Chapter 295: The Heart of Pure Goodness

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:38:02
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Half a month later, the Onoda family moved out of their original residence. Except for Rie Sakai, no one else who lived here went to see off the Onoda family.

The reelection of the Rosary Society was thus brought forward. It was also an unspoken fact that Mrs. Onoda did not have the face to attend. With this absence, she was also deemed to have voluntarily stepped down from her position.

After a secret ballot, Mrs. Honma was successfully elected as the new president of the Rosebud Society. The two vice-presidents under her nomination were then Mrs. Hashimoto and Rie Sakai.

Sakai Rie was baffled at the time. Mrs. Hashimoto was not only the one who had contributed the most, but also had a political alliance with Mrs. Homma.

It was only natural for her to assume the position of Vice President. As for myself, I had tried to maintain a neutral attitude from the beginning to the end, but I was unexpectedly appointed as vice president as well.

This reelection of the Rosary Society was hailed as the most successful, democratic and fair ever. Even all of Mrs. Oda’s past efforts and accomplishments were rubbed right out.

Topics about Mrs. Oda and her family were no longer good enough to be mentioned about each other, even if they weren’t taboo. The rules of the game inside reality were just so cruel.

Sakai Rie, while accepting the congratulations of the other members of the Rosebud Association, did not fail to think of the fact that her ability to gain the position she has today is inextricably linked to Kishimoto Masayoshi.

Said anyone can, only pay attention to each person’s ability and so on, but in fact, still and each family’s strength is inextricably linked.

In the evening, Kishimoto Masayoshi returned home to see Sakai Rie, but did not see dinner. He had the presence of mind to ask, “I’m hungry.”

“I thought you weren’t coming back for dinner, so I didn’t make it.” Rie Sakai wasn’t making excuses at all, just following past experience.

“So it’s still my fault? In the future, I’m going to have to give you a call for a word of warning before I go home for dinner.” Masayoshi Kishimoto cried and laughed.

“You’re so unreasonable for one. Inside a normal day, I make it and you don’t eat it. Why should I do it? Today, who knew it would be such a coincidence that you’d want to eat it again.” Sakai Rie rationalized.

“There’s no need for you to do it either. I’m going out to eat right now. By the way, have you eaten yet? If not, we’ll dine out together.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Are you very hungry? If not, I’d like to have a nice chat with you.” Rie Sakai said as she tried to find someone agreeable to confide in.

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat down on the long sofa in the living room and slapped his right palm down twice, “Come on! My brother in law will give you answers to all the doubts you have about growing up in life.”

Rie Sakai sat down next to him and said, “This morning, our Rosebud Society completed its general election. In fact, things were all changes that were expected, so there was nothing to it.

At noon, when we gathered together for dinner, Mrs. Oda became the laughing stock of some people. I suddenly felt at that time that this group of women in front of me was really too hypocritical.

Even if they wanted to please Mrs. Honma, there was no need to use her to offer such an attentiveness. In the past, when Mrs. Oda was still the president of the Rose Society, there was never a shortage of women around her. Nowadays, to be ridiculed behind her back like this, it really makes me feel strangely uncomfortable in my heart.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to pull up one of her small hands and said, “My fianc茅e is truly a person with a pure heart.”

“Stop saying nice things to make me happy.” Sakai Rie said in dissatisfaction.

“I’m serious. The fact that you’re uncomfortable with this in your heart means that your conscience hasn’t died out yet. If it were my inner world, there wouldn’t be a single ripple produced out of it at all.

Not to mention the words of the winner is the king, the loser is the enemy. Worshiping the high and stepping on the low, human nature. Why should you care?” Justice Kishimoto said unhurriedly.

“I’m just uncomfortable in my heart.” Sakai Rie snapped.

“That’s why I said you have a pure heart. People are advanced animals that tend to avoid harm, and it’s also often human nature to do so. The congregation of people inside your Rose Society who are dedicated to kissing Lady Honma’s ass, are they guilty of sticking their necks out for a Lady Oda who will not be able to get along with them in the future?

Even if there were such people whose heads don’t turn, it wouldn’t be viewed as such a noble and righteous act by you. Again, it’s not something that fits the rules of the game in high society.

The cheapest and best means of investment is nothing more than making fun of the out-of-power Lady Onada. Who let Mrs. Honma and Mrs. Onoda originally have an open and secret gap?

If it was said that the people and Mrs. Onoda also had a small quarrel, it was not at all in a well. Mrs. Honma was comfortable listening to them, while they were having fun, and incidentally enlivening the whole atmosphere.

As far as they were concerned, why not? Japanese women, especially the older ones, are notorious for the meanness of their sarcasm after people.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled a bit.

Rie Sakai moved her body closer towards him and said, “I find that you know a lot about it, don’t you?”

“What is this? Are you women not on the same level when you fight amongst yourselves as we are when we fight amongst our men?

Japanese society is an undisputed male-dominated society. On the surface, we men have a higher social status than you women, but in reality?

We are under a lot more pressure than you women. You can’t bear the external pressure, you can also choose to marry, return to the family, or even escape.

It is only natural for men to support women. You women can still talk about it and show it off to the outside world. If a woman supports a man, the man is a soft eater.

Men can have any shortcomings, but only can never have the shortcomings of not being able to earn money. Even in the primitive society, such a man belongs to the hunting of the prey of the waste of a person.

Not to mention women, even children look down on such people. Human progress to the modern society, reflecting the male charisma and ability is to make money.

How much money a person can earn, from a certain point of view, that is, society is giving you a score. Failing, passing, good, or excellent basically depends on this.” Masayoshi Kishimoto downplayed it for a moment and said.

“I can support myself without relying on you.” Rie Sakai said with a stiff upper lip.

Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said with a double entendre, “I know you can do it. In the future, our family will rely on you. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do anything on my own.”

Sakai Rie stared at his impishly smiling face and said, “There’s something in your words!”

Justice Kishimoto didn’t admit it, “You’re really thinking too much. Alright, let’s go out to eat.”

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