Chapter 303 House (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:38:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Kishimoto Masayoshi ate well and left first. As for how the subordinates were having fun, he would not bother himself. Not to mention that at the moment it was not during working hours.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not choose to go back to his home in Nishi-Mabu in the harbor area, and as always, he called Rie Sakai and lied that he had a social gathering. In the evening, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.

Unlike the Chinese, the Japanese do not drink until dawn, and even have to go to work the next day. Whether it’s for sobriety or to lift your spirits, Japanese drugstores sell them all. Tokyo is never short of twenty-four hour stores, either.

Instead, Masayoshi Kishimoto’s feet were headed towards Makoto Natsui’s place. However, before going to her place, he went to his car to pick up one thing.

Since it wasn’t very late, Natsui Makoto was sitting on top of the long sofa in the living room eating fruit while watching TV. Her stomach bulged out more and more.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had the key and opened the door directly. He changed his slippers at the entrance hall and headed inside. As soon as he sat himself down on Natsui Makoto’s side, he placed the one in his hand on top of the glass coffee table.

“You’re going to have to keep this to yourself.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he fell backward and leaned his back against the back of the couch.

Natsui Makoto leaned forward and with slight effort went to take the item on top of the glass coffee table. She took it in her hand and glanced at it, the real estate registration certificate.

It had already transferred the house from Masayoshi Kishimoto’s name to hers, which meant that he had given himself a fortune of about fifty million yen.

“Happy?” Masayoshi Kishimoto did what he said he would do, completely honoring the promise he had made to her in the first place, saying.

“To say that I’m not happy, that’s definitely a lie, after all, most people can’t afford to buy a high-class elevator apartment like this one even after a lifetime of frugal struggle.” Natsui Makoto had a word for it.

“Who let you meet me and I took a liking to you? Is your heart much more solid and less insecure nowadays?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he reached out his right arm and went to wrap it around her shoulders.

Natsui Makoto’s mood appeared a bit complicated as she snuggled towards him and said in an epiphany, “I finally understand why there are so many girls at the bottom of the social ladder who are hell-bent on finding rich men.”

“Human society is as realistic as it gets. Regardless of the past, the present, and the future, even with all the changes, there are still a hundred changes.

Being with a poor boy, there’s no guarantee that there won’t be a day when you don’t break up. If that day comes, and not nothing to gain? Not only that, the woman also lost into the most beautiful youthful years.

Once a woman is over 25 years old, she generally starts to go downhill. Men with successful careers tend to look for girls under 25.

You women are like drinks, they have a shelf life. We men are like wine, the longer the better. Of course, it would be tragic if a man reaches middle age and accomplishes nothing.

Such men are generally living alone in Japan, if not as vagrants on the streets. Not to mention the pain of not having money, something you know only too well.

Not only are you not able to eat and dress well, but from time to time you will be faced with the dilemma of being short of money on hand.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Are you going to plan to abandon me after I turn 25?” Natsui Makoto suddenly asked with sensitivity.

“How could that be? The child inside your stomach is the bond that will be completely severed between us for the rest of our lives.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s other hand was placed on top of her bulging abdomen and said.

“Actually! I also know that an outstanding man like you definitely doesn’t belong to me alone. I’m also not that blessed to be able to consume all of this.

My request is very low, as long as you can come to see me and the child once a week in the future.” Natsui Makoto said what she had in mind.

“I promise you. If you don’t make it one week, I’ll make it up to you in the future. Mind you, there’s no guarantee that I won’t be traveling abroad a lot or something.” Masayoshi Kishimoto promised.

Natsui Makoto immediately smiled happily and said, “You have to remember what you said to me tonight, and you can’t go back on it in the future.”

“I will never go back on my word. Let’s high five.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he raised the hand that was resting on top of her belly.

Natsui Makoto raised her right palm and gave him a high-five, “The child and I believe you.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto enjoyed the warmth and happiness. He had given all that he needed to give except for his marriage, which he could not give to Natsui Makoto. He didn’t feel that he had anything to owe her.

“Why is it so easy for you to make money? And it’s especially hard for us?” Natsui Makoto holding the real estate registration certificate in her hand is thoughtfully asked.

“Japan is a country that has been at peace for too long, resulting in the division of what should have been divided up a long time ago. Either a long time of civil unrest, or a long time of external war, is to break this kind of situation, and then realize the reshuffle and distribution of social wealth.

There is also the possibility that only those who are gifted have the chance to stand out or win in the existing rules of the game.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible. Why do you think so many Japanese are addicted to gambling? They want to get rich and change their current fate.

Gambling to get rich, except the banker, from ancient times to the present, you have heard of a few people who have succeeded? Only their own capital more and more, then it will get better and better. The poorer the poorer, the richer the rich.

For those who have no capital, living in the world is like suffering and sadness in hell. In addition to their monthly income, they have very little left for survival.

They don’t have much money left to invest in their future. As you know, going to university in Japan is quite expensive.

Even if you can get a loan for college education for someone who can’t afford it, it will leave them with a heavy debt for quite some time to come, which they will have trouble getting rid of completely until middle age.

When the previous generation has little money, then it is inevitable that the future of the next generation will be seriously affected. Thus, a vicious circle is created.

The more they want to get rid of their fate, the more they can’t get rid of it, and in turn, the deeper they fall into it and find it difficult to extricate themselves. The reasoning is very simple, the risk of desperation is simply too great.

People like this, very likely from the moment of birth was decided by God. Anyone who comes into this world above, each carries a different amount of capital.

However, when it comes to you women, it is possible to make a go of it through the capital you were born with. Although the successful women are extremely few, but it is always a way. No money, no way, rely on what? Relying on the opportunity.

Opportunity comes, once seized can turn over. There are always so many chances in a person’s life.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

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