Chapter 300: A Friend for Life

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:38:16
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“Later, you’ll go with us to the celebration banquet for Hard Gold Construction.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“That’s not very nice! I’m not contributing to any of this.” Miyazaki Ryui said honestly.

“If I tell you to go, you go. Think of it all as me picking up after you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“Boss, you mean you’re planning to transfer me from San Francisco, USA back to Tokyo, Japan.” Miyazaki Ryui said as his eyes began to light up.

“About you, let me think about it for a while longer. Right now, I need to go out. Go have fun by yourself!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he stood up and said.

Miyazaki Ryui hurriedly followed suit and stood up and bowed deeply towards him until he walked out of the president’s office.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at the time and went to meet up with Professor Yamazaki inside a nearby cafe as promised. Before he arrived, he didn’t forget to take the briefcase in his drawer.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived at the place, he didn’t see Prof. Yamazaki right away, but he raised his right hand in a gesture. When he saw him, he walked straight toward him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat down across from Prof. Yamazaki and ordered a cup of cat shit coffee. He waited until the waiter turned around and walked away, then he directly handed over the document bag.

Professor Yamazaki took it over, but didn’t open it to look at it and said, “It’s all in here, isn’t it?”

“It’s all the same. It also includes Kazuhiko Inoue’s business card. If Yulia still blackmails you with this, just call Kazuhiko Inoue directly. He’ll help you smooth out everything for the rest of the day.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“How thoughtful of you.” Prof. Yamazaki said with complete faith in what he said.

“There words. We’re all just taking what we need. Even if we have the opportunity to work together in the future, we will no longer mention this one thing.

One thing leads to another, and everything must be handled according to the rules.” Kishimoto justice is knife cut tofu two sides light, all have no intention to always pinch those things Road.

“You’re a pain in the ass. In the future, if you can still need me to contribute to the place, just feel free to command.” Prof. Yamazaki was actually a bit moved by his readiness.

From the very beginning of the cooperation, he still had reservations, fearing that he would be trapped deeper and deeper into the trap. Nowadays, it seemed that he was completely worrying over nothing.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t just hand the other party something and get up to leave. He not only waited for the waitress to deliver the coffee he had asked for, but he also picked it up and took a sip, placing it back down without haste.

“You’re an expert in this line of civil engineering. If they encounter any technical difficulties, I will naturally still seek your help.

If I were to directly make you a consultant, it would be inconvenient, and then I would be attacked on the pretext. In fact, these things we all play, it’s nothing.

It’s just an extra insurance policy on a technical level with you, so that there won’t be any surprises.” Justice Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Professor Yamazaki did not express any objections. He himself was originally the leader of the expert group for the Roppongi Old Town Renovation Plan, and the other party’s company was a party of interest.

Just because things were nailed down didn’t mean they were completely safe. If someone seized solid evidence and handle, there is no guarantee that it will not make waves. At that time, the relevant government departments will certainly be involved in an investigation. He is definitely not off the hook.

“Whether it is fame and fortune, or social status, when it comes to getting is the need to little by little to fight, to fight. After decades of fighting to get these, destroyed is quite easy, can be said to be a snap of the fingers.” Prof. Yamazaki after this time is deeply experienced said.

“In life, there will inevitably be some ups and downs. Smooth sailing does not exist in reality.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had another insight and experience, saying.

“Nowadays, I feel that talking to you is strangely interesting. If you don’t mind, I’d love to be an old friend with you.”

Even if Prof. Yamazaki was older, the dean of the University of Tokyo’s School of Civil Engineering, it didn’t mean that he was superior to the other party. In the capitalist system of Japan, whoever had money was the boss.

Otherwise, Japan wouldn’t be a country controlled by zaibatsu. Even in the political world, it was heavily influenced by the zaibatsu.

Even political families that have been around for several generations are equally unavoidable. Plutocrats of all sizes had spokespersons in front of the stage.

The Hard Gold Group was able to successfully take over the entire Roppongi’s old city renovation program, thus also establishing the Hard Gold Zaibatsu Kishimoto family as a flag that was erected.

It is always better to become friends with someone like him than to become enemies, after all, he has had a personal experience.

In the future, if you want to make progress, you should aim for the position of the president of the University of Tokyo. This can sit on the person, absolutely not what academic attainments above who is big who will be on, but who can have the wrist and the ability to smooth out the internal and external relations, who often will be able to get on.

“It is an honor.” Although Masayoshi Kishimoto had a face of feigned candor, in his heart, he had very different calculations from the other party.

He valued Professor Yamazaki’s connections and reputation in the academic world. Regardless of whether it was his own future child or someone else’s, as long as they wanted to enter a prestigious school they would have to pass an exam.

There was no guarantee that there would be any children who were not gifted in reading, so he would have to create the conditions for them to enter. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in high society.

One of the best things about a prestigious university is that it is possible to seek an interest group through the consensus of teachers, alumni, and classmates. The Japanese society is apparently democratic, but in reality it is a “village community”.

After the defeat of the war, Japan was forced by the United States to develop a set of American-style democracy, which is the skin. On the inside, it still adheres to the old system of superiority and inferiority of its own people.

Therefore, the famous Japanese scholar Kato Monday put forward the country is a “mongrel culture”. The foundation of this is traced back to the 280 or so Jiban before the Meiji Restoration.

This can be seen not only in the companies of Japan, but also in the companies under the six divisions of the Self Defense Forces.

For example, one of the companies, Yamagata Company, was made up of people from Yamagata Prefecture. Even modern armies are still doing this. Even one man, one vote can be completely centralized by group snobbery.

Japanese people are most concerned about a team spirit, and their greatest fear is to be ostracized and isolated. Some big companies have hundreds of thousands of employees. Add to that their families and whatnot, and there can be millions of people at any given time.

That’s millions of votes. No politician would ignore this force of support. So, the plutocrats can not only give support in terms of money, but also in terms of votes. Anyone among them who coughed and stomped their feet would also be able to make the entire country nervous.

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