president, you will take over.

In this way, our Rosebud Society will no longer be a dictatorial form of re-election.” Mrs. Hashimoto began to draw a wonderful blueprint for the other party saying.

“Why do you guys always have to drag me into this? Is it so hard for me to remain a neutral?” Rie Sakai said showing her complete lack of interest in this.

“The reason why you’re not only the most favored candidate, but also the one that everyone has high hopes for, is that your attitude and stance can directly affect the final outcome of the election.

Both Mrs. Honma and Mrs. Oda want to win. On top of that, there’s also Mrs. Nagayama, who’s very eager to win.

If they lose, I’m afraid that it’s not just a matter of losing face, but also about their influence both internally and externally.” Mrs. Hashimoto said bluntly.

“By the way you put it, it’s making it seem like the prime ministerial election.” Rie Sakai said understanding that her words were not a lie.

“It means pretty much the same thing.” Mrs. Hashimoto didn’t deny it said.

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