Chapter 294 Husband and Wife

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:37:59
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The doorbell of Kishimoto’s house rang once again. Sakai Rie took it upon herself to get up and answer the door. She opened the door to see that Mrs. Hashimoto appeared before her.

As soon as Mrs. Hashimoto walked in, she began to yell, “I had nothing to do at home alone, so I ran over to have afternoon tea with you.”

Seeing the Onada couple sitting on top of the couch in the large living room, she added with feigned surprise, “You’re here too!”

Mrs. Onada didn’t know that the other party had come here purposely to inquire about the news, and took it all as just a coincidence. Last night, the husband and wife had even shown up at the Hashimoto family’s party. Now, they were too embarrassed to just get up and leave.

Mrs. Hashimoto didn’t see the need for strangers, and directly sat on top of the sofa, smilingly saying, “Do you mind if I join you?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto spread out his hands, indicating that he didn’t mind at all. At this time the Sakai Rie went to the kitchen again and took a clean set of empty cups with western motifs is reentering the large living room.

“Just now, what were you all talking about?” Mrs. Hashimoto poked at the root of the matter.

Mrs. Oda hurriedly answered, “Didn’t talk about a thing.”

“Didn’t talk about a single thing, so what exactly was it?” Mrs. Hashimoto wore a fake smile on her face, but in her heart of hearts, she knew that the Onada couple had deliberately run here for help.

“Nothing more than some small talk. Could it be that you even want to know about the gossip we talk about?” Mrs. Onada’s face also wore a three-quarter fake smile as she calmly said.

Mrs. Hashimoto did not reply again, but looked left and right intentionally. Not only did she then defuse this current embarrassment for herself, but she also showed that she was very close to Rie Sakai, “Rie, where’s your sister Meiling? As I recall, she comes back here from school every Friday for the weekend.”

“Don’t know about her. She’s not a little girl, she doesn’t need my constant supervision. Otherwise, she’d find me so annoying.” Sakai Rie was managed to cope with it said.

“Isn’t that how kids are nowadays? Not to mention you as an elder sister, even I as a mother is getting confused about what’s going on with kids nowadays.” Mrs. Hashimoto lamented.

Although the Onada couple did not have the tangible feeling that the other party was intentionally coming to stir up trouble and destruction in response to her sudden intrusion, they could not continue to carry on the earlier conversation with Masayoshi Kishimoto with her present.

The two had come here for the purpose of finding funds and help, and were in no mood for small talk. Even if they didn’t feel like they were sitting on pins and needles, they still felt a great deal of discomfort in their hearts.

Mrs. Oda suddenly had a bright idea and said, ”Today’s weather is quite nice and sunny. How about the three of us women move inside the Rie family’s back garden for afternoon tea?

Chatting about the gossipy topics of our women’s family here will not only make the men laugh, but it’s also not too easy for us to let go of the conversation.”

Mrs. Hashimoto was unimpressed and said, “I for one am most afraid of the sun. If you guys want to go out and bask in the sun, then go ahead! I feel fine staying inside the house.

By the way, I was able to ask Kishimoto-kun for some advice on investment matters. Recently, our family has gained so much extra free money, and we don’t know what to do with it?”

As soon as Mrs. Oda heard her words, they were clearly directed at herself. At this current moment, what the Onada family lacked the most was money. For this matter, not only was her husband in a hurry, but she herself was also worried.

If Onoda Hospital went bankrupt and closed down, it would not only be a business matter, but would also affect the entire Onoda family. It would be difficult for her to live a normal life after being raised and used to the life of a celebrity and a noblewoman.

“Honey, let’s go.” Mrs. Onoda said as she stood up expansively.

Professor Onoda stood up slowly, his attention of one pair of eyes still falling on Masayoshi Kishimoto’s body and said, “Kishimoto-kun, it is really a nuisance to you.”

“I’m sorry for not being able to help you in any way.” Masayoshi Kishimoto still said with courtesy.

Sakai Rie’s mood suddenly became a bit complicated. She even felt ashamed of Mr. and Mrs. Onoda, so she personally sent the couple out the door before turning her back and returning to the living room.

The reason why today’s situation has come to this, she knows in her heart that she also has some responsibility. If she hadn’t told Mrs. Hashimoto about this matter, there wouldn’t have been a sudden intrusion from the other party.

Mrs. Hashimoto sneered, “What are you still doing posing as chairman? Looking at it makes me feel sick.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t pick up the conversation, just thinking that once a woman flips her face, it’s not normally fast. Yesterday, it was still good sisters, and today, they became enemies.

“Kishimoto-kun, they must have come to you to save their lives!” Mrs. Hashimoto said bluntly.

“It’s not able to be said like you. They just came to me to talk business. In the end, this one business was just not negotiated between us.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew what to say and what not to say.

“According to your business experience, does the Onda family’s Onda Hospital still have a chance to be saved?” Mrs. Hashimoto asked with a sense of purpose.

Masayoshi Kishimoto feigned confusion, “We simply didn’t have the time to chat more than a few words, and you came out of the blue. As for what exactly is a specific situation, I really don’t know much about it.”

“Before I came to you, I made a special trip to the Honma house to see Mrs. Honma. Her meaning and attitude were very clear, and she is determined to win the position of the next president of the Rosebud Society.

If the Onoda family falls into ruin because of this incident, naturally, they will not be able to continue to serve as our president.

We can’t let a person whose family is in decline to represent the Rosebud Association! This would not only cause our association’s grade to drop drastically, but it would also be ridiculed by people from other associations.

Even if we don’t change the election, it will make it difficult for Mrs. Oda to continue to stay in the Rosebud Association, after all, the expenses can put pressure and burden on her.” Mrs. Hashimoto couldn’t help but laugh sarcastically and said.

Sakai Rie finally understood what it meant to have a noble husband and honorable wife. A wife’s status outside the home is all dependent on the size of her husband’s career.

Once a man’s career fails. As the wife of the person, there is no place in the small circle. Individuals in the past all kinds of splendor will instantly become dissipated.

Upper class society looks bright and shiny, but in fact, one by one with a mask showing more or less hypocrisy. Everyone is most concerned with practical benefits.

Mrs. Oda, even as the president, had come to a point where she was a traitor to her family. Even those who had been favored by her in the past had changed their faces one after another, and had moved closer to Mrs. Honma.

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